• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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The Price of Love and Harmony

“All power to the starboard engines!” Haman howled and spat from his reeling mech walker. “Detach us from the other hull already, you worthless runts!” He pointed a flesh hand, ordering various goblins around the teetering deck of the Gamma ship as it locked up with its sister vessel. “I can't believe you're all letting a bunch of piss-purple ponies wreck everything that I've worked to—”

“Boss! Boss!” a goblin howled, pointing skyward.

“What is it now?!” Haman spun about. His eyes twitched.

The northern skies of Val Roa were filled with glossy black lounge spheres. Manablasts flickered through the streets as the reptilian agents neutralized the pockets of scattered Soul Sentries.

Many of the goblins slumped in place, gawking at the sight.

“Several of them are approaching, sir,” another goblin stammered.

Haman gritted his teeth. “Word to the wise...” He inhaled steam and growled. “Never make deals with a race that sheds its skin...”

“You tried taking over this kingdom by stealing away the King and Queen, but the Noble Jury won them back,” Rainbow Dash said, trotting slowly towards Chrysalis. “You tried dominating Val Roa through Prince Eine, but we saved him. Last but not least, you tried dominating the capital with Soul Sentries, but you failed. You couldn't even control your three pawns; Saikano betrayed Fishberry and Sharp Quill for the sake of Harmony. So what makes you think that you'll have any hope of controlling the Soul Sentries forever? Not that it matters. The Jurists and the Lounge have got them outnumbered and beat. All that's left is to pull them out from under your spell. Face it, Chryssi. You lost. You lost all the way back in Ledomare at the death of Nevlamas. You know all that suffering you've wanted to feed on? Well, I've got news for you.” She scuffled to a stop, her eyes glaring with a glint that matched her pendant. “Ledomare has become Luxmare, and it's made peace with Xona. The entire Continent is experiencing an unprecedented period of Harmony. If anything, the battles you and I endured have only worked to facilitate the swift end of pain and anguish in every landscape you've ever graced. In other words, for being such a huge fan of chaos and misery, you're pretty lame at what you do. And now... there's nowhere left to hide.”

“I... I don't understand...” Chrysalis shivered, her translucent wings twitching. “I... I thought of everything.” She gnashed her fanged jaws. “Everything!”

“But did you feel everything...?”

Chrysalis turned to glance at the source of a soft voice.

Rippling from head to hoof with green flame, a burgundy shape trotted out of camouflaged hiding. With sad eyes, Ebon Mane gazed at the decrepit alicorn. “Hello mother...” He gulped. “We meet at last.”

“... … ...” Chrysalis stared at him, slowly shaking her head. “I... I don't know...”

Ebon sighed. “Somehow, that doesn't surprise me.” His ears drooped. “All these years... decades... centuries... you've been so terribly desperate to gain power. And to do what? To... reinforce a war on the Dark Side that has no hope of ending?”

“My sister...” Chrysalis snarled. “Tchern needs me! She will not defeat both the Sarosians and the Night Shard unless my brood can return with sustenance—

“What brood?!” Ebon stomped his hoof. “Mother, all of your children have scattered! They've tasted of freedom, and they want nothing to do with you!” His eyes watered. “They don't want a Queen who hatches them only to sow misery without considering their feelings!”

“Their feelings are my feelings!” Chrysalis snarled. “Their strength my strength! The Trinary War—”

“—is a lost cause!” Ebon Mane shouted. “Your ancient siblings couldn't bless that side of the plane back when they first arrived here, and that was with all of your powers of Harmony combined! So what makes you think that just you and Tchern alone can do anything to salvage it?! And when you've got control of the Midnight Armory, then what?! All you know is pain and misery because you've chosen to make that your focus! There will only ever be another war if that is all you know and deal with!”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes on the drone. “How is it that you know so much, child?” Her black brow furrowed. “The link with my mind was broken...”

With a plume of flame, Ebon morphed to his natural state. His glossy eyes blinked as the changeling said, “I reformed it. Using the Soul Sentries, I connected to you, and I learned everything I needed to know—about you, your past, and your... your p-pain.”

“Why...?” Chrysalis leaned her head to the side, glaring. “Why, of all the hundreds of thousands of hatchlings I've brought into this world—why did you come all this way to meet with me?”

Ebon took a deep breath. On porous hooves, he crossed the distance between them.

Rainbow Dash jolted, wings spread—but stopped herself at the last second. She watched, her face blanching with the first sign of anxiety since the face-off began.

With soft steps, Ebon Mane reached the brood mother. He reached a hoof up and clasped her fetlock with his. A smile crossed his fanged muzzle. “I came because I love you, mother.” He placed her large hoof over his small chest. “And I hope... I believe that deep down there is still the alicorn of Harmony who came to this world with the desire to bless and restore that which was shattered.”

Chrysalis gazed down at him, her muzzle agape. Her wings fluttered as she murmured, “I... I've failed Tchern so much. She needs my help. She... she needs...”

“She needs more than either you or I can give her,” Ebon said in a melancholic tone. “The alicorn has made her home in darkness.” He leaned his head to the side. “Why else would you be forced to flee to this side of the plane unless a part of you couldn't stand such bleakness?”

