• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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The Pegasus Behind the Curtain

"Shortly before the formation of the Equestrian Union, the skies of Pegasopolis had been hounded by vicious, rampaging windigos. My fellow brothers and sisters nearly froze to death from the cold spell that had been spreading throughout the realm. It took many months, many lives, and many opportunities wasted by foolish pride before we realized that the solution was to embrace our fellow earth ponies and unicorns in harmony, setting aside our differences for the sake of a peaceful future of coeexistence."

The projection of Commander Hurricane kept speaking, her glaring eyes focused on everypony and nopony in particular. Rainbow Dash paced slowly in the air, squinting at the image as the enchanted array continued broadcasting.

"The windigos were driven away, and our new nation began to prosper. But then, less than two years later, there was a new wave of inclement weather, moving slowly across the Equestrian north and spreading tempests and cyclones and lightning storms. As sworn defender of the land, I arrived with my fellow soldiers to confront this new evil. I expected more windigos, but was surprised instead to find this city—a place far vaster and more grandiose than Pegasopolis.

"At first, I assumed it was a relic from Pegasopolitan history, a piece of the noble city that had broken off and drifted way long before our wise record-keepers were ever foaled. As it turned out, this city's ancient origins went far back before anypony could have even predicted. It was certainly a place of pegasus design—but not any pegasi that I or my fellow comrades had ever met before.

"The ponies... the creatures who built this place were exceedingly wicked. I do not say this lightly. As weeks went by and we continued examining this place, the more we realized that the city was nothing more than a looming death trap constructed for nefarious reasons. Hidden weapons and malevolent devices ensnared my brothers and sisters, ending their lives within a blink. Despite our best efforts to control the weather, this city continued its path of destruction, pulverizing the countryside below with countless waves of tempest and turmoil.

"It was then that I made an alarming discovery. The finer machine parts of this city can be controlled, but they respond to only one key—and that is myself. For some inexplicable reason, I was born with the power to manipulate and guide this accursed place in manners that none of my fellow soldiers could. The reason for this is a mystery, and yet it pains me to realize that the explanation may very well be painted in the malevolent patterns of this city's architecture. From stained glass windows to mosaics to the ancient remnants of antique artwork, I've come to realize that a pegasus of my design was prophesied to have discovered this place. I do not rejoice in this revelation, and yet it is with a heavy heart that I've decided to exploit it.

"Ten years before this message was recorded, I, Commander Hurricane of Pegasopolis, and a legion of my most trusted warriors made the sacrifice of dwelling permanently within this city. We bid Pegasopolis and the newly formed Equestrian Union a somber farewell. Equipped with the enchanted Sword of Solstice from the Celestial Siblings, we took it upon ourselves to steer this city out of harm's way, keeping to the frozen north, and avoiding as many continental civilizations as possible. At last, through much trial and error, we found an oceanic body that could serve as a safe haven above which we might keep this city hidden, obscured by clouds and arctic winds forever.

"However, during this voyage, we discovered an even greater terror locked away in the core of this infernal place. It turned out that the innermost structure of this city had a large central chamber, and the entrance to it only responded to me. Equipped with the Sword of Solstice, I traveled deep into the city's heart, hoping to find answers to what inspired the construction of this place of evil. It was then that I discovered that the age of this city is not only timeless, but it had long been polluted by greed, malice, and ambitious forms of magical experimentation. The pegasi who commandeered this dwelling before I—whoever they may have been or wherever they may have hailed from—they desired power at the cost of their own well-being. They had discovered something in their travels, something vile and deadly and ravenous, something older than any other agent of death that plagues the Harmonic Realm.

"I encountered this evil first hoof, and it nearly devoured me. Many of my brothers and sisters were consumed by it, twisted by it, and reduced to ravenous shadows of their past selves. I have no doubt now that the pegasi who discovered and manipulated this cruel weapon were nothing short of agents of chaos, and it's obvious to me that their hubris was the cause of their own demise. How fitting—and yet how tragic that their curse would now befall us.

"Opening this chamber was a mistake, but I still have hope of rectifying the situation. My brothers and sisters intend to fight the chaotic essence back into the black heart of this city. No doubt many will fall in the execution of this offensive, but it will be a necessary cost, however grim. I only hope I live long enough to shut this chamber and seal the evil away within. Nopony must be allowed to have access to the city's core, lest they be exposed to a fate far worse than death. If I should perish while continuing to monitor this city, then my brothers and sisters have already committed to guarding my remains as staunchly as they would guard the entrance to this chamber, for the Harmonic Realm will be in great danger if somepony were to use my remains or the Sword of Solstice in accessing that which we have so diligently locked away."

The image of Commander Hurricane flickered in and out of the visual spectrum as it reached the tail end of the broadcast. With a somber expression, the scarred pegasus spoke her last words.

"Whoever you are, if you've made it this far, then either you've successfully pilfered my remains to use as a key to this chamber, or you were also born with the unique ability to access it on your own. If it's the former scenario, then proceed at your own risk. What you find will be ample reward for the blind avarice in your heart.

