• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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Rainbow and the Jury Fly East

Galaxies swirled slowly away from each other in the great cosmic expanse. Between the glittery bands of billions of stars, several black objects emerged. At first, they appeared as a single grand tunnel, flowing unendingly. Then, over the course of eons, they separated, becoming multiple rings that split apart, spreading to the furthest corners of the cosmos.

One ring drifted into an incalculably large cloud of chaotic space. The light that fueled the heart of the structure dissipated. Then, after a flash of discordant energy, the ring split into twelve different segments. They all flew in opposite directions, but one plane in particular flew even deeper into the miasma. The continental shelves of the megastructure were cast into darkness, consumed from all angles by abominable forces that ravaged the once-glistening landscape and reduced life to dust—


Static consumed the cosmos. Light and darkness distorted. The constellations shredded apart.

"Rainbow Dash...?"

When the hoof reached in, it shattered everything...

...before softly grazing the pegasus' shoulder.

Rainbow opened her eyes from where she sat calmly, meditatively inside the observation room. She raised her head from the sunlit windows and squinted upwards.

Roarke gulped. "I... I-I'm sorry." Her thin blue eyes blinked. "I should have realized that you were... h-having another session."

Rainbow sighed. "It's alright." A tired smile. "I wasn't getting anywere with it anyways."

Roarke squatted down across from her. "Was it the same vision as the time before?"

"And the time before that and the time before that." Rainbow clenched her eyes shut and rubbed her brow. "I see the rings—as they must have been a long, long time ago. Then I see them splitting apart. And then one of them—Urohringr—breaks up into many pieces, including our world."

Roarke leaned her head to the side. "Have you been able to hear the voice again?"

Rainbow shook her head. "No use. No matter how long I let the vision run its course, I can't hear who it was that spoke to me the first time."

"When you last contacted the flame..."

"Right." Rainbow gulped. "I feel the same hoof grabbing mine, but then that's it. I wake up, and the best I can do is repeat the vision from where it started on the next occasion."

"Perhaps..." Roarke fidgeted. "...there is no grand purpose to these hallucinations."

"Are you kidding?!" Rainbow smirked. "Roarke, they came to me at the same exact time that my body got its recharge!"


"I've been fit as a fiddle for two months!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Someway, somehow, I owe it to myself to figure out what this repetitious vision means! It's... it's almost as if I-I owe it something."

Roarke's brow furrowed. "How many times have you collapsed since the visions began?"

Rainbow opened her mouth, but hesitated. She exhaled, hung her head, and muttered, "Mrmm... seven..."

"Visions or not, you have the same problem."

"Yeah—well—I'm a heck of a lot better, y'know."

"There's no denying that. Even still..." Roarke bore a bittersweet smile. "Sounds to me like you don't owe anyone anything." She reached up and calmly squeezed Rainbow's shoulder. "I think Austraeoh could stand to take her eyes off the cosmic bullseye from time to time."

"Hmmmm..." Rainbow stared out the windows beyond Roarke's shoulder. The Yaerfaerda symbol flickered as a distant, lavender dot along the horizon. "Easy for you to say." She then did a double-take at the stationary clouds and mountaintops outside. "Wait, wh-why are we hovering still?"

"That's the reason I came here and bothered you," Roarke said, standing up. "The tome could use a recharge."

"Not a bother, girl." Rainbow stood up as well, stretching her legs and wings. "Still, sucks that you have to be stuck with the task of being my alarm clock."

"Face it. You've been sleeping more these days than ever before."

"Uh huh. Y'know..." Rainbow Dash leaned in, nuzzling Roarke's shoulder. "I can think of more things that could use a recharge, if you catch my drift." She giggled mischievously.

Roarke pushed her back at hoof's length with a smirk. "At ease, Hurricane. One task at a time."

"Awwwww... you're no fun."

"Indeed. A transient stick in the mud. Now move." Both mares trotted out of the observation room.

"So soon, beloved?" Bellesmith asked.

