• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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Laugh Tracks Are Not Included

Rainbow Dash lay upside down, her head dangling off the very bow of the Noble Jury. She squinted at the dim horizon while the wind kicked at her prismatic mane After several languishing minutes, she rolled her eyes, yawned, and kicked off the ship's hull. Flapping her wings, she carried herself around and about until she glided to a stop in the middle of the top deck where the golden sword waited.

Picking the hilt of the weapon up in the crook of her hoof, she swung it a bit left and right, feeling the weight of the thing. Not long after, a shuffling sound came to a stop behind her.

"Hmmmf... morning, Floydien," Rainbow muttered without looking. "Say, it's gonna be sunrise soon. Ya mind slowing the ship down a bit so that the wind won't be so noisy? Thanks."

"The only thing I can do with wind is break it," Josho's voice said.

Rainbow blinked, then glanced over her shoulder. "Oh." A bleary smile. "Hey, big fella."

"Hi yourself, ya talking surf board." Josho strolled to her side, his eyes on the sword. "You still out here talking to Your High and Sliceyness?"

"Actually, just about to," Rainbow said, stifling a yawn. She motioned towards the half-open cockpit where Floydien's cloven hooves could be seen. "Was hoping to tell the sky elk to slow us down a bit so I can hear Celestia's voice better when the dawn breaks."

"Don't we have some place to be?"

"And we'll get there better with an alicorn's illumination to light the way. Trust me."

"Yeah. Sure." Josho turned around and leaned lazily against the edge of the deck. "You think she'll tell us anymore about Chrysalis?"

"Believe it or not, but I think we know more about her than the Princess does."

"No kidding?"

"I guess? I dunno..." Rainbow shrugged and stared at her reflection in the blade. Her eyes spun around each of the six multi-colored jewels. "You know, you think you're on your own. Even with a gaggle of friends, you think that all that matters is fighting off creeps and getting out alive. And then you find out that something you've done has incidentally saved an entire race of ponies all across the world. Saved them from oppression and all that unsexy stuff."

"Do you feel like a hero?"

"I feel freaked out of my featherstalks," Rainbow Dash muttered, her eyes darting over towards him. "It's enough that I worry about you and the rest of the Jury. But to be constantly reminded that—like—the stuff I do and can do may have an impact on the rest of the world?"

"Yeah, well..." Josho shrugged. "You seem like the mare for the job."

"Sure. Maybe." Rainbow exhaled softly as she gazed at the blade. "Still, it was really wicked sweet to get this blade out of the whole mess. Almost like a trophy, only it lets me catch up with stuff back at home."

"You don't sound half as enthused as somepony might think."

"Only 'cuz, for the longest time, I wasn't." She turned and smiled limply at the horizon ahead of them. "You know, there was a time when I absolutely hated the very sight of the rising sun."

Josho squinted. "Then why did you friggin' fly towards it?"

"Because I had to be better than that which I detested," Rainbow said. She turned and gave Josho a warm grin. "Now I'm struggling to be just as good as that which I love."

With a nod, Josho quietly said, "You know, you spend your whole life searching. But if you live long enough, you find yourself questioning whether or not you deserve all the stuff you've ultimately found."

"Yeah, well, here's hoping I live long enough to at least find that out." Rainbow twirled the sword around with a sigh. "'Cuz I sure don't have time or room for a trophy case."

Bellesmith snuggled tightly against Pilate's side in the warm shadows of their bunkroom. She stirred and stretched, a contented smile on her face. Turning over, she reached a hoof out and stretched it around a foal-shaped impression in the cot... only the foal was gone.

Belle's eyes fluttered open. She lifted her head up, staring at the blank space. A length of bedsheets lay on the floor, trailing towards the compartment's cracked door.

After a long exhale, she droned: "Pilate."


"She did it again."


