• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,081 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 5

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 5:

Soarin’s ears shot up so hard they almost ripped off his head and fired towards the sky. He was just swimming entirely in his own thoughts, imagining everything that he really wanted. However, he was damn certain that he really just heard Rainbow Dash’s voice behind him. If he turned and saw she wasn’t there, then he would consider seeing a shrink.

He slowly turned, hoping, wishing, and pleading for it to really be her behind him. His heart nearly stopped when the sight met his eyes.

It was her. It was really her. She was there at the ball. He blinked a few dozen times to make sure he wasn’t dreaming as he looked her up and down. The beautiful dress, the adorable mane all smoothed out, and the same cute eyes he had longed to look into again.

Rainbow Dash lightly blushed as he looked her over in disbelief. She let him take her all in. After all, it was the whole reason she got dressed up pretty. She found it a little weird to see him in a tuxedo and with his mane all smoothed down instead of blown back, but this was a fancy dress occasion, he was probably ordered to look the part.

“Soarin?” she grinned as he continued to look her up and down.

“D-Dash?” He took a few steps towards her, reached up and touched her face lightly with his hoof. Dash lifted an eyebrow and giggled.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re real right?” Soarin’s jaw had been hanging down since he laid eyes on her. She smirked reached up and pushed his mouth shut.

“Of course I am.” She flashed him a bright smile that almost made his heart explode. After more continuous blinking, Soarin flattened his expression.

“Prove it.” He challenged. Dash’s ears flopped down for a moment, feeling like the moment had just been completely killed, but then she smirked and took his challenge.

“No one else would be THIS awesome.” She said with a wink and swished her mane around.

“SOLD.” Soarin said with wide eyes before charging at her and clamping his arms around her. “RAINBOW DASH!!!!!” He yelled out excitedly. Dash could barely breathe. He was hugging her so tight. This wasn’t a friendly hug, this was a desire hug. The kind of hug you give to somepony who’s more than a friend, somepony that’s important to you. It made her heart flutter even if her bones were being crushed.

After holding onto her for almost a full minute, Soarin finally released her and held her at arm’s length. The look in his eyes made Dash happy beyond words. The stallion she felt so strongly for was looking at her with so much excitement he looked like he might burst.

“Sweet Celestia answering my prayers, I can’t believe you are actually here! I never thought I’d see you at an event like this.” He said as he continued to look her up and down. She chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re damn right. I would never be caught dead at a place like this. But I made an exception cause I knew you’d be here.” She said with another wink. But Soarin didn’t notice because he was still looking her over. Dash rolled her eyes before strutting around a little. “See something you like?”

“Buh?” Soarin shook his head. “Sorry, I’m just, you’re just, I mean…”

“Spit it out.” Dash batted her eyelashes at him. She’d have to thank Rarity for unintentionally showing her how to flirt over the years. Rarity was the queen of flirting.

“Um. You look absolutely beautiful.” He said quietly, avoiding eye contact. Dash wasn’t expecting something so—, touching. Soarin’s less goofy more nervous response made her body tingle and her wing feathers began to twitch. She bit her lip and bounced her eyebrows,

“Well I’m sure you get this a lot, but you are quite the eyeful yourself.” She fired right back.

“I do, but it’s not often I like who it’s coming from." He shook his head and grunted, "Son of a—, I can’t take this, come here again!” He pulled her into another tight hug. His urge to be super affectionate was making Dash warm all over. She was so worried about how things would go if she revealed her new feelings for him, but it was beginning to look like it wouldn’t be a problem. Now she just had to wait for the right moment.

“Somebody clearly missed me.” She laughed when they broke apart.

“More than you could ever know.” He replied with a smile.

“Aw, shucks.” Dash was loving every moment. His clear and present interest was giving her confidence boosts like none other. She leaned up and nuzzled him on the cheek before planting a small kiss on it. “That makes two of us, Soarin.”

Soarin’s eyes were wide with a mixture of surprise and delight. What cosmic event made this night go from the worst possible piece of filth scraped off the bottom of his hoof, to the best thing in the history of Equestria? He quickly reached over and hooked his hoof with hers.