"Indeed!" Pilate strapped on a saddlebag before sliding into a cloak. He pivoted about from where he gathered his things inside the Noble Jury's Navigation Room. "No doubt, news from Zeezrom will have already begun spreading!"

"Knowledge of the Jury is being passed around at an exponential rate!" From across the room, Booster Spice spoke up from where he too gathered a bunch of belongings. "Information breeds information. If we go now, we might finally catch some word on what's happening in Val Roa."

"How can you be so certain?" Belle bit her lip. "The last few trips didn't yield much information."

"One mustn't give up hope, my love." Pilate smirked. "If you like, you are more than welcome to join us. There's room in Whizzball for one more."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Belle leaned in and nuzzled the zebra. "I promised Eagle Eye that I'd help him with the suit he's working on."

"Oh, well, I certainly wouldn't want to rain on that parade!" Pilate kissed Belle and smiled. "Such a good friend you are."

"Don't let it get around."

"I don't understand..." Booster Spice smirked. "When do EE and Ebon think we'll ever slow down long enough for that?"

"It helps to remain positive, Mr. Spice," Pilate said. "It's assisted us thus far, yes?"

"Well, good point."

"I'll tell Zaid and Floydien to keep an eye out—" Belle said, then nearly ran into Rainbow and Roarke strolling in from the bow. "Oh! Rainbow!" She pointed. "Pilate and Booster intend to—"

"Yeah yeah, permission granted," Rainbow waved with a yawn. "Just... y'know... be sure to rendezvous with us within a day."

"Amulek, right?"

"That's the plan."

"Be mindful of Green Bandit scouts," Roarke said in a dull tone. Her blue eyes reflected the stallions. "At this point, they're liable to possess rocket propelled ordinance."

"Yeesh, those sniveling imps don't know when to quit, huh?" Booster sighed.

"Don't give into trepidation," Roarke droned. "I do believe our shock and awe is working."

"One would hope." Booster smiled. "Before we go, Roarke, do you need any upgrades to the suit?"

"I do believe I possess the knowledge to augment it myself, Mr. Spice, thank you."

"We can always work on that flame thrower that you've wanted!"

"Thank you, no." Roarke's jaw clenched. "After that one incident when the fuel cannister ruptured, I've been wary of utilizing your original design."

Booster gulped. "Yeah, well... eheheh... how c-could I have known you were so attached to your mane hairs at the time?"

"You and I are attached to many things." Roarke's eyes glinted menacingly. "...for now."

Booster bit his lip. Rainbow leaned in and whispered into his ear, "You should... probably get going now."

"R-right. Pilate?"

"You drive," Pilate felt his way toward the engine room and opened the hatched. "If I take the controls, we're liable to be pulled over on account of my stripes."

"Heheheh—yeah." Rainbow smirked. "Could you hold the door for us?"

"Oh—Going to recharge?"


"Very well then. So long, Belle."

"Come back safely, beloved."

Belle trotted into the vertical crawlspace at the front while the other four crept into the engine room. Pilate and Booster Spice walked all the way across into the stairwell beyond. They brushed past Props who was lying under the bench that housed the communications array, her forelimbs joint-deep into a mess of wires and manacrystals.

"I'm telling you, blondie!" Zaid spouted from where he sat lazily against a wall of steam consoles. "Give it a rest! For the last time, there's nothing wrong with the communications array!"

"Nnnngh!" Props grunted and strained amidst her constant tweaking. "I-I can't abandon him! He's probably worried sick about us!"

"Your Uncle obviously has his hooves full of something at the moment!" Zaid smirked. "The last we heard of him, he was dealing with the Killas on the southern border of Luxmare!"

"R-right!" Props' tail flicked and twitched from where she wrestled with the wiring. "And poor Unky Prowsy might be in gr-great distress!"

Zaid squinted. "We... are talking about the same red-bearded kickassopath with a boomstick fused to his forelimb, right?!" He sighed. "Blondie, if anything, he's donating all of those motherless diamond dogs a smattering of new biscuit holes!"

