• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 7,126 Views, 12,066 Comments

Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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A Most Noble Breakfast, Part Two

“Say...” Kera looked around the large, festive breakfast table. “Is anypony else getting a strange case of deja vu?”

“Enope!” Zaid smiled, munched on some cheese and grits, then looked across the way at Bellesmith. “So... you guys are thinking about staying, huh?”

“I think he means right here in Val Roa,” Props added with a wink.

“Oh great, she's speaking for me,” Zaid droned, rolling his eyes. “Next thing you know, I'll be making midnight runs to the market for ice cream and pickles.”

Props giggled. “Heeheeheehee—” She froze in place, blinking. “Wait.”

Pilate chuckled and spoke up, “Well, all this time we've been journeying, Belle and I have been hoping for a safe place where we could settle down and engage in our intellectual pursuits.”

“In other words,” Rainbow Dash spoke up in between deep bites of toast and jam. “I promised them aaaages ago that they'd find some place peaceful to crash.”

“But, at the same time, we promised to be by your side through thick and thin,” Belle said in a motherly tone.

“Right, but, as we all know...” Rainbow's voice trailed off.

Roarke cleared her throat and leaned forward in her seat. “I think Val Roa is a fine choice. The scholars here could benefit from Ledomaritan concepts of mana and technology. What's more, I'm certain their archives of science and art will expand your minds just the same.”

“Why thank you, Roarke.” Belle smiled. “Funny you should say that. I had a long talk with Nilla—”

“From the Sandstone District?” Mamunia spoke up.

“Mmmhmmm.” Belle sipped on some orange juice, nodded, and said, “It would seem as if the local Academy of Arts and Sciences is intrigued beyond measure to have foreigners such as myself and Pilate make contributions.”

“Like what kind of contributions?” Zaid asked, his mouth ful.

“Well, with the right components, Belle here could teach the local elk and deer how to build a sequencing device that can fuse with their unique leylines.”

“And, what's more, I'll teach sequencing in a fair and balanced way that does not enforce the cruel tactics I was forced to endure back at Blue Shelf!” Belle smiled brightly. “We can achieve what Ledomare always wanted to do, only with greater success and less painful side effects!”

“Ewww...” Kera made a face.

Props cocked her head aside. “What's the matter, cutesy?”

Kera glanced up at Belle. “So, in a way, you're about to accomplish the life's dream of Madame Nightshade?”

“Ah...” Pilate raised a hoof, smiling. “But she will be able to perfect sequencing so that it's used for good, without exploiting other souls.”

“Including those of kids,” Rainbow said.

“Exactly!” Belle winked.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...” Kera nodded. “Well, in that case, knock yourself out!”

“Hehehe! I think I will!”

“Actually, pass the fried grasshoppers, then knock yourself out!”

“Erm... right...” Belle held the basket over. “I'm... rather surprised they're serving these here.”

“Mmmmm...” Kera bore a smug grin as she picked a few tasty morsels off the plate. “A certain... caterer's son worked this out for me, I bet.”

“Really?” Props leaned her muzzle on her forelimb, smiling. “And does this caterer's son deserve a princess' kiss?”

“Sure thing—wait!” Kera dropped her grasshoppers in mid-bite and grimaced wildly. “Ewww! Cut it out! For real!”

“Heeheehee!” Props sighed happily, tossing her blonde mane back. “Ohhhhhhhhh I'm gonna miss that.”

Both Pilate and Belle tilted their heads in Props' direction.

“You... you won't be staying here in Val Roa?” Belle asked, blinking.

“Oh... uhm... well...” Props fidgeted, squirming in her seat. “That is to say... uh...”

“Like bloody hell, they're not,” Prowse belched from where he sat besides the mare. “Not like I fancy yankin' the tears out of your eyes, but now that all this madness is over, I'm makin' sure Propsicle is someplace safe! Well... at least, safer. And, besides, I miss the lass.”

“And... erm...” Rainbow nervously eyed Prowse, then stared at Props. “You're totally cool with this, Props?”

