• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 7,127 Views, 12,066 Comments

Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

The Elements, Back Where You Began

Rainbow Dash had gotten so used to the sound of crashing waves that it was barely a catalyst for waking her. Nevertheless, with twitching ears, she stirred and shifted where she lay. The mare grumbled, her body curling and uncurling as she stretched her crackling muscles.

The whole world felt warm... a soothing kind of warm. Rainbow felt heat radiating off the sandy grit all around her. What's more—beyond the crashing surf—she heard the unmistakable sound of seagulls.

Her ruby eyes squinted open. The pegasus raised her head, squinting into the distance.

A curved beach stretched on either side of her. Gentle waves lapped up and down the surface, having been dragged down after the receding tide. Rainbow saw crabs and sandpipers scurrying in and out of hiding. Just a few meters away, blades of grass formed—dense and green and alive. Behind them, a throng of palm trees stretched, growing thicker and thicker to where they occupied the heart of a thoroughly forested island.

The mare blinked. Her face muscles twitched, feeling sand and gunk clinging to her fuzzy coat. She reached a hoof up and rubbed her muzzle, then rubbed it again. Rainbow's nostrils flared, and she tilted her head up, squinting into the distance.

A tiny white speck hovered beyond the trees and through them. Yaerfaerda shimmered as persistently as ever, casting a white light that shone through the sunny morning sky.

And that was when the voice kissed the air behind Rainbow Dash.

“Oh good. You're awake. Whew... thank Celestia.”

Rainbow Dash slowly turned around. Then—not so slowly—her eyes went wide.

She wasn't gazing at the former location of the ill-fated machine tower. She wasn't staring at the flock of birds wafting innocently through the sky. She wasn't even admiring how curiously vibrant and bright the Grand Choke's ocean inexplicably appeared on such a crystal-clear morning.

Rainbow was, instead, staring at the unicorn standing beside her in the shade of a spread palm tree.

“Maybe you can clue me in on all this.” The pony pressed her lavender hoof to the threaded bark, only for the limb to pass straight through the matter altogether. She pulled her hoof out and leaned back, a confused look plastered across her scrunched face. “I don't seem to be my normal self.” She turned and trotted briskly across the sand, though her hooves didn't make a single imprint. “How'd we even get here, anyways? Did Discord teleport us or something? Unngh... and here I thought his silly games would be over with once we found the Elements he'd hidden.” She came to a stop, blinking down at Rainbow with bright violet eyes. “I don't suppose you know where the girls are, huh?”

Rainbow simply gawked, breathless.

“What's wrong? Is everything okay?” Twilight Sparkle leaned her head innocently to the side. After a breath of silence, she arched an eyebrow. “Yeesh, Rainbow, you don't look so good.”

Comments ( 341 )

Ha. Oh man, called it years ago. Lavender light is Twilight. More importantly, though, these chapters confirm something larger and thematic: Rainbow Dash is driven by her friends and companions. What makes Rainbow special is her loyalty to them. Even when she was alone, she was driven by Eljunbyro, be it the mane 5 or Eljunbyro or the Noble Jury. In Silvadel or Blue Shelf or Val Roa or the Choke.

But now we also have confirmation that the elements are related to the Austraeoh journey. The second half here is going to be about completing the spread of harmony to the world, of bringing something back to it. Of making the broken pieces whole, or at least reuniting harmony to the plane in a complete way.

Unless of course Dash's just gone totally insane right now. Though something tells me this is different somehow. Feels different.

Something also tells me theme 6 and their elements are going to be important to Rainbow Dash. But for now, it's nice to have a friend, even if she might be a hallucination or a ghost or a projection of stored harmonic energy or some sort of ancient alien life form taking the shape of one of your best friends to guide you, eh?

It's probably the real Twilight, though. Converted to her harmonic element, waiting inside Rainbow or her pendant, kind of like a failsafe? Or maybe just the result of the magical mayhem caused by Dash not being present.

This is good. Rainbow hates being alone.

My apparently ever-practical mind says that Rainbow should really eat some of the grass before answering. She hasn't had food or water for how long now?

Hot damn! Hot damn on a stick, the lavender light WAS Twilight all along!:twilightsmile:

Damnit, why'd this have to cut off before the tearful reunion? Man...this is gonna be a bit tragic. Despite having "led" Rainbow along her way for so long, she has absolutely no clue what's going on, what happened, or where they are. She thinks she's still...alive...

Furthermore, where the heck are they, anyways? This place certainly doesn't seem like something from the dark side...

I'm gonna have a little faith and say this isn't Rainbow going insane. That being said, I really wonder how she just pulled off all that stuff after suffering starvation/dehydration for so long.


Let's call it Applejack.
Is Loyalty sentient now

In retrospect, I was pretty damn close. Just wrong Elements.

