• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,931 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

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Chapter 3 - Lost Innocence

NOTE: Dark Tag has now been applied as a precaution This chapter should be as dark as things get. No gore tag.


Important. Gather friends at library, guards on the way. Ensure guards are with you at all times. Will explain once at castle.


Twilight’s eyes quickly scanned the contents of the letter, widening at the brevity of it. As she went to put it down, the door burst open, revealing the pegasus guard that was assigned to her front door that evening.

He saluted, quickly throwing up his hoof before setting it right back down, turning to face the door he had just barreled through. “Princess, potential threat outside. Please, remain here and be prepared for anything.” he spoke quickly, conviction in his words. As soon as he finished his statement, he ran right back out the door, leaving a confused Twilight and Spike behind.

After a moment, Twilight, against the guard’s advice, rushed off after him. “Spike, c’mon!” she ran down the hall, taking the stairs in one go as she used her wings to aid in her descent. The sight she saw chilled her blood.

A dark stallion was chuckling, standing over the still form of the pegasus guard, wiping a red liquid from his blade on the guard’s coat. His eyes turned up, noticing her. “Oh, so the prey comes to me… how convenient.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she reflexively charged a stun spell, trembling at the turn of events. Spike huffed down the stairs as she unleashed it, a bright, violet aura that quickly zoomed towards the mysterious assailant. His eyes narrowed and focused on the incoming beam, rolling to the side last second, causing it to detonate harmlessly against the wall. The resulting bang shook the walls, toppling books to the library floor.

“Who are you and why are you doing this?” Twilight cried out, still trembling as she held her ground at the base of the stairs, Spike right behind her. She levitated the downed guard out of the way even as she charged another spell. The stallion moved forward in a blur, closing the distance between them in a near instant.

His blade bounced off an invisible barrier that briefly shimmered lavender, causing Twilight to cringe slightly at the feedback from the shield. Spike pushed his way forward, an angry look in his eyes. “You may simply call me Noctus.” the stallion taunted, stepping back with a grin.

“Twi… I’m sorry.” Spike said before deeply inhaling. Moments later a jet of bright orange flames leapt from his mouth, consuming objects in its path. While the enchantments laid onto the bookshelves and the floors kept the inferno from consuming them, those books that had already fallen to the ground were turned to ashes within seconds.

A strangled scream tore its way through the air as the flames petered out from Spike’s mouth with a wheeze. Scents mingled in the air, the overriding one making Twilight sick to her stomach. She had only smelled it once before, at a restaurant that catered to carnivores; that of seared meat. As the scattered ashes of the burned books fell to the ground, the smoke began to clear.

Spike rested his claws on his knees, bent over and tired. Twilight simply stared slack-jawed before forcing her focus to where she had last seen the assassin. What she saw left her revolted and scared at the same time. Charred flesh streaked down his side, the cloak and hairs on much of his body gone. Somehow, he was still standing, although on three legs, and had a mad look in his eyes as his horn charged with a spell.

Twilight simply reacted, recalling a spell she had once asked Luna about. Celestia, forgive me… Before he could release his magic, a dark sword shot out from her horn, impaling his neck. Spike simply hugged her as the last bit of air escaped from the assailant’s mouth, his body keeling over.

The sounds of fighting had not gone unnoticed. Rarity ran through the front door of the library, dignity and looks the last thing on her mind as she took in the scene before her. She had been beyond alarmed at the body of the stallion laying outside the entrance, and the scene inside was even worse.

Twilight was standing over the body of another guard, frantically running magic through him. Forgotten was the body of a stallion, flesh charred along one side and lying in a pool of his own blood, eyes glazed over in death. Spike was next to Twilight, even as she was furiously casting magic.

“No! You can’t die! You can’t!” she sobbed, collapsing on the ground as Spike did his best to support her. Rarity hesitated a moment herself before rushing forward.

“Twilight, darling… Are you okay?” She carefully dodged charred paper and ash as she rapidly moved to Twilight’s side, helping Spike lift her up. Now on her hooves, Rarity and Spike carefully made their way to the kitchen, keeping Twilight supported between them. She was completely unresponsive, shudders wracking her frame every few seconds.

