• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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Turn About Your Own Damn Intruder

“All of you!” Secretary Sharp Quill barked at a line of Soul Sentries that he passed while galloping after the reindeer guard towards the end of the royal hallway. “Follow us! We will need your expertise in investigating this hidden passage!”

All in one accord, the reindeer's eyes pulsed green. They nodded, then marched briskly after the elk.

“How much further?” Sharp Quill asked.

“Just this way!” The guard cut around a corner, leading straight through the heart of the Palace's Royal Chambers. Servants peered out of the various rooms where they'd been sequestered. Their muzzles hung in perplexed, worrisome expressions.

“Get back to your quarters!” Sharp Quill snarled in mid-gallop, his purple eyes bright and fiery. “Your presence here impedes my investigation!”

Shuddering, the maids and butlers nervously complied. Soon, the hallway was full of nothing but the thunderous sound of marching hooves.

“Wait a minute...” Sharp Quill's mouth suddenly hung agape. His ears twitched beneath his antlers as he said, “You're leading me to the Prince's chambers, aren't you?”

“Affirmative!” exclaimed the guard in front of him.

“You mean to say that—all this time—there was an entrance to a hidden passageway inside his very bedroom?

“That would seem to be the case!” The guard glanced back once as he approached the doors to the Prince's Royal Chambers. “Undoubtedly it was kept a closely guarded secret by the Royal Family.”

“And I was never told about it?” Sharp Quill briefly gnashed his teeth. “How was this kingdom ever supposed to operate smoothely...?”

The guard opened the doors. The Soul Sentries behind Sharp Quill illuminated the bedroom with their emerald aura. “It's located near the Prince's desk, along the southeast side of his chambers—”

“Step aside,” Sharp Quill growled, pushing the guard back as he marched ahead. “I'm no stranger to this part of the Palace. Now, just how small is this...”

The wall was solid, barren, and devoid of any passage.

“...entrance?” Sharp Quill stood dead-still, blinking.

The doors slammed shut behind him.

The elk spun around with a gasp.

Eight Soul Sentries—the ones who had obediently followed the Secretary through the Royal Palace—now stood in a single line before the bedroom's exit. In front of them stood the lone reindeer guard, gazing softly at Sharp Quill's surprised face.

“The masquerade stops here,” the guard said.

Sharp Quill blinked, his muzzle agape. “I've no unearthly idea what you're talking about.”

“No.” The guard shook his head. “You don't.” Then, in an unraveling curtain of flame, he turned into a burgundy-coated Xonan.

Sharp Quill gasped. “You...”

“I know a thing or two about who you think you're serving,” Ebon Mane said. “Trust me.” His nostrils flared with a melancholic breath. “She does not reward the ones whom she pretends to love.”

A low roar issued from Sharp Quill's throat. Standing tall, he faced the Soul Sentries and spat, “Neutralize him! Immediately!”

The Soul Sentries flinched once... twice... but remained still.

Sharp Quill nearly had a spasm. “What?!” He stomped his hoof. “I gave you a direct order!

Still, the Soul Sentries refused to move.

“Very well then...” Leaning forward, Sharp Quill channeled green energy through his skull. The ends of his antlers pulsed with an emerald aura, and his eyes veritably billowed with jade flame. After half-a-minute of straining, he slumped back on his haunches, wide-eyed and sweating. “This... this makes no sense! Why aren't they obeying me?”

“Because she entrusted too much power in me, said a deep voice from the shadows.

Gasping, Sharp Quill spun about.

A stone gray elk trotted out from the royal lavatory, his good eye narrowing beneath sharp antlers. “As did you. And that's why this plan would never work.”

Sharp Quill gaped at him. “Saikano...” He gnashed his teeth. “You've turned traitorous?!”

“Only a traitor would imprison his surrogate daughter,” the General said. “As you have alienated your surrogate son.” He leaned his head to the side. “Tell me, Secretary, did you feel any qualms whatsoever when you nearly choked the Prince to death?”

Sharp Quill's eyes narrowed. “How did you know about...?” He twitched, then glared at Ebon Mane.

Ebon stared calmly at the elk.

Seething, Sharp Quill turned towards Saikano once again. “You would ally with this freakish invader? After all she's promised us?! Glory?! Power?! Rebirth for Val Roa?!”

“Not all things must be baptized in flames,” Saikano said. “As Val Roa's protector—or at least a fascimile of its protector—I know this by heart.”

“Fascimile of...?” Sharp Quill blinked. “What do you mean by that?”

“I can't expect you to understand, Secretary,” Saikano remarked. “You haven't woken up to the truth yet. You're still as much a prisoner as Fishberry.”

“Enough of this!” Sharp Quill stomped his hooves. “You won't be leaving the Palace alive!”

Saikano shook his head. “The Soul Sentries will not aid you.”

“Why not?!” Sharp Quill frowned. “Because you've mastered them?! Unless you've forgotten, Saikano, Fishberry and I command them too! They won't harm a hair on my body so long as I hold concious dominion!”

“Then we'll have to do something about that, shall we?” Saikano said.

Sharp Quill blinked.

The barest hint of a smile formed on Saikano's calm face.

Sharp Quill took a deep breath. He took one last look at Ebon Mane... ... ... then made a mad dash for the balcony windows on the far side of the bedroom.

Saikano made sure to get out of the Secretary's way, maintaining distance between them.

Sharp Quill was almost to the exit when a hard metal staff slammed across his skull. “Ooomf!” He collapsed against the wall, wincing in pain.

Thw-thw-thwpp! A charcoal-coated mare with half-healed bruises twirled her staff to a stop, bracing it between her raised fetlock and her neck. “Going somewhere, coward?” Midnite Bastion spat. “Not on my watch.”

Sharp Quill gritted his teeth. He kicked off the wall and dashed for a closed door along the edge of the room. Just as he flung it open—

WHAMMM! A thick, hairy hoof flew out and slammed across his chest.

“Guahh!” Sharp Quill stumbled backwards. He looked up, and his pupils shrank.

Constable Jake leered at him with a drooling smile. “Yeah. No.” The moose spun and slammed his massive buttocks into the elk.

WHUD! Sharp Quill flew back with a grunt. He crashed through Prince Eine's desk, shattering it to a dozen splintery bits.

Saikano helplessly shuddered, stumbling back and bracing himself against a table.

Midnite glanced his way with a blank expression.

“Heh... sorry, Blood'n'Guts,” Jake dribbled, trotting over and making sure Sharp Quill was down for the count. “Forgot you were kinda sorta attached at the invisible umbilical.”

“Do not apologize...” Saikano shook the pain off and stood up straight. “We still have much work to do.”

“Fishberry will be starting the High Council Meeting any time now,” Midnite said, hobbling across the chambers with the aid of her staff. “That's halfway across the Capital from here!”

Saikano looked across the room. His good eye pulsed green.

The Soul Sentries jerked towards him immediately, standing at attention.

“I have full control over the Soul Sentries now,” Saikano said.

“Puppies!” Jake glanced up. “You sure about that, Cyclopsy?”

“At least for the time being.” Saikano sighed out his nostrils. “After Rainbow Dash's plan falls through, however, I cannot say.” He gulped. “She will likely regain control.”

“Yes, well, one thing at a time.” Midnite glanced over at Ebon Mane. “Can you access the Soul Sentries' energy field now?”

Ebon nodded, already morphing to his natural, insectoid form. “With Sharp Quill no longer blocking the mental leylines, you bet!”

“Good.” Midnite's eyes narrowed. “It's up to you to find the Prince and your little Xonan.”

After a deep breath, Ebon said, “I'll get right on it.”

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