• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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Once More With the Royal Treatment

“Here.” Props held out a large blue crystal in her hooves. “I've been saving this for a rainy day. Or—in your case—a rainbow day, heeheehe.”

“Whew...” Rainbow Dash grasped the shard in question. “What is this? Like—the mother of all sound stones?”

“I guess you could say that!” Props smiled as she sat back on the stool besides her communications array. “It should be able to pierce any sort of manafeedback barrier!”

“Like the magical defense surrounding Val Roa?”

“My tech here should be able to detect you in a heartbeat!” Props slapped a hoof across the top of her communications array. “But there are a couple of drawbacks.”


“The signal of this sound stone will be super... super strong,” Props remarked, blinking. “It'll cancel out any other communication I might be in the middle of.”

“Such as with your Uncle Prowse?”

“Er...” She squirmed. “Yeah.”

“I won't break your system, will I?”

“Pffft! I may be desperate, but I'm not stupid!” Props giggled. “Besides, that's Zaidy Waidy's job.”

“Uh huh...”

“The other issue is that you'll wanna use the sound stone sparingly.”

“Lemme guess. It could give me away.”

“Righterooni!” Props nodded, her eyes bright. “If you use it for any longer than a few minutes, it'll put off a mana signature that could short out other magically-controlled technology within the nearest vicinity.”

“Well, then. I'll try to keep my messages short and sweet.” Rainbow inhaled. “It's what we're going after in the first place in Val Roa,” she said. “A place, a time, and a way of finding Chrysalis.”

“Then the Noble Jury can make its move from the outside!”

“Yeah. What kind of move?”

“I dunno.” Props shrugged. “The kind that involves twirls and curtseys?”

Rainbow smirked. “I haven't really considered just how boring and lonesome this trip is going to be until this conversations, Props.” She sighed. “I dunno whether to thank you or punch you.”

Lonesome?!” Props grinned wide. “You're gonna be with Kera and Ebony, silly filly!”

“Yeah, well, I bet most of the time I'll be off on a 'one-mare-sneaking-mission.'”

“You mean 'one-maid-sneaking-mission.'”

“Heh. Sure.”

“Speaking of which, how are you going to become dull?”

Rainbow blinked. “Huh?”

“Well...” Props smirked, fidgeting. “Not to state the obvious, but you've always had a way of standing out, Dashie.”

“Jee.” Rainbow smired slyly. “I had no idea you cared, Props...”

“Heeheehee! You know what I mean!”

“Actually, I do.” Rainbow sighed, her ears instantly drooping. “And... well... Arcanista and I already had a candid chat about it...”


“Wait...” Roarke's blue eyes narrowed. “What do you mean she's altering her appearance?!”

Arcanista gulped from where she stood across from the metal mare in the manor's hallway. An ornate door stood behind her. “It was a mutual agreement that we had made. After all, she'll be portraying one of my maids. On top of that, she'll be slipping past the observation of Val Roan guards to perform reconnaissance on the Val Roan High Council in an attempt to root out Chrysalis.”

“Indeed.” Roarke gritted her teeth. “And what does that have to do with the way she looks?

“In the same way that we must make young Kera striking, we must make Rainbow Dash unassuming,” the Duchess attempted to explain. “After all, everypony will be less likely to presume that she possesses wings underneath her gown if their eyes aren't looking her way in the first—”

Roarke stomped straight past Arcanista, making the Duchess flinch.

“Wait—!” She stretched a cloven hoof out.

WHAM! Roarke kicked the door to the beauty parlor open. She peered straight in. “Rainbow...?!”

Three servants jolted, shivering slightly from where they crowded around a chair where a blue mare was lying back, her head soaking in a basin. With a rattle of her pendant, Rainbow Dash tilted her up, smiling sheepishly. “Uhhh...” One... two... three locks of dull green mane hair dangled loosely as she threw an uncertain glance across the parlor. “H-hey there... Roarke...”

Roarke merely glared.

Rainbow gulped. “Look... uh...” She darted her eyes towards the bottles of emerald dye, then back at the former bounty hunter. “It'll w-wash out, I promise!” A tail flicked, also vomit-green. “Just... there's no point in outshining the Princess of Xona, you dig?”

No.” Roarke droned. “I don't dig.”

“Look, it totally makes sense! And it's for the mission, so can't we compromise?” Rainbow smiled awkwardly. “I mean, of all ponies, you should understand the importance of sacrificing something as silly as a manestyle for the greater good!”