“Can you watch her, Rarity? I need to get a letter to Celestia.” Spike quietly said as they set Twilight down in a chair. Her hooves shot out and wrapped around him, causing him to let out a sigh. “Upstairs, her bedroom. Desk to the left of the bed, top drawer. Inkwell, quill and parchment please.”

As Rarity charged off with simply a nod, Spike squirmed in Twilight’s grasp, wrapping his arms around her neck and quietly whispering to her. He recalled a specific remark Celestia had made shortly after Twilight’s coronation.

Spike… as you are no doubt aware, with Twilight’s new position, there may come a time when you have to aid in her defense should she be targeted. Dragonfyre… it’s a potent weapon, and should stop anything that threatens her.

Spike sighed as the clop of hooves reached his ears, causing him to twist in Twilight’s hooves again as Rarity came back into sight. As the materials settled onto the table’s surface, Spike picked up the quill and quickly scribbled out a note, not even bothering to roll it up as he sent it moments later.

Wheezing, Spike fell back into Twilight’s hooves as Rarity rooted through the cabinets, looking for some tea. Settling on some herbal tea, she quickly prepared the kettle as she walked to Twilight’s side.

“Twilight,” she began, still not getting a response from her, “darling… you need to say something. We need to know how you’re doing.” Rarity gently rested her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, causing her to slowly turn her head.

As their eyes met, Rarity read a deep sorrow contained within, sorrow mingled with pain and shock. As the kettle began boiling, Rarity deftly used her magic to steep the tea even as she encased Twilight in a hug, being mindful of Spike between them.

A pegasus in light armor rushed into the room a minute later, skipping the customary salute as he took in the scene before him. “Princess, the premises are currently being secured… what the buck happened here?”

Spike spoke up, still wrapped up within her hooves. “We had the guard…Frequency, I think, rush in and notify us about a potential threat outside. Twilight rushed downstairs in time to see a stallion, well…” he trailed off, an uncomfortable expression on his face. “There was some exchange of magic before I torched him, and Twilight had to stop him before he could cast anything else.”

The guard nodded at Spike’s tale, eyes constantly scanning the surroundings. Another pegasus walked up, nodding to the first. “Well, the premises are secured, it seems the only assailant is the one currently on the floor. We’ve dispatched guards to retrieve the other Elements, and carriages should arrive within the next half hour.” he paused, ignoring the glare Rarity was giving him. “We’ll remain outside until the carriages arrive… I assume it’s okay to send your friends through?”

Rarity’s expression softened, and with a nod the guard turned and left the room. She set down the cup of tea in front of Twilight as Spike wormed his way out of her grasp at last. “Twilight… you need to drink this.” he spoke quietly, working to get some response out of her.

After a few moments of nothing more than a few blinks, Spike sighed. “Twilight! You’ll be tardy if you don’t start drinking this!” he belted out to the best of his ability, voice still raw from the earlier flames. Twilight barely started, her wings slightly rustling as she shook once more.

Celestia paced in her study, having foregone hoof-writing in favor for magical dictation as she prepared for multiple potential scenarios. Jason and Luna simply looked on, both anxious as well as they awaited word from Twilight. A flash of green interrupted them all as Celestia caught the single sheet of parchment.

They both knew it contained dire information as Celestia’s expression fell through the floor, her wings quivering at her side further telling her emotions.

“Sister? What is it, did something happen?” Luna asked, jumping to her hooves and rushing over as Jason sighed, Philomena squawking as he disturbed her perch on his lap as he stood. She picked the paper from Celestia’s hooves, her eyes widening even as she let out a small sigh of relief.

Attacked, guards killed. Had to use fire, but Twilight finished him off so he couldn’t get off a spell. She’s in a bad way.


Celestia let out a sigh of her own, leaning into her sister. “It would seem our warning was a bit too late, and as a result Twilight has lost more than her innocence in the process… I was dreading the day this would come; I’d hoped it would be much, much later in the future.” Jason placed a hand on her shoulder, offering the best smile he could muster.

“Celestia, while it may be true that this is going to be hard on her… you should know better than I how resilient she is.” he said, offering words of comfort. “It may take some time, but just like my own issues, they can slowly be worked through. And she doesn’t have hundreds of years of them, just this one instance.” Jason smiled humorously, eliciting a dry chuckle from Celestia and a slight frown from Luna.