"Or h-he could possibly be their new chew toy!" Props stammered. "That would be slightly less sexy!"

Zaid groaned. He turned and smiled tiredly at Roarke and Rainbow. "Maybe one of you two could talk some bubbles back into her, cuz I'm at the end of my rope."

"Pffft—and ruin the best routine on this ship?" Rainbow smirked.

"Besides, I don't do bubbles," Roarke muttered.

"Girls!" Props jolted. WHAM! "Owwwwwie!" She slid out from beneath the bench, rubbing her head. "Rrrgh... wh-why didn't I just nail the communication array to the wall?"

Zaid droned, "It wasn't ready to die for our sins."

"Hiya!" Props sat up straight, smiling at the mares. A pair of bright gold ponytails dangled behind her fuzzy ears. "Is it that time, yet?"

"I didn't think we had slowed down to stop for ice cream," Rainbow said.

"Well, it's all yours!" Props pointed at the dormant cage across the way. "Just give it the zap! Zaidy Waidy knows what levers to grapple when the time comes."

"Don't I always?" Zaid stood up and bowed melodramatically. "This way, brave soldiers."

"At ease." Rainbow trotted over to the cage along with Zaid. "How long was the last charge good for?"

"About forty hours!" Props chirped from afar, sliding back under the bench and returning to her electrical task at hoof. "Minus the extra bursts we used to save the giraffes from those adorably horrible baddies!"

"Only adorable thing about goblins is the way they smile after we kick their teeth out," Roarke said.

"You're trying too hard, Roarke." Rainbow stood before the cage. "Zaid...?"

"Oh, by all means." Zaid gripped several bars. With a grunt, he yanked a door open and swung it aside. "Careful, this thing turns back into a pumpkin at midnight."

"Hardy har har..." Rainbow narrowed her eyes, stepping up to the dormant book lying on a pedestal in the center of the open cage. "Props, is it just me, or does it stay charged for less time with each cycle?"

"Must be your imagination, Dashie!" Props' voice echoed back. "Like I said, we've been doing an awful lot of imp-bashing lately!"

"Still, feels like I'm doing this with more and more frequency."

"Then what's stopping you, smexbeard?" Zaid slapped the cage door. "Chop chop!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Boy are you in a hurry to see silver mines again."

"For another chance to spit on Drakshaa's beard? You bet!"

"I still can't believe Merigold lets us visit still..."

Roarke leaned her head to the side. "I'd pay to see that again."

"Shut up, Roarke." Rainbow gripped the open edges of the cage with her hooves and took a deep breath. "Alright..." Her eyes narrowed as her ears folded back. "...here goes..."

"Oy vay..." Zaid shielded eyes, turning away. "...somehow, I always end up with the lingering taste of strawberries in my mouth after she does this."

"Shhhh!" Roarke insisted. "Go ahead, Rainbow."

"Going... going..." Rainbow seethed, her face... body... and wings lighting up with a ruby glow. The pendant around her neck was overloading, sparkling with harmonic energy. At last, after twenty seconds of filling the air with static, she fired a beam of crimson light into the book. The tome erupted in lavender flames, spun like a top, and levitated in place. "...gone."

"Good to go," Roarke said.

"Touchdown!" Zaid slapped the cage shut, locking it in place. He smirked at Rainbow. "Want a cigarette?"

"Awwwwww shut it..." Rainbow wiped the sweat from her brow. "Can't believe I've resorted to being a living book battery these days."

"Would you rather read it?" Roarke droned.

"Heh... that'd be the day I finally croak." Rainbow glanced across the way. "Zaid?"

"Let's get ready to grapppppple!" The stallion yanked at a pair of levers. The ship hummed from harmonic energy being cycled from the glowing cage and into the skystone reserves.

"Snnnnkkt!" The intercom instantly crackled. "Does that hiss hiss mean that we are ready to zoom zoom again?"

"Sure thing, handsome!" Props' voice rang.

"What she said, Floydien!" Rainbow barked as she trotted back towards navigation with Roarke. "Just wait for Whizzball to disembark first!"