“Know how to dance?” He asked simply.

“Do you?” Dash smirked.

“Good answer. You. Me. Dance floor. Now.” Dash chuckled as he pulled her along. He was so happy and so eager. She loved this about him. He was still just as goofy and endearing as she remembered and that was making her beam with delight.

“Awwwwww they are so cute!” Fleetfoot cooed while squishing her cheeks with her hooves. Spitfire sighed and nodded.

“Yeah, they sure are.” She turned away and grabbed a mug to fill with water. Fleetfoot watched Spitfire move with very little spring in her step and hovered over to her side.

“Oh come on Spitfire, what’s wrong? Aren’t you happy for Soarin?” She pouted.

“Of course I am!” She answered very quickly, but let her head droop back down, “I’m just, tired.” She lied and leaned her side against the wall with her mug in hoof.

“You are so full of crap sometimes.” Fleetfoot stepped right in front of her. Spitfire was not enthusiastic about Fleetfoot’s sudden interest.

“Didn’t Soarin tell you to leave me alone about it?” She tried to avoid.

“He did, but I’m not gonna let you be all broody on a fun night like this!” She threw her hooves up in frustration.

“Whatever.” Spitfire ignored her and took a sip.

“Why not go grab a stallion and dance?” Fleetfoot suggested. Spitfire instantly shook her head.

“And play into their false interest? None of them actually care.” She rolled her eyes and took another sip. “Soarin’ is lucky. He has somepony that actually cares about him.” Fleetfoot cocked an eyebrow and scoffed.

“Spitfire, really?”


“I’ve danced with six different stallions tonight. I wasn’t looking for a coltfriend with each one of them you know.” She crossed her hooves and stared directly into Spitfire’s eyes.

“What does that have to do with anything?” She leaned back slightly as Fleetfoot continued the glare.

“That means untie the knot in your underwear and go have some fun!” She grabbed Spitfire’s free hoof and began dragging her over to the dance floor.

“Fleet! Stop! I don’t want to!”

“Shut it! We are finding you a stallion to dance with and you are going to enjoy yourself!” She insisted. Spitfire gave up and let Fleetfoot drag her along.

“Fine, fine.” As she was pulled along, she caught a glimpse of a rather undesirable teammate. Rapidfire was dancing with what looked like a turquoise pegasus mare. He was being rather hoovesy with the way he was holding onto her.

It could be worse, she thought to herself. She could be that poor mare with Rapidfire.

Soarin led Dash out into the dance floor until they found a nice little area where they could start. Dash put her right hoof on his shoulder and he took her left in his right.

“Show me what you’ve got.” Dash snidely coerced.

“Try to keep up.” He egged her right back.

The music was slow and easy to find the beat to. They began with simple steps back and forth, turning slightly with each couple of sways. Dash kept everything she had been taught about dancing in mind. Most importantly: keeping her eyes on him. As soon as she looked down, she would undoubtedly lose her pace. She kept her body loose and allowed Soarin to guide her around. Whenever he stepped back she spun smoothly before he pulled her back in.

Looking into his eyes not only made it easier to follow him, it also let her see just how focused he was on her. He was so lost in the fact that he had her right in front of him. He was so happy just to be close to her.

The music suddenly picked up a little. Soarin let go of her and stepped out, extending his hoof. She mimicked his movement and pressed her hoof against his. They stepped in a circle three times, before he turned his body and faced her. She did the same. Both with a hoof still extended, they crossed a back hoof other the other one step before pulling it back, first left over right, then right over left. They came towards each other, and both spun as they passed, reaching the other front hoof forward, pressing them together, and repeating the back steps. He was getting fancy on her, but she could keep up.

They put their hooves back down, then both slid right, sideways, and right again to move around each other in a way that made a perfect square. As they reached their hooves out, Soarin hooked his hoof with hers and pulled her towards him. She spun, turning her back to him. He lightly touched his other hoof to her back and she spun back out to arm's length. They repeated the move one more time before she came back in facing forward as the song ended. Soarin held her close to him, both of them up on their hind legs, one front hoof around their partner, and the other hoof out to the side, still hooked. They were face to face, eyes still locked as they had been for the whole dance.

