• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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A Beautiful City to be Deceived

The beauty of Val Roa intensified the further the noble caravan penetrated the heart of the city. No street went straight for any distance greater than twenty meters. Every avenue was curved; every alleyway bent. The courtyards and paths were built in a serpentine fashion, constantly accomodating for the curved, asymmetrical foundations of the polished spires towering above. Despite how cramped and claustrophobic the streets felt, they were no less busy and bustling than any other city Rainbow Dash had seen in her travels. Ponies and deer alike trotted from vendor to vendor, from garden to garden. Residents sat out in the open, sharing merry stories, refreshing themselves at breezy cafes that dangled with gardens bespeckled with desert flowers.

There were creatures from all walks of life. Rainbow Dash looked out the windows of the cart, spotting llamas and giraffes... zebras and rams. There were even a few merchant hubs where naga stood, their bodies fully clad in mana-powered Lounge gear. The place was—by and large—the most diversified cultural gathering that the pegasus had seen in the bulk of her travels.

However, it was still rather obvious who the power belonged to. Though a distinct flavor of aristocracy filled every district of the bronze-toned city, the elks and deer were clearly the best-dressed out of all the citizens. Basically any creature with branching antlers were considerably more priviledged than the rest. They congregated on balconies to lush apartments that overlooked the lower halves of the polished amber spires where the sunlight only occasionally reached. Banners billowed from sharp, pointed rooftops, bearing the Val Roan crest which—to very little surprise—illustrated deer antlers silhouetted against a starry desert sky.

“It's a nice place...” Ebon Mane muttered. “Just... a lot nicer than I expected.”

“Hmmph.” Kera folded her forelimbs. “In other words, boring.”

“Well, what did you expect?” Mamunia asked from across the coach.

Ebon shrugged. “Well... I-I mean... with all of the horrible conspiracy stuff we've heard about, I suspected the citizens living here would be less... less...”

“Stuffy?” Rainbow Dash droned.


“Heh...” Rainbow smirked. “Ebon, they might look happy, but—”

“Oh, they are,” Ebon said. “Trust me.”

She squinted at him. “And how do you know that?”

The shape-shifter simply stared back at her.

She winced. “Er... r-right.” She peeked out the window again. “I always forget you could do that.”

“What'd you bring me on this trip for, then?” He smirked. “My good looks?”

“Nah. Then I would have brought Props.”

Kera giggled.

“Don't let the looks of this city deceive you,” Arcanista said, then faced Ebon. “Or the feeling.” With a soft sigh, she gazed out beyond Jake and Floydien. “While the majority of this town's populace is completely and utterly innocent, there's a tiny oligarchy spinning a web of lies that will only bring this entire kingdom to ruin.” She exhaled out her nostrils. “And Bountiful along with it.”

“Bananas.” Jake grumbled, glancing briefly over his shoulder. “We ain't gonna let that snot hit the shower stall floor, Duchy Baby! Isn't that right, Floydo-Boyo?”

“Don't crowd Floydien.”

“Ain't my fault! Someone built this dayum city after the small intestine!”


“It's the same crap that's happened in Ledomare and Xona,” Rainbow Dash said.

“How do you mean?” Jet asked, blinking. “Do you mean...”

“This is the perfect nest for Queen Chrysalis to take a nasty dump in,” the mare said. She turned towards Kera and performed a mock bow. “Oh, beg your pardon, 'Princess.'”

“No, carry on!” Kera nodded, smirking. “You've woken me up!”

“It's simple, really.” Rainbow frowned. “Simply evil. Chrysalis sniffs around, finds a kingdom with a lot of deep-seeded problems, and then she goes about exploiting it! Ledomare had a totalitarian military that sent loved ones off to war and experimented on non-ponies. Xona had a bunch of zealots ready and willing to sacrifice their lives for an estranged monarch. Chrysalis replaced some ponies here... added some changelings here... and Bam! Suddenly she was taking all the worst stuff from both kingdoms and—like—accelerating their demise! The war intensified, and she got to feed on the tasty tasty misery that she forced her brood into thinking they needed.”

Ebon Mane shuddered, eyes locked on a wall of the jostling coach.

“And the citizens just...” Mamunia shrugged. “...let all this happen?”

“They were blind to it?” Jet asked.

Rainbow nodded. “Think about it. If there's something already sucky about the nation you live in, and it just happens to get suckier, are you really gonna question it?” She shrugged. “You sure as heck wouldn't think a bunch of bug-eyed shape-shifting ponies are somehow responsible!”

“Mother's so selfish,” Ebon muttered. “All that matters is her sister's war on the dark side. She won't stop until she's strong enough to return there... or at least until she thinks she's strong enough.”

“And just how will she accomplish that?” Arcanista asked. “Isn't her link with all her changelings broken?

Ebon nodded. “But she could get strong enough to reclaim that link.”

“Really?” Jet gulped. “Become strong how?

“By feeding,” Ebon said, muttering. “If she can cause a large enough calamity to happen in Val Roa... causing an implosion of the very culture itself...”

“Then she'll be empowered enough to re-establish her mind-link stuff,” Rainbow muttered, staring out the windows. “And the rest of the sun-lit world is once again doomed.”