"Ahh! The boomers be giving the countryside a sniff sniff?"

"Yeah, Pilate and Booster. They'll meet us in Amulek. So, y'know, take your time in getting us there."

"You can't put Nancy Jane's glimmer in a bottle!"

"Could you settle for a wine glass?"

"Yes yes yes! Snkkkt!"

With a mechanical clatter, the hangar doors to the Noble Jury opened. The black Lounge Sphere slid out, rotated, and shot its way southeast, zipping over treetops as it approached a distant township along the horizon.

A minute later, once the hangar doors were once again shut, the Noble Jury pivoted on bursts of steam. It then aligned itself with a fixed point to the northeast. Its crystal skystone pulsed with crimson energy, then accelerated the ship at a blurred speed towards the mountains beyond.

A burgundy hoof relaxed, then tensed. In a flash of green flame, it turned into a black shell with porous holes at the end. A few seconds passed, then—with another plume of flame—it returned to its fuzzy complexion.

Ebon Mane's nostrils flared. He sat on the sofa inside the Noble Jury's lounge, at the far end of the mess hall. With a sigh, he reached over to the table in front of him and grasped a smoking mug of coffee. He cradled the thing in two hooves, examining the liquid from different angles. Then, daringly, he leaned forward and took a tiny sip. He leaned back, swallowed the liquid down, and fidgeted as he felt the sensation of the drink running down his esophagus.

Suddenly, a muzzle leaned in from behind and nuzzled his shoulder, kissing his ear and neck. "Needing a morning pick-me up in the afternoon?"

"Mmmmm..." Ebon's ears twitched. He clenched his eyes with a delightful coo. The mug fell from his grip.

"Whoops!" Eagle Eye caught it in a violet magic field. Giggling, the stallion trotted around the couch, levitating the coffee safely in midair. "Something distracting you, honey?"

"EE... what have I told you about coming on so strong?" Ebon sighed, his cheeks rosy as he squirmed. "It... p-positively makes me drunk. You have no idea."

"Sorry..." Eagle sat beside him. "I-I can't help myself sometimes."

"Don't I know it..."

Eagle levitated the coffee towards him. "Please, by all means, don't let me stop you."

"Th-thanks..." Ebon grasped the mug again. He took a deep breath, then brought it to his lips.

"Careful!" Eagle chuckled. "It's not the same as oxygen, y'know."

"Mmmm..." Ebon gulped, winced, and sputtered, "Speak for yourself..."


"Well, what?"

"What's it like?"

"Uhm..." Ebon bit his lip. "A lot h-harder to take than water." His eyebrow twitched and he rubbed the side of his fuzzy head. "And I'm really not fond of this whole caffeine thing."

"It does the trick for Josho."

"Anything would do the trick for Josho," Ebon grumbled. "I could cook him a mountain of lard sprinkled with arsenic. So long as I melted cheese over it, he'd be happy." With a sigh, he placed the mug back down on the table.

Eagle glanced at the gesture. "Quitting while you're ahead?"

"It just... d-doesn't do anything for me, EE," Ebon said. He sat on folded hooves with a sigh. "I mean... I-I've always wanted to consume things like normal ponies—"


Ebon blinked at Eagle. "Huh?"

"We've been through this." Eagle blinked. "The word to use is 'other ponies.' There's nothing abnormal about you."

"I'm just being practical."

"So am I."

Ebon smiled tiredly. He leaned against Eagle's shoulder as he stared at the mug of coffee. "I can cook and brew anything imaginable, but I can't enjoy it."

"But you do it so well."

"I know," Ebon mumbled. "Guess I'm just stuck with emotions."

"Hmmmm..." Eagle nuzzled the stallion. "Is that such a bad thing?"

"No." Ebon shrugged. "I just feel like it's in my ability to... I dunno... evolve?"

"We've never seen another changeling eat food."

"No offense, but we've never seen another changeling do much of anything." Ebon stared at his forelimb with dull eyes. "And though we may be flying in circles a lot lately, I doubt we'll be heading back to Abinadi anytime soon."