Then the clapping of hooves sounded from around them. They both broke from each other’s gaze and looked around to see that the area around them had slightly cleared and their dancing was being applauded by the Canterlot elite. Dash glanced up by the throne to see both Luna and Twilight clapping. She looked back down at the crowd and saw Rarity bouncing up and down as if she just drank a gallon of espresso. Soarin caught a glimpse of Fleetfoot smiling like crazy and Spitfire close by nodding. Upon closer inspection it looked like a unicorn stallion beside her had a hoof on her shoulder, suggesting they were dancing prior.

The two both blushed in embarrassment, not realizing they had drawn a crowd.

“How about we get something to drink?” Soarin suggested.

“Haha, sounds good to me.” Dash replied sheepishly while keeping her eyes on him. That whole dance had struck her with a million Cupid arrows. Soarin put so much effort and heart into that dance and it was making her tingle with endless joy.

They weaved through the crowd, Dash getting a few nudges from mares as they went by and Soarin getting one or two pats on the back. When they were finally free and each with a glass mug they sighed and leaned against the wall.

“Soarin. That, was awesome.” She commented with a blushing smile.

“I’m surprised you kept up,” he grinned, a little embarrassed, “I got a little ahead of myself. I was worried I’d overwhelm you, but you did it perfectly. How long have you known how to dance?” He asked.

“Learned last week.” She answered pridefully. Soarin almost choked on his water.

“What?! Holy hell Dash, I was pulling advanced moves out there!”

“I’m a fast learner,” she swished her mane over her other shoulder. “Remember?”

“Oh I haven’t forgotten.” He replied while swishing his mane over his shoulder to imitate her.

“In fact, I recently pulled off your Sonic Blast-off from a dead stop.”

“Oh?” Soarin lifted an eyebrow, “I’ll have to see that later, but honestly I’m not very surprised.” He reached a hoof over and ran it over her arm holding the glass, “Somebody has clearly been hitting the weights.”

“I’m glad you noticed.” She grinned and blushed a little. She was glad Soarin was the type of stallion who appreciated hard work and athleticism. She had gained a little bit of muscle on her frame since she began the farm work, which might have intimidated some stallions.

“I like it.” He commented, making her blush a little harder, “you care more about your ability more than dainty appearances. You know I prefer ponies who are real with me and not false faced.”

“Oh, but speaking of false face, Mr. Sorewings,” she remembered with a chuckle, “You should know your special training has done wonders for Scootaloo."

“Scoota…Oh! The little orange filly? Rainbow Dash’s number one fan?” He nudged her playfully.

“She has good taste,” Dash comically brushed her shoulder, “but anyway, she managed to actually fly a little the other day.” Soarin perked up.

“Whoa! Really?”

“Yep, it was only a little higher off the ground, but she also managed to fly a few feet forward.”

“Wow! When I looked at her I figured it would take at least a year before she got those little wings to lift her off!” Soarin was very surprised. Scootaloo’s wings were not just stunted, they were very stunted.

“She’s been working very hard. I think your little lie about having stunted wings really pushed her forward. You’re an inspiration.”

“She sounds just like her mentor,” Soarin commented, catching her attention, “I mean look at you. You wanted to learn my move so badly that you pushed yourself hard and now you can do it. I’d say most of the inspiration came from you.” He placed a hoof on her shoulder and smiled. Dash looked away with a small grin on her face. That meant the world coming from him. She let her ears droop down, reached a hoof up, and placed it on his.

“You’re an incredible pony Soarin,” she suddenly said, “I may have been an inspiration to her my whole life, but you came to town for two weeks and influenced both of us.” She looked up at him with dreamy eyes, “You are very special.” She tipped her head slightly to the side and swayed in her spot, “Especially to me.”