“You make a good point,” Roarke said calmly. She turned around. “I think I'll shave my red mane so that I'll sweat less inside Whizzball.”

Rainbow shot up, startling the servants. “You do that and I will murder you in your sleep—” She froze, blushing.

Roarke turned to glance at her. The tiniest of smirks donned her muzzle.

Rainbow sighed, slumping back in the seat with her head tilted back. “... ... ...” She gulped. “I-I'll see what I can do about packing along some extra shampoo to wash it out speedy-quick...”

“Damn straight, you will,” Roarke said. Reindeer guards rushed into the room, a little too late. “That's okay, I was just leaving.” She trotted calmly past them and the Duchess.

Arcanista blinked. She shuffled nervously into the parlor. “Uhm... I've been hesitant to inquire as to the social intricacies of the Jury by large—”

“Best that you let it be,” Rainbow muttered. She tilted her head to glance at the elk out the corner of her eyes. “Any luck with Floydien, by the way?”

Arcanista sighed, her nostrils flaring. “No. And something tells me that I shouldn't force a thing that doesn't wish to happen naturally.”

“Don't fret,” Rainbow said. “I'm sure the two of you will get to have sibling-bonding at some point or another.”

“It's difficult to think that far ahead,” Arcanista muttered as she paced around the work that the servants were doing on Rainbow Dash. “This whole tenuous infiltration of Val Roa is terribly mind-consuming.”

Rainbow smirked slightly. “Living in the moment? Heh... I can totally relate, girl.” She flinched. “Erm... your honor.”

Arcanista bore a calm smile as she pivoted towards the mare. “How do you manage?”

Rainbow took a deep breath. “By not realizing that I have to.”

“How do you mean?”

Rainbow gulped. “These past few months of my life have been full of 'good byes,' even though most of them have just been practice runs.”

“For what?”

“The real, last goodbye,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“You're... planning on leaving the Noble Jury?” Arcanista blinked. “Your friends?”

“My journey has always been a stupidly epic undertaking,” Rainbow said while Arcanista's gaze loomed above her. Her eyes darted across the ceiling in melancholic traces. “Even before I made the first tag-a-long friend, we all knew that there'd someday come a point where they couldn't follow along. And... and this Grand Choke...” Her words trailed off.

“What's so important a goal that you must leave behind the ponies who mean so much to you?”

“It's too big a thing to describe,” Rainbow muttered. She closed her eyes. “Even to myself. I-I just get all freaked out thinking about it... the end of the world... the dark side... the Midnight Armory...”

“An epic undertaking indeed.”

“You see...” Rainbow reopened her thin eyes with an even thinner smile. “It's easy to think in the now. But... y'know... not everypony is me.” She glanced at Arcanista. “You'll get to hang out with Floydien in the future. You'll bond. I have full faith in that.”

“And as for yourself?” Arcanista asked. “When you've gone far beyond this immediate concern, what will you have the luxury of believing in?”

Rainbow hesitated. Ultimately, she said. “I'll have faith that all of the friends I've made will be living in a land free of conspiracy and strife, because we'll have made it that way by giving Chrysalis the boot.” She gulped. “And they'll be better off.”

“And you? Will you be better off?”

“Knowing that they all will be, I can live with it.” Rainbow sighed. “And I can die with it too...”

Arcanista smiled softly. “I can see how you became the leader of your troop. With loyalty like that, it makes sense that they've all congregated around you.”

“Yeah, and here I thought it was all my good looks.” Rainbow glanced at the servants working on her mane. “So much for that.”

Arcanista chuckled lately.

“Do we have everything prepared for our trip to the West Gate?” Rainbow asked.



Arcanista paced. “While your friends have been preparing a Xonan 'Princess' and 'Advisor,' I've summoned the Captain of the Sehlp Guard to arrive.”

“Captain of the Sehlp Guard?”

“Indeed. He's been patrolling the southern lands, on the look-out for Green Bandit incursion. Due to the sensitive nature of this situation, I've requested his security. He'll be escorting the entourage for the duration of our trip into Val Roa.”

“How many reindeer will he be bringing?”

“Just himself.”

Rainbow blinked. “Is... th-that enough for something like this?”

“Hmmmm...” Arcanista bore a confident grin. “In truth, Rainbow Dash, it's overkill.”

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