Eagle leaned his chin atop Ebon's head. He stared at the stallion's forelimb. "...having any luck?"

"Sure..." Ebon held his hoof up. "If you call this luck." Concentrating, he unveiled his limb with a plume of flame, exposing the natural black gloss before turning it back to a burgundy fuzz. "Ghhh... t-takes a lot more out of me than I expect."

"Good thing I'm here."

"Heh... guess I could always use a battery."

"Does that mean if we make love, you could turn into an elephant?"

"Would you want me to?"

"Please..." Eagle grinned. "I'm just joking."

"Well, I wish I could." Ebon sighed. "I don't understand what the whole point was..."

"The whole point?"

"For making me the way I am," Ebon muttered. "Who ever heard of a talentless drone?"

"I think we've pretty much figured it out by now," Eagle said. "You were probably meant to be some sort of splinter—y'know, a spy. How better to do what you were hatched to do if you didn't know that you were ever meant to do it in the first place?"

"Yeah, but it just seems so cold." Ebon gulped. "I can't get over that. I mean, you'd think Mother would at least be capable of some compassion—" He suddenly winced. "I... I-I mean..." He sighed, eyes shut. "...Chrysalis."

Eagle took a breath. He nuzzled Ebon again. "You're such a wonderful, loving pony, Ebony, but please... you have to get her out of your mind."

"I wish it was th-that easy, EE," Ebon murmured. "If it was my mind, then it'd be simple. But it feels deeper than that. I swear, she's burned into my heart."

"And will she always be taking up real estate there?" Eagle raised an eyebrow. "You know what she's capable of and what she could still be doing to innocent ponies."

"I know, but—"

"You owe her nothing, Ebon," Eagle said. "She's just a phantom. If she really cared for you, she'd have done more than just abandon."

Ebon gulped, squirming tighter into Eagle's embrace. "I just... s-sometimes I just wanna feel like I belong, y'know?"

"And you do..." Eagle kissed his forehead. "You belong to us... to me." He tilted the stallion's chin up, smiling. "Is that too silly to believe?"

Ebon blinked back. His cheeks went rosy as he leaned in and nuzzled the nape of Eagle's neck. "Not silly at all..."

"Then maybe you can give the coffee a rest."


"And as for all of the shape-shifting stuff, you'll learn it someday. Not that you really need to—"

"Don't I, though?" Ebon glanced up, muzzle agape. "J-just think of it, EE! All the ways I could help Rainbow Dash and the others!"


"Imagine me being able to pose as anypony!" Ebon grinned excitedly. "I-I could even maybe infiltrate Val Roa so we could finally find out what's going on in there!"

Eagle sighed. With a tired smile, he said, "If it was as simple as sending a spy into Val Roa, don't you think we would have done it weeks ago?"

Ebon's ears folded. He bowed his head. "I know. Just... I-I wanna be more than only the ship's cook at times..."

"You think anypony wants your job?"

"Even still..." Ebon glanced at his hooves. "You guys could use the backup."

"Don't stress it," Eagle Eye said, caressing the stallion's mane. "We love you just the way you are."

"Hmmmmm..." Ebon smiled calmly. "You're too sweet to me."

"Can't help it. Addicted, remember?"

"Ugh... don't even joke about that."

"Do I joke with you?"

"Yes. All the time."

"Hah! Name a time when!"

Ebon turned and squinted at the stallion.

"Heh..." Eagle Eye grinned. "Got nothing?"

Slowly, the stallion smirked. "You know what? I told a white lie."


"Turns out I did learn one trick."

"Really?" Eagle leaned his head aside. "Let's see it."

"Alright... you ready?"


Ebon took a deep breath and sat up straight on the edge of the couch. "Belle helped me with this one. Okay..." He clenched his jaw, concentrating. After a few seconds, sparks of green flame splashed across his face, neck, and shoulders. Suddenly, his burgundy muzzle curved, turning round and petite. His eyelashes grew longer. At last, extra curly-lengths to his dark mane flowed around his shoulders. After a calm breath, the pony looked up with sparkling eyes.