“And every citizen looks so peaceful,” Mamunia muttered, gazing out the front of the coach. “Like a calm before the storm.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow Dash smirked. “We're here to deliver a bit of thunder ourselves.”

Kera looked at Ebon. “Do you sense her?”

“Huh?” Ebon glanced down.

“Queen Chryssie.” Kera's green eyes narrowed. “Your 'Mother.'”

Ebon chewed on the edge of his lip. His “tattoos” almost faded. “I... I-I...”

The elk and four ponies stared at him.

He sighed, ears drooping. “It's hard to say...”

“What's so hard about it?!” Kera squeaked. “Is she here or isn't she?”

“Kera, we're not betting our entire trip on Ebon's ability to sniff out his Mom,” Rainbow droned.

“Why not?!” Kera pointed at his head. “He's got that empathic changeling homing pigeon stuff, right?”

“I feel...” Ebon shuddered. “I feel her presence, yes, but it's... d-different than before.”

“Different in what way?” Arcanista asked.

“She's here in Val Roa, alright,” Ebon said with a nod. “But... the presence is faint.” He gulped. “Almost paper thin.”

“Well, duh.” Kera smiled over at Rainbow. “She's been up against the ropes ever since Rainbow here gave her the zap!”

“No... I-I don't know...” Ebon rubbed his head, wincing. “It's... h-hard to explain. It's almost as if she's not the same.”

Arcanista reached over with her large hoof. “Shhhhh... Just relax, my little pony.” She smiled. “We have more pressing concerns at the moment. Concentrate on being the Xonan Princess' entourage, and things will eventually reveal themselves.”

“Yeah...” Ebon nodded with a sigh. “I-I hope so.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was staring once more out the window in the side of the vehicle. At one point, the stagecoach passed a copper-plated tower in the middle of a courtyard. On the top of the platform, three deer sat, their bodies poised meditatively. The stallions' eyes were closed, and their antlers brimmed with a bright emerald glow.

Rainbow leaned forward, squinting.

The bucks continued sitting in total silence. Then, suddenly, one of them opened his glowing eyes, turning to look at the cart.

“Guh!” Rainbow Dash slapped the window shut and scrunched up against a mound of cushions, hugging herself.

Arcanista and her two maids glanced at her.

“What's wrong?” Arcanista asked. “Did you see something?”

Rainbow gulped. “A... a bunch of deer guards with glowy antlers.” She shuddered. “And bright green eyes.”

Arcanista smiled thinly. “Soul sentries.”

Rainbow's eyes twitched. “For real? That's what they look like up close?”

“Undoubtedly they've erected multiple guard stations throughout downtown Val Roa to provide security for the Coronation,” the Duchess said. “It's customary to have a guard in every major intersection to keep a protective watch on the citizenry.”

“Uhhhh...” Rainbow fidgeted. “I saw three guards on this one tower.”

Arcanista's ears folded back. “Three per tower?” She exhaled through her nostrils.

Jake peered back from where he drew the wagon. “That's overkill, even for me.”

Floydien glanced aside. “What what what?”

Jake frowned. “We've crossed at least twelve guard stations since we entered the streets of this place. Never in my long life of goblin clobberin' have I seen that many soul sentries all at once. Val Roa has always had a strong military, but the soul sentry division never had a reason to employ this many dedicated members.”

“It's like the whole city has turned into a military camp,” Arcanista said. “At least by Val Roan standards.”

“What could they be preparing for?” Mamunia fidgeted awkwardly. “A war?”

“Don't be silly!” Jet frowned. “Val Roa has always been peaceful! If nothing else, the kingdom's kept their military engagements outside the West Gate!”

“That could all change,” Rainbow muttered. “Provided a certain changeling queen decides to draw a conflict in.”

“No way!” Jet stammered. “General Saikano wouldn't allow it!”

Rainbow Dash, Ebon Mane, and Duchess Arcanista exchanged glances.

Jet gulped. “R-right?”

Arcanista took a deep breath. “I shudder to think...”

“What's that tower of polish polish up ahead?” Floydien muttered.

“Sternum!” Jake beamed. “The Sandstone District!” He glanced over his shoulder. “Hey Duchy Baby. We're almost there. Boy do I gotta piss like there's no tomorrow.”

“Hmmph. Keep it in the boomer's bag.”

“Easy for you to say, Duke of Dryness!”

“Shhhhhh...” Arcanista leaned forward. “Politeness... serenity... patience.” She smiled. “Bring us in to the palace slowly, Constable. Once a servant of the Council arrives, I shall do all the rest.”

“Hrmmmff... sure thing, Madame. But I'll be watching!”

“Of that, I have no doubt, Constable.” She turned and looked back at Rainbow and her fellow jurists. “We have arrived.”

“Okay, Rainbow!” Kera smirked, straightening her mane and gown. “Time for you to go into unassuming mode!”

“Bleack. I hate unassuming mode.”

“And how do you think I feel?” Kera asked. She looked up at Ebon, rolled her eyes, and picked up the stone shard. “Honestly!” Thwap! She slapped it over his wincing forehead. “What's the deal, here?!”

“S-sorry! I was... d'uhm... d-distracted by all the Val Roa exposition!”

“Don't make me go all Belle on you!”

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