Not even half a second later, a high-pitched screech emanated from the far side of the Noble Jury. Frightened out of his stripes, Pilate jumped straight up and slammed his metal forehead against the top bunk. "Augh!"

Inside the mess hall, Eagle Eye flew out of the sofa with a start. He telekinetically tugged all around him for a sword that wasn't there. Panting, he heard the shriek once again and whirled to face the kitchen.


"How in all that is roasted and garlicky could this have happened?!"

"Ebon!" Eagle Eye hyperventilated and broke into a gallop. The panicked figures of Belle and Pilate weren't far behind. "Hold on! I'm coming!"

Eagle Eye burst into the kitchen, breathless. There, he and Belle and Pilate saw the cook sitting on his haunches, pulling at his mane in utter shock and horror.

"It... but... that... wh-why...?!" Ebon sputtered.

Several pantry doors were hanging wide open. Dozens of pots and pans and containers lay on the floor amidst a liberal scattering of spilt foodstuffs. Sitting atop an overturned pot inside a halo of crumbs, Kera balanced a bowl of lettuce in her lap and munched, munched, munched away. Upon the culmination of Ebon's ramblings, she stared up with bored eyes.

"Hrmmmfff?" She gulped. "What? I was hungry."

"But... but..." Ebon whimpered, lips quivering. "I was saving that! Rationing it! For all of us!"

Kera gulped again. "Well, that's kind of selfish, don't you think?"

"Kera...?!" Belle squeaked.

"Hey Belle. Hey Pilate." Kera smirked and held up a hoof-full of greens. "Want a helping? It's not grasshoppers, but I'm sure your squishy belly can deal. Meh."

"Kera, what's gotten into you?" Belle remarked, flabbergasted.

"Half of our rations in one sitting, that's what!" Ebon stomped his hooves, frowning. "What I want to know is how! You're just one filly! What could possess you to raid our own storage like this?!"

"Nnnnng-mmmmmmff!" Zaid slid out from behind an open closet, scarfing down a carrot stalk. He gulped and waved a clump of half-eaten vegetables in front of the filly's face. "Hey, kiddo, you've got to try this crud out. It can make your eyes see for miiiiiiles."

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr—Zaaaaaaaaaaid?!" Ebon's teeth grind so hard they could produce sparks.

"Hey there, Sailbuttboat!" Zaid grinned. "Nice stalks. I didn't know you had so many of them! Well... urp... until an hour ago, at least. Seriously, did it ever occur to you to bake a cake?"

"What's the meaning of all this?!" Ebon shouted.

Eagle tried sneaking up. "Ebon, calm down—"

"I'll calm down once he's tossed into the ocean along with a ball and chain!" The cook pointed and hollered.

"Hey, relax!" Zaid shrugged. "So the little tyke comes to me, saying she's got a case of the munchies. And I was like 'Shoot, that's funny, I've had the same case for thirty-five consecutive days, only no munchies!' So that's when we figured, 'Hey, let's tackle our munchies together, and then the rest of the crew will be safe!'" He belched, then grinned crookedly. "That makes sense in some parallel universe, right?"

"We have vanquished the munchies," Kera said in a dramatic voice.

"Belle..." Pilate tugged at the mare's front right forelimb. "If you don't mind..."

"My pleasure." She stuck her hoof out so that the zebra could rest his face against it.

"Ebon..." Eagle patted the enraged stallion's back and whispered into his ear. "The first killing is always the hardest. Are you sure you wanna trot down this road...?"

"Wuh oh..." Kera said, wide-eyed, from behind a head of lettuce.

Sweating, Zaid gave a nervous smile before dangling a limp bag of loose breadcrumbs. "Uhm... some croutons...?"

"Blaarghalblarghalblarghal!" Ebon charged homicidally.

"Whoops-a-poopsy!" Zaid scampered to his hooves, scooped Kera up, and bolted out into the stairwell. "Time to make like leaves and burn!"