Eagle blinked, his jaw agape.

"Well?" Ebon chirped in a strikingly high voice. Her eyelashes fluttered as she tossed her mane. "Do you approve?"

"Uhhh..." Eagle sweated, inching away slightly. "It's... it's..." He gulped. "Uhm..."

"Heeheehee..." A girlish giggle. "Sooooo... you 'love me just the way I am,' huh?"

"Of c-course!" Eagle gulped dryly. "I m-mean every word! It's just that... uhm... it's so... I mean it's gorgeous and all... I just... I-I...."

"Haah haah haah!" Ebon's laugh deepened as—in a plume of green flame—his muzzle snapped back to its regular, angular shape. He flew forward and engulfed Eagle in a deep hug, nuzzling him dearly. "Thank youuuuu..."

Eagle winced. "F-for what?"

"Mmmmm... for reminding me how friggin' adorable you are, EE."

"Eheheh..." Eagle stroked the stallion's hair and held him close. "Anytime."

Ebon sighed happily. A beat. "No more estrogen. I promise."

"Yeah." Eagle wheezed. "Th-thanks."

"Heehee. No problem."


Whizzball glided to a stop in a forest clearing. With a hiss, it settled down and parked on the grass. Seconds later, the doors slid up. Booster Spice and Pilate shuffled out, the former having to help the latter from tripping on an exposed tree root or two.

"Well, this place certainly... smells familiar." Pilate raised his nostrils to the air, giving it a few sniffs. "Let me guess... Gideon?"

"Yes! Precisely!" Booster gawked at him. "That's incredible! How'd you know?"

"The pine trees have a unique fragrance to them," Pilate said. "I trust we aren't too close to the town proper?"

"No sir." Booster shook his head and slid his goggles over his eyes. "We touched down before we could have entered line of sight of the rootops—not that the locals expect airships anyway."

"It amazes me that with all the power that Val Roa has at their disposal that they never bothered to invest in air travel."

"Well, it doesn't make that great of a difference," Booster said with a sigh. "Even with the best airship in the country, we've hadn't had any luck piercing their defenses."

"Indeed." Pilate nodded and reached a hoof out. "Maybe we can have some luck in finding out just why today."

"How do we intend to do that?" Booster asked, taking the zebra's forelimb and guiding him through the forest.

"By the same means we've incorporated on every other occasion." Pilate smiled. "Patience and open ears."

"What makes you think we'll be fruitful this time?"

"That's where the patience part comes in."

"Yeah, well, I'm more open stomach than open ears."

"We'll take care of that too, Mr. Spice. Just remember—"

"Yes yes... I'm a local prospector and you're my adoptive grandfather from a foreign land."

"And my metal plate?"

"Buffalo stampede."

"Hrmmmm..." Pilate sighed as the two strolled calmly towards the bustling streets of Gideon beyond the trees. "How I wish we wouldn't let Rainbow make up the backstories for us."


With throttling skystone engines, the Noble Jury approached the glistening rooftops of Amulek. Toward the northeast, a steady column of smoke billowed from the silver mines located along the slopes of the mountain. Down below, ponies paused in the street to wave pleasantly at the returning airship. Sentries in their tall wooden towers saluted and continued their loyal vigil over the outlying country and forests.

As the Noble Jury touched down, Josho stood along the port side with Kera perched on his shoulders.

"Wow! They always look extra cheery with each visit we make!" Kera exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, kid?" Josho glanced up. "Any sign of that growling jerkface?"

"Who? You mean Mr. Drakshaa? I can't spot him!"

Josho smirked. "Then count me as 'extra cheery' too."

"Heehee! I wouldn't mind showing the kids the tricks I've learned after our last trip!"

"I don't think your mother approves of you tossing anypony down a chimney."

"Hey! That one time was an accident!" Kera pouted. "And besides... the punk deserved it."

