• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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"Wagons east!" they said. "And hoofmaidens!"

A great cosmic expanse loomed before her.

She'd seen it before, but she was still breathless.

With nervous shivers, she gazed left and right at the glittering stars.

She passed galaxies, ribbons of nebulous dust, and swirling eddies of dark matter.

At last, she approached a cloud of chaos.

The darkness enveloped her, and it grew even colder.

She reached out with a blind hoof, feeling her panting breaths grow more and more desperate... high-pitched.

She was lost... and yet...

Somewhere beyond the miasma, she could have sworn she saw a light source..

A bright golden beacon that was ever so slightly eclipsed by a plane... a curved solid mass...

“Foal.” Trillions of voice chanted at once.

“Hello?!” she shouted into oblivion.

The darkness parted ways.

The plane loomed closer, along with the bright star obscured behind it.

Somewhere, a pale moon lingered... as if waiting to rise in the sun's place.

“Somepony?! Anypony?!” She hyperventilated, reaching forward... swimming forward. “What are you trying to tell me?!”

The countless voices chanted again, splitting the heavens in two. “Yesterday.”

Before Rainbow, the light beyond the plane obscured.

The image refracted, forming two curved lines facing each other and orbited by tiny circles.

Rainbow clenched her eyes, wincing in pain.

Just then, a warm hoof grasped around hers and yanked her forward.

“Guhhh!” Rainbow plummeted.

“Whoah!” Ebon Mane caught the mare, steadying her inside the rattling stagecoach. “Rainbow! Are... are you okay?”

“H-huh?!” Rainbow stared at him, eyes wide and bright. She looked all around the vehicle's interior.

The two servants, Mamunia and Jet, sat barely inches away. It was very cramped inside the otherwise lush wagon. When Rainbow sat back, she nearly brushed elbows with Kera. To her right, Rainbow could see Arcanista. The Duchess' large elk girth took up nearly a third of the wagon.

“Unsettling dreams?” Arcanista asked.

“I... I...” Rainbow leaned back, wincing. “I don't...” She turned her head to the left and squinted out the front of the wagon.

Through a slight part in the curtains, she could see the rear flanks of Jake and Floydien. A brown dirt road rolled beneath their steady cloven hooves. Rainbow couldn't see the countryside from beyond the veil. However, it took no small effort to spot the Yaerfaerda symbol. The lavender bands loomed slightly to the right of the wagon entrance, which was how Rainbow could tell that their vehicle was heading slightly northeast. As the sweat dried from her brow and her heartrate returned to normal, Rainbow thought she saw a slight pulse to the haunting emblem, but it swiftly returned to its ever-persistent glimmer.

Rainbow sighed, slumping her head.

“You feeling okay, Rainbow Dash?” Ebon asked.

“Mrhmmm... yeah...” Rainbow fidgeted in her plain brown garb. “As okay as I'll ever be.”

“It's long been accepted that persistent nightmares are the sign of stress and anxiety on the mind,” said one servant in a pleasant tone. For the time being, Rainbow couldn't tell whether it was Jet or Mamunia. Both mares looked so similar—especially in their matching gowns. Rainbow figured if that worked with her, then nopony in Val Roa would suspect the pegasus for having an interesting backstory, much less wings. “You must be thinking extensively about the plan you're hatching with the Duchess.”

“Uhhhh...” Rainbow fidgeted, biting her lip as she glanced the Duchess' way. “And just how much do these ponies know?”

Arcanista chuckled slightly. “I trust them with my life, Rainbow. As you should trust them with yours.”

“We'll be more than happy to teach you the humble etiquette of a noble servant,” one of the maids said with a smile. “That way, when we reach the Sandstone District, you'll be able to slip in to the royal quarters unnoticed... so that way you'll have much greater ease in slipping out.” The other maid giggled.

Rainbow smirked slightly. “I'm guessing the likes of you two don't get to go on adventures on this too often.”

“Oh no.” One shook her head. “Jet and I have only ever ventured out of Bountiful six times.”

“And two of those occasions were to gather silken bundles from the neighboring province's manor!”

“Heeheehee! Yeah! But don't worry. We've both been to the Val Roan Capital more than once.”

“Oh yeah?” Ebon leaned his head to the side. “And what's it like?”

One mare cooed. “Ohhhhh... it is so beautiful!

“Like a sarcophagus full of polished jewels, buried at the edge of the desert!”

“It stands for the beauty and perserverence of civilization!”

“Yes! Hehe! Even on the edge of an inhospitable landscape such as the Grand Choke, ponies and elk and zebras and other creatures can come together to make peace!”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow slicked back her green-dyed mane. “Hate to break it to ya, Missies, but there's a pretty rotten core to that desert jewel.”

“Don't confuse vigilance for your own cynicism, Ms. Dash,” Arcanista calmly said. “Though there may be much corruption in the Council, the populace is largely innocent. The ponies and deer who dwell beyond the West Gate know very little violence, and they defend timeless ideals of justice and honor with the very extent of their lives.”

“Yeah, even when they gotta shoot down skystone ships to do it,” Rainbow muttered.

“Rainbow, be fair,” Ebon said. “We're doing this to free the Val Roans, not to kick all their teeth in.”

“Wait...” Kera sat up, blinking wide. “You mean this isn't going to end in a drag-out fight with the powers that be?!”

“Sorry to break it to ya, kiddo.” Rainbow smiled slyly as the wagon rattled along. “But if we can somehow accomplish this with the fewest headbutts and explosions possible, then I'm totally game.”

“Awwwwwwwwwww poopstains.” Kera folded her forelimbs with a pout.

“Ahem,” Arcanista cleared her throat, raising a dainty hoof. “Perhaps now would be a good time to start our next lesson on princess etiquette.” Her brow furrowed. “Proper vocabulary.

“You mean I can't say 'poop?!'” Kera gawked.

“Princesses don't poop, my dear.” Arcanista winked. “They 'make waste.'”

“Arrrgh!” Kera rolled her eyes. “I swear! You're worse than Bellesmith! Why'd I even come on this mission?!”

The two servants giggled.

“I... uh...” Ebon shifted nervously. “I-I'm going to need more than tattoos and a fake horn to rein her in, I think.”

“It's okay...” Rainbow patted his shoulder and whispered into his ear. “Just promise grasshoppers and cloud rides, and you're golden.”

“I dunno if Eagle's told you, but I haven't learned how to sprout wings yet.”

“Coulda surprised me.” Rainbow smirked. “I hear you take him to the clouds every other night.”

Ebon blinked. Instead of blushing, his skin flickered with a brief coat of lavender. “...we really need a bigger airship.”

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