"Get back here, you pee-haired cult-sucker!" Ebon bellowed in a hysterical pitch.

"Ebon! Don't! Ebon!" Eagle galloped after him.

Belle and Pilate were left alone in the littered kitchen.

"Is it safe to look?" Pilate tilted his head up. "Even for a blind pony."

"I don't know..."

"And should we be worried for Kera?" Pilate fidgeted. "Or happy for her?"

"I... don't know." Belle gulped. "Perhaps both."

"I'm gonna strangle you with your own manure-eating grin!" Ebon's voice shouted from the stairwell.

"Whoah, doggy." Josho spun about with wide eyes. "No way in Ledo's uvula did the cook's balls drop overnight."

"Buh?" Rainbow Dash craned her neck to see.

Zaid galloped at full-speed onto the deck with Kera strapped to his back: "Weeeeeeee!"

"I mean it!" Ebon snarled, nearly foaming out the mouth as he chased the gangly stallion around and around the skystone support masts. "I'll bury you so deep at sea that even whale crap won't reach you!"

"H-heyyy!" Josho grined, cracking his neck joints. "I want in on this!"

"No, you don't, old stallion!" Eagle huffed, then tried in vain to throw his petite weight in between the bodies of the fray. "Everypony, please! Murdering each other is very unfriendly! At least last time I checked!"

"Eagle, I adore you, but the next time you hug me it'll be through the trenchcoat I've made of his flesh!"

"Pfft. A trenchcoat?" Zaid stuck his head out from around a mast, grinning. "Be economic, dude. Make a hoodie." THWACK! An angry burgundy hoof slammed into the wood, forcing Zaid to peak out the other side. "Fine. A scarf?" THWACK! Zaid backtrotted, sweating, from the middle of the deck. "You know what? Screw it. Hipsters stopped getting into taxedermy as soon as it became popular."

"Grrrrrr!" Ebon launched himself at Zaid, only to be held back by Eagle Eye. This didn't stop Ebon's hooves from reaching Zaid's neck, and soon all three stallions were being jostled and tugged around.

"Hey!" Kera giggled, pointing at Ebon's face. "I didn't think it was possible to be that red!"

"Yeah..." Josho chuckled. "It's like a raddish giving birth to beets that like to pleasure themselves in vats of ketchup!"

"Josho!" Rainbow gasped. "Ebon!" She gasped again. Flapping her wings with a snarling expression, she hung over the wrestling crowd. "Dudes! For real! Quit it before I wreck it!"

"Don't look at me, Ralphbow Dash!" Zaid wished. "He's the one with the Jockey Dahmer complex!"

"You cost us our entire remaining stockpile of food!"

"Dude, I offered you croutons!"

"This is seriously getting out of hoof, Ebon—"

"Zaid, knock it off!"

"He's the one with the knocking and the offing!"

"Please, just—"


"If we could only—"

"Hey..." Kera squinted eastward, shadowing a hoof over her eyes. "Why's the sun so tiny?"

"Kera, what are you even talking about?" Rainbow Dash turned to look. Her eyes blinked wide.

The struggling stallions froze in place. Zaid, Ebon, and Eagle blinked like some three-headed beast.

Josho stepped out onto the ship's edge, staring out onto the horizon. High above the water, a tiny light pulsed... pulsed... and pulsed again. It stood out as a pinprick of illumination against a flat, dim horizon.

"That... that's not the sun," Rainbow Dash murmured. She glanced down at the dull, glossy sword, then back at the horizon. "It's not up for at least a half-hour."

"That's because some boomer is giving us the glow glow." The cockpit door opened the rest of the way. Floydien poked his head out from the pilot's chamber. "Nancy Jane has been seen."

"You mean...?" Ebon murmured.

"A lighthouse," Eagle Eye said, his expert gaze locked east.

Rainbow Dash hovered a bit higher. As she did so, she heard the distant roar of crashing waves.

"Land," she breathed.

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