Aaaand time for the next story. The 7th one. :3

inb4 IC uses [Time To Use Seven Worded Chapter Titles] :rainbowlaugh:

“Yeesh, Rainbow, you don't look so good.”

Nooo... really?

Ahem, anyway, after reading the last 5 chapter updates, I've concluded that the colors represent RD's friends. Before, it was lavender, and now she brought back Twilight Sparkle's spirit(?). Now, the beacon is white, so it probably means that Rarity's next to be rescued. I...did not expect this, but holy hell, IC! That was incredible!

...So does this mean Ghost Twilight's forever attached to a limited distance from RD? ...at least for now until RD reaches the Midnight Armory to repair(?) the 5 other broken elements?

Also... inb4 the next story's description is [Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle flies east...for science.] :pinkiecrazy:

hrm... or maybe the first chapter title's [Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle flies east]
Blah, whatever... I should stop editing this post of mine and get back to work. >.>

I'm guessing we're going to start with 6, and then descending order. 12 word titles for 200 chapters would be ridiculous.


She's at the choke, which isn't the edge of the world. In your continent. You linked the chapter....

Eh, my mind's still dead-set on "she was going to make it to the other side by the end of this book", which would have been fitting.

Please excuse me while I pick up and reassemble my mind. It seems to have been blown all over the room.

So she picked up Twilight's essence from Yaerfaerda on Grand Choke Offshore Platform #1 (and/or from the flames in previous beacons), and having acquired it she metaphorically foaled Twilich Sparkle. Yaerfaerda has six thingies for six elements, and now it's distant and white. Is Rarity next? Applejack's going to be last, isn't she?

I can't quite fit "Yesterday" into that explanation, so I'm going to pretend it's not there.

T H R E E W O R D S :
I S H I P I T .


I can't quite fit "Yesterday" into that explanation, so I'm going to pretend it's not there.

I think it means "the day the Mane 6 faced against Discord in Ponyville". :/

I think you're on to something. Not sure about "picking up," though. I think it's always been there. A white symbol could just as easily mean something else, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and find out in like 400 chapters, right? If it is the case, and hey, I like that theory, it's in sync with the one from Austraeoh, they are the elements of HARMONY after all.

Applejack definitely last.


Well, I definitely wasn't prepared for this. Heck I wasn't even prepared for five chapters in one day, let alone ghost(?) Twilight.

5784119 Well I guess you and she have something in common.


... it seems like Rainbow's been swearing 'Celestia' a lot more than she used to

... oh. OH! Twilight was becoming manifest!

If that was IC's intention, I do believe you're the only one of us who picked up on that foreshadowing.

Ive kinda always known. I think a bunch of us have actually. The main 6 would somehow show up again. Im kinda at a loss for words though..IT'S FREAKIN TWILIGHT!! I can't wait for rainbows reaction. It will most likely make her really sad..Then really happy, once (if?) She figures out that she can bring back the rest of them she will have an all new drive to get where she has to go. Spirit of Whitemane? That's what im calling it, said rainbow will not be alone anymore, that she was never truly alone (the lavender light?). Twi has some serious catching up to do. I wonder how she'll take it. Ugh!! I'm so excited to start the next book!! IMPLODING COLON, you are indescribably amazing at the thing you do. I love it. We love it. Thank you.


Heck I wasn't even prepared for five chapters in one day

IC tends to do that when there's only a few chapters left of the story. The same happened in the other previous 5 stories. :3

I was so off. At least I didn't cheat!

. . .
Who downvoted a ship?


I'm so excited to start the next book!!

...now that I think about it...
inb4 the next book's IC's April Fool's prank... :ajbemused:


. . .
Who downvoted a ship?

Whoever hates a TwiDash ship, methinks? :applejackunsure:


“Maybe you can clue me in on all this.”

High five Twi!

I'm not actually surprised at all.

Damn, so many questions from that.
Is Twilight back? Is she an hallucination. a ghost, something constructed from Rainbow's memories, or something else entirely???

Can't wait for the next book! :twilightsmile:



edit: I see it and I cry-- And slam my face into my keyboard.


What is with the world today? Not my fault! :pinkiecrazy:

The Elements, Back Where You Began


So are we going back to Ponyville? Arewearewe?

edit: No. Why can't I type a coherent thought-out comment. Instead I waste my time spewing rants. Yay.
. . .
. . .
i'm sorry
Must stop spamming.

5784143 That's still not funny to the person who just recently decided to follow the story day by day.

5784150 5784151

Who downvoted a ship?

Whoever hates a TwiDash ship, methinks? :applejackunsure:

A heathen, more like.

It's hilarious!

5784092 You shut your whore mouth! The light will be orange eventually! :ajbemused:

Oh. Right. Eh. Me. Brain.
(thinking with broken brain)


(not not in denial)

IC probably thinks so too.
He was online for a while. Probably reading comments that show up within seconds. (I know)

5784209 5784207>>5784151
HEH. . . youre right.

