• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 97,558 Views, 4,778 Comments

Hands - Andrew Joshua Talon

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept... For a given value of "realistic."

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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I'm thinking that maybe this recent plot arc is going to need some reworking. So prior to me yet again delaying the story to rework something (much to the exasperation of my readers), I'm going to try inserting Shepherd into a few more episodes and demonstrating the minor impact of his presence.

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Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

"And so... Ah didn't learn a thing...!" Applejack proudly recited. She smiled over her mug of cider at me, as I stared at her in disbelief. "So, how's that?"

"... I can see why Spike decided that writing for you would have been ridiculous," I said dryly. "You do realize this technology would allow you to make much more cider? More profits? Less difficulty involved?"

"But-But the tried and true method-" Applejack protested, but I held up my hand.

"Don't you get it? Working with the Flim Flam Brothers is much better than competing with them," I said. "They need quality control and apples. You can use their speed to your advantage while retaining that part of you that matters-The hard work ethic!"

Applejack glared. "Why didn't you speak up about this during the contest then?!"

I glared back. "Because I got sucked into that damn thing and ended up in a barrel of cider."

Applejack flushed. "Oh yeah... Wait! Even after that, you still say-?"

"I said quality control, right?" I asked. "Duh!"

"Yer askin' for us to give up centuries of tradition fer-" Applejack began, but I scowled back.

"I'm not asking you to do that! I'm asking you to have some freaking common sense-!"


"You're the stubborn mule!" I snarled.

"HAIRLESS APE!" She growled back.

"APPLE SLAG!" I yelled.


"Geez, just get a room already," Chrysalis commented, carrying a barrel of cider with the help of her little Changelings. Applejack turned bright red and swung around to retort... Catching me in the jaw with a hoof.


"THAT IS NOT WHAT IS GOIN' ON HERE PRINCESS COCKROACH! AH... Oh my, Shepherd? Hey, you all right?!"

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Ah must admit, after rethinking things ah believe ah did learn somethin'. That mah pride is mah biggest fault, and sometimes it leads me to doin' rash things. Straightforward and honest ah may be, but it is that same approach that sometimes makes me like a train on a track-Even if ah'm goin' over a cliff.

So the real lesson here is, seein' business opportunities and the flaws in mah traditions, as well as the flaws in others, is no excuse to be foalish. It means ah gotta rise above it, and be smart. Ah found the Flim Flam Brothers again, and we worked out a deal: Now we're both profitin' like never before, though their take is smaller due to the uproar in the town over them. Ah am payin' them what they are owed though, for their machine. It's the honest thing to do.

Thank you,

Sincerely, Applejack

"So," Applejack said with a smile, looking over the railing of my hospital bed, "better?"

I very slowly nodded. "Mmph."

"And it was so nice of you to help pay for Shepherd's medical bills... Again," Twilight said, looking a bit annoyed. Applejack laughed a bit uneasily.

"Ah... Heh... Sorry..."

"It's like you're involved in domestic abuse with Shepherd!" Pinkie Pie said. "Always hurting the one you love the most!"

"Oh my... I don't remember that from my studies into humans," Fluttershy said. "Should I use more force, Andrew? Have I been doing something wrong? I mean, I can get a riding crop if you'd like..."

As Twilight frantically babbled explanations and Applejack covered her blushing face, I just sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I held out the letter to Spike, who took it and sent it on its way. The baby dragon patted my shoulder comfortingly.

"Better you than me, man," he said.

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Author's Note:

Hey, new chapter! It's short, but hey, it's something fun. And I've needed to write something forever...