• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 2,398 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Keeper of Harmony - Rammy

Spike wants to know his destiny, what his role is. The price to be paid to find out may be too high...

  • ...

Harmony of Order and Chaos

"Douse the fire!" Discord suddenly yelped interrupting the merry mood.

"W-Why?" Twilight gulped.

"That's why!" Discord pointed out in the shifting darkness. Just beyond the the nearest building was a mass of what looked like shifting darkness blotting out light and obscuring everything around it. Yellow glowing eyes dotted the mass blinking at random intervals.

"Shadow demons!" Harmony harshly whispered as he saw the many glowing yellow eyes. "Or as some like to call them: 'The Pony of Shadows!'"

"You mean it's not an old pony’s tale!?!" Twilight swallowed a rising scream. She could see the masses of darkness and the shifting yellow eyes at the edge of the fire light.

"Myths usually contain a grain of truth, Bearer of Magic. As you are the only one here that has gotten your magic back use focused light based attacks to dispel them. The rest of you stay huddled together." Lighting two touches with his magic he gave one to Applejack and another to Rainbow Dash, "If they get too close use these to force them back. But stay together!"

Discord quickly dumped water onto the fire instantly plunging them into near darkness. The only light came from the two torches and Harmony’s and Twilight's glowing horns. The stars were being blocked out by the increasing mass of darkness quickly approaching.

Discord and Harmony stood in front as the rest backed towards the wall behind them. Twilight pulled Spike next to her. Spike was not happy but said nothing. Rainbow and Applejack stood right behind Twilight and Spike readying their torches. A single demon rush forward nearly reaching Harmony before he shot into nothing with a shot of light from his horn. Discord snapped a bucket onto his lion hand lit glow sticks overflowing from it.

"I don't think I have ever seen this many before." Harmony commented assessing the danger.

"I have." Discord said. Harmony shivered a bit at that.

"What I want to know is how they managed to get into Hourglass."

"No idea Harmony and now is not the time to try and figure that out." Discord responded throwing a glow stick at a shadow demon approaching from the right.

"I suppose not," Harmony surmised, "Then want do you think of our chances then?"

"Will you attack them already!!?!" Rarity shouted in a panic.

"It's actually more effective to attack them from close range." Harmony called back not taking his eyes off of the shadow demons.

Fluttershy eeped and trying to curl herself into a smaller ball. Rarity was trying to sooth her but was shaking in fear herself. Pinkie Pie was trying her best to ignore the shadow demons wishing that if she ignored them then they would disappear. She didn't think giggling at the ghosties would work this time.

For the next hour Harmony and Twilight would shoot beams or orbs of light into the mass of shadow demons while Discord would use various colored glow sticks that exploded in light when they hit the ground or a shadow demon.

As the night went on however, the shadow demons began to push Harmony and Discord back so that they were next to Twilight. Twilight responded by pushing Spike to a more protective spot behind her much to his chagrin. "I can help." He harshly whispered. No one seem to hear him however.

"Eeeeek!" Rarity screeched as Applejack had to whack a shadow demon that was about to hit Twilight from the side.

Fluttershy whimpered as another shadow tried to attack the group this time Rainbow had to drive it back. Spike clenched his fists together as they were slowly losing and it was still many hours to sunrise. There has to be something I can do!

"Harmony at this rate we are not going to make the night." Discord panted a bit as he snapped another glow stick into the mass of shadows.

Harmony gritted his teeth in anger. No. We will make the night! We must!

"Girls ready your elements." Twilight yelled as she dissipated two shadows with a ball of light magic.

"No." Harmony flatly stated as his horn glowed for another attack.

"What do you mean 'no'!?!" Twilight's eyes twitched a bit as this was a perfect time for the elements or at least she thought so.

"Yes, the Elements' attacks are light based, but if you don't get it right you will only make them stronger. If we had more time..." Harmony paused as he blasted a beam of light at a nearby shadow demon. "Discord we are going to need to use the more intrinsic form of harmony magic."

"Ugh, please tell me you're not thinking..."

"Exactly." Harmony answered before Discord could finish his sentence. Discord groaned as he threw a glow stick dispelling another shadow demon that was getting too close. Harmony chuckled a bit before admitting, "If it makes you feel better it has been nearly three thousand years since the last time..."

"The last time!?!? For what?" Twilight began panicking as the shadows drifted closer and closer.

"Ready, Discord?" Harmony asked ignoring Twilight.

In answer Discord only snapped a claw. Music began to play drifting in a breeze that was forming.

"Where is that music coming from!?!" Twilight asked looking around finally stopping at Pinkie Pie. At the stares of five mares and one dragon Pinkie only shrugged.

Chaos. Discord sang.

Order. Harmony added.

Harmony! They sang together as multicolor light flew out of Harmony and Discord's horns spinning in a vortex around them. The shadow demons approached the light but seemed to stop short.

Twilight groaned, facehoofing. "Tell me they're not..."

Don't you know it?
Can you see it?

Rarity deadpanned, "They are."

"Deja vuie!" Pinkie added, giggling.

The girls just blinked at her before the song drew their attention back to Harmony and Discord. Spike however noticed something odd.

A rainbow in the night
And don't it feel right
As we sing of bonds that bind us?
The lights swirl around us grow
And don't you notice the warmth
That comes with the glow?

The light vortex grew and expanded as Harmony sung.

For you really should see
As things come into focus
That order and chaos
Can be in har-harmony!

It can't be... He thought.

Come, let's see the sun rise
With a cooling breeze
Oh that harmony, it grows]
Shout to the dark that we survived
Filling all hearts to the brim
So don't let it end

The vortex of light grew brighter for a second before coalescing into a bubble.

For you really should see
As things come into focus
That order and chaos
Can be in har-harmony!

The Plane of Harmony!? His jaw dropped at what he was seeing. The Plane of Harmony had somehow been laid over his vision and he could see his memories all around them. Interestedly they were all within the now multicolor bubble of light that was keeping the shadow demons at bay.

For you really should see
As things come into focus
That order and chaos
Can be in har-harmony!

He was really confused. He could feel something strange happening within him. It felt like a pressure upon his chest.

Don't you know it?
Can you see it?
Can be in Harmony. (in harmony)

Can be in har-harmony!


For you really should see
That order and chaos
Can be in har-harmony!

As the song ended the pressure within his chest rose. His mind began to see clearly what to do and his heart pounded because of what he saw. Fierce determination seemed to grip him as he inwardly agreed to the task. Gently moving Twilight foreleg from around him he stood up and began to walk forward. Somewhere ahead, in the mass of memories, he could see two shining brighter than the others. He needed to see what those memories were.

"Spike?" Twilight noticed that Spike had moved forward and toward what she couldn't see.

Harmony and Discord glanced at each other and nodded. One look at Twilight told them that all of Tartarus was about to break loose. Harmony slyly moved closer to Twilight silently dreading what he was about to have to do.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled trying to get Spike's attention.

Spike made no outward movement to indicate that he heard her.

Author's Note:

Harmony and Discord singing!?! The world as we know it is doom-ed...:pinkiecrazy:

The song appears to be the final push Spike needed...