Josho squinted. "Are we talking about the squeaky-voiced colt who put cat poop in your mane?"

"Mmmmm... yeah..."

"You're right. He did deserve it."


"Josho... honestly..." Belle trotted up with a sigh. "Don't encourage her."

"Awwwwwwwwwww!" Kera pouted as she hopped down from Josho's side. "Belle, we were just reminiscing!"

"Throwing foals into chimneys is no laughing matter."

"Even the kid who stained her mane with cat crap?" Josho asked.

Belle blinked. "It was one of the Amulek foals who did that?"

"That's what I was trying to tell you!" Kera pouted.

"Oh." Belle fidgeted. "I hope he's still coughing up soot."

"Heeheehee!" The ship landed with a heavy thud. "Whoah!"

"Praise the shimmer glimmer that the mining boomers cleared the north field for Nancy!" Floydien shouted from the cockpit. "Now Floydien can spit at them less!"

"At ease, branch-head," Josho muttered. "I'm sure there're still some ponies here we can appreciate."

"Josho, please..." Belle chided. "They've done so much for us."

"Speak for yourself," Josho muttered, trotting towards the nearby stairwell. "The toilet paper they gave us molded after the first thunderstorm we flew through."

Fwooosh! Rainbow hovered overhead. "So that was the smell!"

"Going to play diplomat again, Rainbow?" Belle asked.

"Euugh... something like that." Rainbow squinted at the town hall in the center of town. "If only everything was as fun as kicking goblin butt."

"They'll be grateful to hear of what the Jury has done southwest of here."

"It always kills me that the one town that we've chosen to accept due praise is the same place that wanted to kick us out when everything was up against the wall."

"They've turned around quite considerably, Rainbow," Belle said. "We can only benefit from keeping our faith in them."

"Yeah, well, at least we can afford to give them anything." Rainbow sighed, glancing up at the nostrils. "I can think of some ponies who gave a lot more."

Belle gulped. She trotted over and nuzzled one of the pegasus' dangling legs. "You had nothing to do with that. The changelings chose to make that sacrifice on their own."

"I know. Still..." Rainbow's jaw clenched. "I was there, Belle. I wish I could properly convey to the ponies here what kind of a cost that was."

"They'll learn in time." Belle smiled. "Just have faith."

"Besides, what kind of a memorial would they make?" Roarke trotted up. "A bunch of silver bug sculptures?"

"Oooh!" Kera hopped in place. "Like grasshoppers?! I'm all for that!"

Belle sighed with razor-straight eyebrows. "Roarke..."

"I wouldn't put it past them, honestly," Roarke said.

"Yeah, alright." Rainbow turned and flapped her wings in the direction of the center of town. "Time to get this over with."

"And what of our friends to the northeast?" Belle asked. "Are you going to meet them too?"

"Right after Merigold. Gotta let her know what's up."

"I'm amused that you think we owe her anything still," Roarke said.

"Quite honestly, Roarke, we don't owe anypony anything." Rainbow flew backwards with a wink and a smirk. "But we're helpin' out anyways. That's what makes the Jury so awesome."

"Searo, it makes me practically vomitous when you lay it on that thick."

"You love it, girl."


Kera flashed Roarke a look. "Hmm? You called?"

"Training time."

"Awwwwwww..." Kera pouted. "But we already spent an hour training this morning!"

"Yes, and now we have an open field to practice better skills in."

"Can't we just do it first thing in the morning?"

"Do you want to learn how to make things explode with your mind or not?"

"Wooohooo!" Kera scampered off. "Training time!"

"Hmmmph..." Roarke trotted after her. "Works everytime."

"You will be careful, won't you?" Belle asked.

Roarke sighed. "Must we go through this again...?"

"S-sorry..." Belle blushed. "F-force of habit."

"Indeed." Roarke spoke over her shoulder while following Kera. "In the meantime, try not to cause any cataclysmic earthquakes while brushing Eagle's mane."

Belle stood alone, fidgeting. "I... I-I don't brush that hard..."

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