“Dash…” Soarin found himself blushing too. Hearing those words from her made him so happy he was practically speechless. He kept his eyes on hers as he reached up and gently cradled her cheek with his hoof. The two found themselves moving closer together and it wasn’t long before their lips softly touched and they share a very brief, but much desired kiss.

“I’ve missed you.” Dash said the instant they broke the kiss.

“Me too.” Soarin agreed, then flinched, “As in I’ve missed you, not that I’ve missed me. That would be weird.” He frantically corrected. Dash burst out laughing.

“You goof!” She jabbed him in the chest and knocked him back into a nearby pillar. “Oops.”

“Hey there! Watch your strength lady!” He joked right back. They shared a laugh before locking eyes again. They looked over at their surroundings and noticed that a few eyes were on them. They both realized they just kissed in public. Soarin quickly slung a hoof over her shoulder. “It’s too stuffy in here, how about we ditch the fancy attire and go flying?”

“I’m 100% with that idea.” She quickly agreed.

“Let’s drop off the clothes in my room first. Follow me.” Before Dash could question, Soarin was leading her behind the throne towards their special Wonderbolt passage.

“Oooohoohoo!!! I must see more!” Rarity tried to follow after them but a magic aura grabbed her tail before she could. She turned around and saw Twilight with her horn glowing.

“Rarity. Leave them alone.”

“But whyyyyyyyyyyyy?” She whined dramatically as Twilight pulled her away.

After a quick trip down the secret tunnel, they emerged in the Wonderbolt compound. It took a few minutes longer to get through to Soarin's room than usual. He was pulling Dash along to prevent her from omigoshing at everything she saw. She was in the actual compound of her heroes after all. They eventually made it to Soarin's room.

It wasn’t very large, but considering it was a military compound Soarin’s room was probably very spacious compared to most of the rooms. It had a large queen sized bed in the center against the back wall with at least six feet of walking room on all sides and a low, ten foot ceiling. There was a window behind the bed, a closet, a desk, and enough hardcore Wonderbolt motivation posters all over the walls to rival a museum.

Soarin yanked the bowtie off immediately and gasped for air.

“This thing’s been choking me all night.” He chuckled as he unbuttoned the tuxedo and hung it up in the closet. Dash was trying to unzip the dress, but her wings couldn’t reach it well.

“Uh, a little help?” She asked with a sigh,

“Oh, haha.” Soarin unzipped the dress and Dash shook herself until the pieces all shimmied off.

“I’ve never been one for dainty clothes.” She commented as she moved her limbs around to loosen up.

“You and me both,” Soarin hopped up to the window above his bed and pushed it open, “shall we?”

“Lead the way.” Dash smiled as he took off. She followed close behind.

The night sky was still brightly illuminated by both the moon and the stars, giving them a clear view. With only a few clouds around, it gave them lots of room to fly without losing sight of one another. As they flew side by side, Soarin reached over and hooked his right hoof with her left, twisting himself upside-down and underneath her, grabbing her other hoof as he did so.

“Let’s dance like pegasi now.” He suggested. Dash happily agreed.

“Lead on, hot-stuff,” she flashed an interested grin.

Soarin pulled her down, making the two of them freefall as they twisted around. In sync they spread their wings and Soarin flipped over beside her. They glided low to the ground, still holding onto each other’s hoof, pitching upward. Soarin spun over and placed himself behind her, grabbing her around the waist as they twirled upward. They aimed for a nearby cloud and crashed through it, pushing apart and flying in different directions. They angled out briefly, streams forming behind them from the cloud they hit. They arced sharply back towards each other, met in the center and backed off to look at the cloud. Their streams had made a heart shape.

“That’s so cute I think I’m gonna hurl.” Dash joked.

“Oh we’re not done!” Soarin grabbed her and fired skyward. She yelped in surprise, but flapped her wings to gain control. He let go and the two twirled around one another before coming together again high up in the sky. Soarin grinned playfully and planted a light kiss on her nose before suddenly freefalling.

“Hey!” Dash giggled and flew after him. Soarin chuckled as she gave chase, turned around and began to glide below the low cloud level. Dash quickly changed direction as he angled up and yelled,

“Bet you can’t catch me!” then flew up through a cloud.