“Actually, uhm...” Props smiled bashfully. “I made the suggestion myself. Uncky Prowsy is lucky to have the Tarkington and all, but I've always known him to be a merchant first and an explorer second.”

“Damn girl talked me out of going on a crazy quest to find out what makes the Lounge tick,” Prowse said. “And besides, there's bound to have been a huge stinkin' vacuum left in Gray Smoke ever since I bugger'd off! 'Bout time I flew back and sunk my teeth back into that succulent financial fruit!”

“Can't imagine it'll be easy going back to a relatively normal life after all of this adventure,” Pilate said.

“Hah! You think I'm hangin' the Tarkington?” Prowse grinned. He glanced across the table. “Me and a certain somepony else were given this with Aatxe's dying request! May he rest in soot!”

“Damn straight.” Seclorum smirked. “Ever since the Frozen Sea lost its flurries when Stratopolis went down, it's been an open passageway for flight, trade, you name it. Lots of idiots don't have a darn clue what Alafreo is, or how to even get there.”

“Seeking to capitalize, huh?” Belle asked with a smirk.

“Just seeking to keep green-as-shit travellers from sinking their dayum necks in the ocean!” He glanced at the large tattooed figure beside him. “Ain't that right, buddy?”

“Mrmmfmfff...” Arcshod munched his way through eggs and sausage. “...dreit.”

“The way we figure it,” Prowse spoke. “Secchy and his mates patrol the sea while I hold the fort back in Gray Smoke. Between the post-war economy and the new avenue for exploration, we're bound to make the eastern edge of the continent a safer place for everypony!”

“Good,” Roarke droned. “Because if you had traveled south into the Lounge swamps like originally planned, you would be deader than rusted nails.”

Half of the table chuckled good-naturedly.

“And I wanna be there to help Uncky Prowsy set up shop again!” Props said with a cheery smile. “And maybe I can finally work on a few inventions I've been mulling over since I was yanked all the way to Blue Nova!”

“You've been working on inventions?” Rainbow asked.

“Yup yup yup!”

“Like what?”

Props grinned. “Ever wondered if cheese could grill itself?”


“Well, someday soon, you won't have to anymore!” Props pumped her hoof in the air. “I'm gonna have a go at culinary tools!” She giggle-snorted. “If there's anything I've learned over the past few months, it's that serving ponies food is a lot more fun than serving them missles!”

“Now that I can get behind,” Ebon Mane said. “Though... dare I ask who's the inspiration behind the self-grilling cheese?”

“Uhhhhh...” Zaid coughed, his cheeks turning slightly rosy. “Maybe the stallion who's agreed to join her on her merchant's venture.”

“Is that a fact?” Belle grinned wide. “Are you finally kicking the wayward life of an aerial vagabond?”

“Hey...” Zaid shrugged. “I've been through waaaaaay more stuff than I've ever signed on for.”

“Still, do you think a place like Gray Smoke could contain you, Mr. Zaid?” Pilate asked.

“Meh...” Zaid shrugged again. “If I can be an ex-cultist and an ex-juror, then why not try on being an ex-bum?”

“Here here...” Rainbow said, stifling a chuckle.

“Besides...” Zaid turned to nuzzle Props. “...I couldn't think of a friskier kitten to settle with.”

“D'awwwwwww... heeheehee...” Props giggled.

Prowse leaned in, muttering in Zaid's ear. “Remember, boyo, though that kitten may be declawed, I still have me plenty of shears. Ya get me.”

“A-a-ahem...” Zaid wiped the sweat from his brow, smiling dead ahead. “And have I mentioned how thrilled I am to be moving in with Props' lovable uncle?” his voice cracked.

The table chuckled again.

“Zaid...” Eagle Eye shook his head. “Settling for a normal life in the clouds. I can't believe it.”

“Yes yes yes...” Floydien muttered. “Every boomer will be forced to punch stone stone from now on. Not quite the same, Floydien thinks.”

And once more, the table burst into laughter.

Author's Note:
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