Comment posted by Pilate deleted Mar 26th, 2015

UMMMMM OK! Lets run with this then. Most of the next books are going to be getting the others back.

If she finds a set of orange-colored (shipping) goggles, the light's already orange.


5784227 ...Shit.

I wonder if we're going to see the rest of the gang over the next few books as well.

Okay.....so now we have Dash and... Twilight's...ghost? Spirit? Phantom? Shade?
I'll admit... I'm surprised, I'd completely tuned out the importance of the colour lavender.
Wait... the new rune colour is white. is Rarity the next.. incorporeal thing to be freed?

Edit: Added next book name to rhyme

-Memories given light, ease a lonely flight. Ynanhluutr.

...yeah I might have to work on that, I feel lazy rhyming light and flight.





Jesus Christ SS&E. I did not see this coming.
Well done.


Ok, now I've calmed down a bit, all I can say is hell to the yes, I want to see Twilight's reaction to RD's adventures so far. I guess we're getting another of the Mane Six every book or so now.

Now I just can't wait for the recap chapter(s) where RD explains everything to Twilight. How Twilight takes this is going to be extremely interesting.

You were right, did not see that coming, though I had my suspicions a few books ago. I have to say that's the best surprise in the series so far, can't wait to start the next book.

Fuck I'm jealous. Rainbow imposed her imaginary friend with no effort and I can't.

Jokes aside, I can't wait for the explanation chapter(s).

Well, I'll be damned. Right to hell and back.

I remember there being a theory--waaayyy back--that the lavender light was Twilight. I thought it had merit, but after all this time, I suppose I'd sorta written that theory off. But here we are. This has a lot of interesting implications, the only one of which I'll get into now is that it seems Rainbow will eventually "revive" (if that's the right word) her other friends, too. And I think Urist is right that the white beacon represents Rarity. This ought to make the second half of the series very interesting. And, as much as I'll continue to miss the Jurists, this certainly softens the blow of their loss and lessens a lot of my worries about Rainbow's prospects of companionship in the coming installments.

Now, to the second half of the series. I started reading the first chapter of Austraeoh back in November of 2012 (shortly after finishing Background Pony, as memory serves). I guess it's been about two years now since I caught up and have been reading every day. I've enjoyed every minute of it, and I look forward to--*counts on fingers*--another two-to-three years of the journey.

See you all in book 7.

Not a chance. She still pines for Applejack and Roarke most Rare. And considering Twilight is back, Applejack may soon follow...and Rainbow is still loyal, so yah. Not a chance.

Austraeoh, and how it began for me…
I don't know how exactly I discovered it. I know that I was searching for "outside of the Equestria" stories, somehow found Austraeoh and bookmarked it. Survivorshy was unfinished and I wanted something new, but similar.
It stayed in the bookmarks for quite long. Every now and then I would click on a bookmark and look,upon 4 words. Rainbow Dash flies east.
“Why Rainbow Dash? Why east? Where are the rest of the mane 6?” I was asking myself the first questions but I wasn’t yet ready to start reading it. Not until I got interested in Fallout: Equestria. 600k words seemed a little bit too much for someone whose first language is not English, so I decided to start with something “lighter” first, lets say 200k words light. Little did I know that this “light” story would turn into something much bigger, much greater than anything I've read ever before.

It all started simple. First few chapter was just Rainbow dash flying over a beautiful landscape. Everything else was unknown and mysterious.” Where is Rainbow Dash going? Why does she have her loyalty pedant with her? Where are her friends?” There were more and more questions. And I got more and more interested. Soon the Dash would meet first ponies outside of Equestria and get her first "quest" of escorting those ponies home. Then she discovered Austraeoh symbol on a strange metal wall...

As the story progressed, there were more characters, each different, each special. Villages, towns, entire cities, and nations. They were all different, each one with its own history, with its own story.
Very soon I was at the end of the Austraeoh. Fallout: Equestria didn’t matter anymore.
I had another story in front of me, another journey. In Eljunbyro some questions got answered, but many new showed up, together with the new character. “Who is this Bellesmith? Why is she using Rainbow's memories? Is she evil? Where is Rainbow Dash? I want her back." The story went on and I liked it as much I liked Austraeoh.

With every new chapter, the oldest comments became newer and newer. 120 weeks old, 100 weeks old, 70 weeks old, 50, 20, 10. I was far behind but I was getting closer.
Now, as I got to the end of this story all comments are just under a day old… and there is no more “next chapter” button. There is one new question instead: “What am I going to do now”?

Imploding Colon, what you made is something amazing. Something I've never seen or read before. Something I think about every day since the day I opened the first chapter six months ago.
I even made my first fan art because of the Austraeoh.
I will continue to read a new story, much slower than before, but with the same interest, same passion.

Thank you for writing this awesome story.


Also, my call on the Elements killing them so they could help her on her journey.


OH DAMN! It came full circle!!!

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