“Oh you’re on!” She fired through the cloud herself. “Haa!” Dash shook her head, whisking her mane back and forth as she passed through the cloud and emerged above it.

“C’mon Dashie, I know you like my flank, but you’re faster than that.” Soarin’s voice called from above. She glanced up and smirked. Soarin was flying backwards with his front hooves behind his head, looking down at her with a smile.

“Oh you’re pushing it, and you know what happens when you push me!” She pumped her wings harder, accelerating quickly. Soarin was ready for it, veering left as she made a grab for him. “Whoa!” She spiraled, tilting herself down to pursue again. Without warning, Soarin thrust his wings out, slowing him down considerably. Dash’s eyes widened and she tried to veer off, but she ran right into him. He closed his hooves around her and the two fell gently onto a cloud.

“Who was trying to capture who again?” He chuckled as she playfully struggled in his grip while giggling.

“You’re a hoot,” she looked him in the eyes seductively, only inches between their faces, “‘I bet you can’t catch me?' You planned this all along didn’t you?”

“Mayyyyybe,” He bounced his eyebrows, “are you complaining?”

“I will if you don’t follow through,” she stopped struggling, “c’mere you scheming jerk.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The two of them closed their eyes and leaned in. Dash suddenly pulled back and blinked. Soarin opened his eyes. His head still leaned forward expecting a kiss. “What’s wrong?”

“Heh.” Dash smiled. “Nothing. Everything is perfect.” She pushed him down and brought her lips down on his. It was a long-lasting, heavy, and passionate kiss, one that she wanted to give him as soon as she saw him at the ball. It turned into two kisses, then three, and then four. Neither of them wanted to let up. Eventually they came up for air and exhaled warm breath into each other’s faces. Their eyes met lovingly for a moment before Dash flopped down and hugged him tightly.

Lost in the moment, Soarin let it all slip,

“I love you, Rainbow Dash.”

Dash’s eyes shot open, her face turned completely red and her wings fired out as she quickly propped herself up and stared down at him. Soarin’s face changed from a smile to a look of dread upon realizing what he had said. He let it go WAY too early.

“Uh…” his eyes darted back and forth as he scratched and clawed in his brain for a follow up. Dash was looking down away from his eyes. Her face had nearly lost all traces of blue. “Shit, I said that too soon, didn’t I?” He said while biting his lip and looking away. Dash suddenly groaned, re-catching his attention.

“Oh come on!” She yelled. “It was perfect until you backed off!” Her face was still completely red, but she was glaring at him. Soarin was beyond confused.

“Uh, what?” She put a hoof over his mouth.

“That’s two moments you’ve ruined tonight! Quit it will you?!” Her frown turned to a smile, “The shit I put up with…” she leaned in and kissed him hard again. Soarin’s eyes widened and he blinked as she ate his face. She pulled back. “I love you too, you dumbass!” She hugged him so tightly that it forced the air out of his lungs.

“You complete me.” Soarin squeaked out and hugged her back.

Dash couldn’t believe it. He blew it again, but he confessed that he loved her. He really actually said it. She wasn’t dreaming. The stallion she fell hopelessly in love with was also in love with her. How much more awesome could this night get? She pushed herself up again.

“Let’s go back to your room.”

“What? But—”


“Yes ma’am.”

Soarin barely got through the window. Dash tackled him from behind onto his bed and pinned him down with a seductive expression on her face. Soarin smirked, and unexpectedly pulled her down before she could move in.

“Who’s leading this dance?” He joked.

“Me.” Dash said sternly before crashing her lips against his. Soarin slid his hooves around her back and pushed her body against his. With the added force Dash was applying to him, he had almost sunk completely into the mattress. Soarin felt Dash’s tongue press against his lips as he sucked on her top lip. He quickly parted his lips and met her tongue with his. Dash moaned softly as they began tongue wrestling playfully.