Chrysalis clenched her jaws, quivering.

Ebon smiled, reforming into a burgundy earth pony. “You don't have to be the same monster Tchern is. There's another way to use your gifts, Mother. There always is.”

Chrysalis shook her head. After a heavy breath, she murmured, “It's... too late. Far too late. I... I can't...”

“Yes you can,” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Before the Jury and the Tarkington arrived in Val Roa, I made a deal with Lunarius.”

Chrysalis looked across the room at her.

Rainbow's eyes narrowed. “You will not be executed. Give up control of the Soul Sentries, and you will be shown mercy.”

“I...” Chrysalis leaned her head to the side. “I will be free?”

“Pffft. Don't be stupid,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. “Your beetle-shell ass is going to jail. But, your life will be spared, and so will the lives of any of your children if they happen to show up in this kingdom. For their sake—if not for your own—I suggest you accept Lunarius' mercy.”

“I... I've done so many terrible things—”

“In all my travels, I've met the worst of the worst that this plane has to offer. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Queenie, but you ain't it.” Rainbow's gaze narrowed. “You want the Midnight Armory to be saved? Give up the worthless fight while you still can, and let Harmony take its course.”

“You... you mean you?” Chrysalis stammered.

Rainbow slowly nodded. “Tchern isn't the only pony whose fate's been sealed since day one.” She exhaled through her nostrils. “I'm the Austraeoh. More than anyone, I know a thing or two about sacrifice. It isn't easy trusting the course of destiny, but it's all for the best.” Rainbow stood up tall, wings spread. “You can still do what's best, too, Chrysalis.”

“You can be a blessing to this landscape, Mother,” Ebon Mane said, squeezing the alicorn's hoof. “The Val Roans can benefit from your gifts.”

“I... I don't know how...” Chrysalis seethed, clenching her eyes tight. “All I know... all I've done... I've done for Tchern... for this war...”

“Let it go, Mother,” Ebon insisted, his gaze earnest. “You were meant to be a creature of love. The same goes for your whole hive. Stop poisoning yourself and everypon around you...”

“I...” Chrysalis shook, shuddered. “I can't...” Her horn glowed a bright green... brighter. “Don't... don't trust...”

“You can do it.” Ebon sniffled. “I know you can. Just—”

Chrysalis yanked his grip loose and raised both hooves violently.

Rainbow gasped, flapping her wings. “Ebon, move—!”

But she didn't bother to strike either of them. Instead, she brought both hooves to her glowing, crooked horn. “Rrrrrrnnnngh...” With a bellowing scream, she pulled with all her might, yanking the thing clean off at the top of her skull. SNAPPPP!Aaaaaaaaugh!” She wailed in pain as streams of ethereal green light poured out of her quivering shell of a body. She fell hard to the floor of the warehouse, twitching as a pool of emerald blood formed around her skull and upper body.

“Mother—!” Ebon shrieked, but was pulled back in Rainbow's strong forelimbs. The pegasus held him back as both watched beams of jade energy billowing out of her form... then dissipating in faint misty trails.

“Guh!” Jex winced, rubbing his eyes as a bright flash of emerald light emanated from the northeast end of the Capital. “Was that one of your guys?”

“Negative,” the Lounge leader said, shaking his helmeted head. “It doesn't match the signature of our weaponry.”

“Well, something happened!” Jex turned towards Roarke. “Certainly you saw it.”

“... … ...” Roarke was leaning over the edge of the floating Lounge sphere they were on.

Down in the streets below, the Soul Sentries were collapsing simultaneously. With collective groans, the reindeer fell to their haunches, clutching their skulls. All the while, any trace of glowing green light faded from their eyes and antlers.

Wait!” Roarke held a hoof up as her ice blue eyes squinted. “Your brothers! Call them off!”

“I beg your pardon?

“They've been neutralized! Tell your soldiers to cease with their attacks.”

“Surely you jest.”

Roarke turned to glare at him.

“... … ...” The Lounge Leader swiftly raised a communicator to his helmet. “Brothers, in Quezaat's name, lay down your arms.”

Crimson twirled his hammer, readying another swing. Upon hearing Eagle Eye's gasp, he froze in place, sweating and heaving. He and Phoenix stood flank-to-flank with Eagle and Josho, gazing at the circling waves of reindeer guards around them.

One by one, the soldiers were crumbling to their knees, exhaling in collective groans. The emerald aura dissipated among them, replaced instead by soulful, blinking eyes.

Seclorum and Arcshod calmed down, as did the Xonan warriors.

Tweak helped Lucky Strike to his hooves—wincing—as they gazed voicelessly at the suddenly silenced battle in the middle of the Sandstone District's courtyards.

One by one, the citizens of Val Roa came out of the woodwork, gawking at the inexplicable peace of the moment. Floydien trotted down the steps of the High Council Building, glaring across the scene.

“The shimmer glimmer,” he murmured. “It has gone away...”

Josho glanced across the thick of sweaty fighters.

Eagle Eye shuddered, his lavender muzzle forming a weary smile. “Rainbow Dash... Ebon...” His eyes watered. “They did it...”

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