• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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Keep Moving Until You Find It

Yaerfaerda loomed above a dipping horizon.

Sand dunes cascaded into a flat bed of salt flats and fractured earth.

Fissures ran in every direction while gusts of sand blew across the unfeeling landscape.

The sun baked, relentless in its punishment.

“It's hard to explain. Red from yellow. Blue from green. I'm sure there's part of you that remembers it all, Stripesy. The crimson shine of an apple. The vibrant emerald of lush grass. The sky has this blue hue to it that you can just dive into. Well, maybe not you, cuz you don't have wings. And—er—not here, I guess, cuz the sky over this place sucks dragon toes. When you think about it, colors are all in the words. I mean... I should know a thing or two about colors. I carry a bunch of them wherever I go. My old friends used to think it was super cool. I never got it. I'm awesome cuz of all the things I do. And what a pony does is what makes her... y'know? I'm not pretty. I never have been. Just... not pretty. Not pretty... not pretty... not pretty...”

The moon cast a silver sheen across the dusty swaths of stone.

Stars rolled slowly over the heavens.

Yaerfaerda blinked along the horizon, ever-waking.

“You are both so adorable together. I mean it. You really are. Just... don't get too wrapped up in the whole Chrysalis business. I mean, I know she's your Mom and all, Ebon, but she's made plenty of mistakes in the past. It's okay to forgive her, but don't live her life. Live your life. You've earned it. I don't want to... to know that you've thrown it all away for a defeated supervillain. I mean, no offense, but that's kind of what she is. Reformed or not, just... just be careful, okay? I dig you two stallions too much. You deserve... to live and... and love. And b-be loved. Please... just be loved...”

There were lights.

And then there weren't lights.

The world flickered between supremely hot and supremely cold.

Rainbow took breaks every now and then, eyes shut, limbs quivering.

She nibbled on her Heaven's Slices, the corners first.

She turned the nozzle of the Nebulum container barely a quarter of the way.

She was proud of herself for conserving as well as she could.

She was proud of all the distance she traveled... even if she couldn't quite make out what she was passing anymore.

She was proud... so long as she kept her eyes closed most of the time.

It didn't matter much... Yaerfaerda never went away.

And Rainbow Dash never died.

“I... I don't know what... what he wants... I really don't, Kera. But... he seems mostly harmless. Besides... you could totally kick his flank if you wanted to. Just... just give him space, cuz he's not gonna give it to ya. Guys... deer or ponies... they're easy to dance around. But don't ignore 'em. They're like sick puppies that need love. Or at least that's something Rarity used to tell me. She never ended up with anypony. She never... never was gonna... I-I mean all of the dress making. What stallion is going to wear that many frills? Sewing herself into a hole, really. She should have... g-gone into the wagon building business. Stallions... love to collect wagons. He may not be a pony, but if you showed up on this wicked ride... he'd be starry-eyed for a week. You wanna bet? Just don't let Roarke build it, or else it might explode in his face. Then who... who's... wh-who's gonna make you grasshoppers. Hmm... don't get it. Never... n-never did...”


“Just... so gooey... and icky...”

Roaring... crashing...

“And all the parts that would twitch in your mouth. Ewwwww. Gross city. Gross...”

Roaring... crashing... echoing...

Rainbow smelled salt in the air.


More roars.

“... … ...Kera?”

There was another gust of salt air.

Rainbow finally opened her puffy eyes. She stood on the crumbling edge of a sandy dune, staring out with a bleached face and chapped lips. Blinking, she squinted harder and harder.

The horizon gave way, dipping into a wide blue haze.

“I... I don't...” Rainbow slowly shook her head. “...Ding Dong? You seeing this? Almost like...”

The horizon undulated. White foam formed along the front, collapsed in on itself, and receded.

Rainbow Dash gasped, ears twitching. “...Luna Poop.”

And, just like that, an ocean.

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