"But if the latter is true, then we share a common bond. Something inexplicable has drawn us both along this course, something far more powerful and older than even the legacy of Pegasopolis itself. I've no doubt that the same blood runs through our veins, the same fluid that stabs us awake in the middle of the night, making us realize that no matter how large this world is, we are destined for things far greater and more epic than any of our peers can understand. If you feel this same spirit as I do, then I implore you... I beg of you... do not go any further. Ignore your impulse and your warrior's resolve, much like I failed to do when I first opened this place. You are far too precious and too important to let your life end here. My fate has already been sealed by my own foolish courage. I sense my death looming on the horizon, when instead there should be a bright beacon, a golden sunrise. My only regret is that this destined luminance shall not be mine to grasp, but it could still be yours. Leave this chamber, seal it back up, and depart from this city forevermore. Let it continue to be a grave of evil... and a monument to bravery. Please. Go back. Go back. This is y-y-your f-f-final war-n-n-n-n-skkkkkkt!"

The array sparked, popped, and emitted a column of smoke. In the absence of Hurricane's booming voice, deathly silence fell, returning the chamber to quiet desolation.

Nopony said anything for a long while.

Props, naturally, was the first to speak up. "Well... that sucks."

"Ger'essul'ina thulien rekka threnn," Arcshod muttered.

Seclorum sighed. "Yeah, well, those manacrystals are looking a lot less promising now."

Rainbow Dash turned towards the survivors. "You've been here for how many years?" Her eyes narrowed. "You never encountered something else besides the changelings?"

Aatxe shook his head. "I'm sorry, no. We've never had an opportunity to open this chamber until you came along."

"For obvious reasons," Josho muttered.

"Dashie?" Props squinted up at Rainbow. "Are you... related to this smexy Hurricane?"

"What? No! I-I mean... I dunno. I don't think so..." She rubbed her scalp, sighing. "Sure, we kind of look alike—assuming that was her real face we just saw right now."

"Any reason it wouldn't be?" Aatxe remarked.

"For all we know, the changelings could have set it up!"

"Yes, but even if they could turn into you and open this chamber up, wouldn't we have noticed a clue or something?" Aatxe continued. "This place is virtually untouched! I don't think anypony's been in here for eons!"

"Probably because what the big floaty head thing was right," Seclorum said, pointing at the craters in the floor and the cracks in the wall. "Whatever happened here last, it looks like it was one hell of a smackdown."

"Hurricane fighting back the 'chaotic evil?'" Aatxe remarked.

Seclorum nodded. "Seems like it."

"You think she coulda been more friggin' specific?" Josho frowned. "Not sure I'm a big fan of your ancient, poetic ancestors, paint bucket."

"Look, her message was clear: 'do not go down here any further!'" Rainbow folded her arms and frowned. "I never once thought I'd be given a direct command from Hurricane herself, but darn if I feel like disobeying it."

"So what's the call, Dashie?" Props asked, fidgeting where she stood. "If we keep going on, we might end up entangled in nasty-wasties."

"But if we don't get those manacrytals, who's to tell if we'll ever get out of here on the Tarkington!" Aatxe remarked.

Rainbow Dash sighed, rubbing her chin in thought. "I... I think..."

Everypony stared at her in silence.

She gritted her teeth and finally grumbled, "I think it's not worth the risk."

Several survivors hung their heads. Arcshod's ears folded as he stared off towards the wall.

Seclorum took a deep breath. "I'm not a fan of advancing backwards, but I've seen enough crap from this city to possibly give it a second thought."

"Rainbow..." Josho trotted up, eyes thin. "Are you sure we can't... send a few of us down to investigate? I mean, we can still proceed—but no need to risk everypony—"

"No need to risk anypony." She frowned. "Period. I suggest we regroup. Bring this by Lasairfion. She seems pretty smarty-smart. Maybe she can come up with an idea or two."

"Sounds okay to m-me!" Props said with a nervous smile.

"First thing's first. Let's get the heck out of here." Rainbow spun around. "Seclorum? Arcshod? Gather your dudes. Aatxe, keep an eye on everypony. Razzar—" She did a double-take. "Razzar?"

Everypony jolted in place, looking all around.

None of the cloaked figures were to be found.

"Uhhhhh..." Props sweated nervously.

"Where in Ledo's girdle strings did they g-go?!" Josho exclaimed.

Rainbow blinked, then gasped. Lighting her pendant, she flew towards the edge of the platform and stared straight down the pit. Six dim amber lights were winding their way down the twin spiral staircases.

"Luna poop!" Rainbow hissed.

"They didn't..." Aatxe murmured.

"What in the hell do they think they're doing?!" Seclorum rumbled.

"Dammit!" Josho gnashed his teeth. "Those slimy salamanders!" He cocked his shotgun. "We need to go down and grab 'em before they screw stuff up!"

"No. No!" Rainbow shoved Josho back. "I will go down and get them!"

"But Dashie—" Props began.

"I mean it!" Rainbow shouted. "You guys stay here! Keep together! Nopony move a muscle beyond this point or else!" Taking a deep breath, she coiled her wings at her side and dove swiftly down the pit and after the Lounge.

"Wait!" Seclorum shouted, galloping towards the edge while Josho shoved him back. "Nnnngh! You idiot! What are you doing?!" His snarling voice echoed down the cylindrical blackness. "Don't go alone! Have you learned nothing about this place?!"

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