She ran her hooves into Soarin’s mane and pushed against the back of his head to press them together even harder. Soarin’s hooves began to explore her back all the way down to her flank. She giggled at his soft touch, dropping her guard for an instant. Soarin suddenly pressed his wings against the bed and flipped them both over so he was on top.

“Dammit.” Dash chuckled as she got pinned down.

“I’ve got you now.” He snidely jeered.

“Come get me,” she bit her lip and gave him serious bedroom eyes.

Soarin leaned down and kissed her stomach. She exhaled sharply as he made his way up past her chest and to her neck on the right side, then repeated it on her left. She giggled as he went further on the left side and nibbled on her ear. She moaned with delight, blushing furiously, which did not go unnoticed.

“Oh? Did I find a sweet spot?” Soarin grinned.

“Mayyyybe.” She cooed while flapping her ears up and down. Without another word Soarin nibbled her other ear, earning another giggle and sharp inhale.

“I’ve found the weakness of the great Rainbow Dash!” He smoothly remarked before she grabbed him around the neck and pulled him in for another hard kiss.

“That doesn’t leave this room.” She said with a playfully stern tone.

“If anypony else found out, I’d have to kill them, cause you’re MINE.” Soarin said with a sly grin before kissing her again and lightly licking her neck.

“Good.” Dash agreed before releasing a closed mouth moan as he worked his tongue around her neck. She moved her hooves down his body to his waist.

“Ah! HAHA!” His wings suddenly flared out and he arched his back. Dash’s eyes widened. It was her turn to wear the sly grin.

“Wait—” She giggled as his face turned to pure terror, “you’re ticklish!”

“Oh Celestia no!” He tried to push himself up, but she had a firm grip on his neck. She reached her wings forward and began swiping them up and down his sides. “AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA! OOO AHH DASH! STOP! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” his grip on her loosened and she flipped them back over, pinning him down again.

“I’ve found the weakness of the great Soarin!” She repeated his words as he huffed and puffed from being tickled.

“That also doesn’t leave this room.” He said with a grin as he accepted being pinned.

“Of course, only I can know, because you,” she pointed at him with a smug expression, “are also mine.”

“Good.” Soarin agreed before their lips met again, this time slowly and softly. Dash let up her hold on him and rolled off, lying beside him.

“You really know how to tire me out,” she sighed happily. Soarin’s ears perked up.

“I may have some more ways.” He slyly said as he rolled towards her. She looked to him with a similar smile, but glanced down and saw his hoof heading between her hind legs.

“Whoa!” She moved her lower body away, earning a confused look from Soarin. “Sorry Soarin. I know after all that you’re probably more than in the mood, but let’s take this one step at a time.” She put on a smile, hoping it wouldn’t piss him off. He gave a comical pout.

“You’re such a tease.” He chuckled, but pulled his hoof back. “Don’t worry, Dash. You’re important to me, so I’ll never force the subject.” His words floored Dash with a wave of relief.

“Aww, you’re too good to me.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Soon, just not tonight. I want to let everything soak in.”

“I can live with that.” He agreed with a smile. Dash tingled with delight as she edged as close to him as she could on the bed, snuggling her body into his and releasing a cute content sigh. Soarin rested his chin on her head and placed an arm over her, pulling her in.

Dash had never felt better. EVER. Sure they were still doomed to be apart for certain periods of time, but if this is what she could always look forward to, then it was worth every second of waiting. She was in the arms of the stallion who brought down all her toughness barriers and drew her into his warm embrace. Nothing could ruin this moment, not even him and his cute bumbling.

Soarin was equally as happy, but he felt something more. He felt sleepy. It had been so long since he last felt tired in any way. The dark power that had been used to restore him seemed to constantly keep him from rest, but when he had Dash close to him, his heartbeat calmed, and his body relaxed. Did he just find a solution to his sleeping problems? Or was he just so in love with Dash that she put him completely at ease? Either way, he loved her. He loved her more than anything.

Dash slowly drifted to sleep in Soarin’s arms and for the first time in a while, Soarin’s eyelids became heavy and he soon slept softly with his love nestled in his chest.

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

A tad shorter, but i got all i wanted into this chapter ;)