“While that may be true, Jason, this is still a dire issue. Twilight’s innocence is something that was never taken lightly, and without it…” Luna trailed off, a small amount of discomfort in her words.

“Relax, Lu… Jason has a good point.” Celestia said, putting her full weight back on her hooves again. “So long as she had her friends with her, she’ll come through it, like always. She has too…”

The chariots touched down at the castle grounds to a group of ponies anxiously awaiting their arrival. Of all the ponies in the group, Shining Armor was the first one who made it to the carriage’s door, opening it up and sticking his head inside even as the wheels had barely came to a stop.

“Twilight?!” he cried, sighing loudly as he took in her apparently unharmed state. “Oh, thank goodness… I was so worried about you when Celestia told me what happened…” he supported her as she slowly hobbled out of the carriage, her friends out and by her side within moments. She stood on shaky legs, a far off look within her eyes. Jason waded through the group, offering muted greetings as he kneeled in front of her.

“Twilight?” he quietly spoke, ignoring the gasps that came as everypony around him noticed his wings and hair. He quietly gazed into her pained eyes with an understanding deep within his, and she slowly responded to him.

“J-jason? W-what…” she slowly stuttered, causing him to gently rest a finger on her lips. He carefully picked her up in his arms, hugging her tightly to his body.

Guards escorted the group back inside, the mass of ponies centered around Jason and Twilight. Spike rode on Celestia’s back, the entire time quietly talking to her of the events that occurred at the library. Everypony questioned Jason as they walked through the halls before finally coming to Celestia’s study, where more furniture had been brought in to accommodate everypony.

Jason was the first to enter behind Celestia, taking the edge of a sofa as he gently lowered Twilight down next to him. She gave him a look of thanks, too tired to even speak as she laid her head down on his lap with a sigh. Once everypony was gathered in the room, the doors closed, guards posted outside and inside.

“Everypony… recent events that have transpired today require that we keep everypony here at the castle, where we can best guard you.” Celestia began, passing out drinks. “This morning, an assassin from the cult known as Nocti Lunarum made an attempt on my life. He was using Night’s Bane,” Rarity gasped at the poison’s name, “and it’s only thanks to Jason that I was unharmed. He took the blade himself rather than let it strike me.”

“Darling,” Rarity began, “am I correct in assuming that your… new look is a result of this, somehow? There’s no way that you should be alive if it truly was Night’s Bane. From what I recall, it has a kill time of thirty seconds to two minutes.”

Jason sadly chuckled as Philomena perched atop his head, peering down at him. “It is, somewhat anyways. I did indeed die, although something in me… brings me back.” he simply stated, then spoke again to head off any further questions. “It’s a long story, and one best saved until after Celestia is done filling us in.” Jason calmly stated, attentively watching Twilight.

“Indeed. After speaking at length to Jason about his… abilities, Shining Armor and myself interrogated the assassin, where we learned a few startling things. Firstly, it is a cult that is attempting to bring back the Nightmare that once possessed Luna.” The mare in question and Jason both shivered at the same time as Celestia continued. “Secondly, their targets include myself, Twilight, and potentially Cadance and anypony linked to us. However, Cadance is literally an empire away, so she should be safe. Last, and the most worrying, these are only the first attempts they’ll try.” she finished, setting down her tea and forcing her visage to reflect a calm and collected leader rather than the slightly panicked mare she was, her vision locked on Twilight.

“So…” Applejack drawled out, “what Ah’m getting from this is that it’s bad news all around, then?” Celestia nodded as she looked around the room. “What exactly are we supposed to do in the meantime? Ah don’t know ‘bout you, but someponies” her eyes briefly darted to Rainbow Dash, “can’t just sit around. If’n we can help in some way, that’s what Ah’d like to do.”

Celestia pursed her lips in thought for a moment. “...I don’t know, Applejack. This group means serious business, and all of you, as the Bearers to the Elements, are extremely important to Equestria. If even one of you were to be severely injured, or worse…” she trailed off, a dark look in her eyes, “it could very well spell doom for Equestria in the future.”

Of all ponies, it was Fluttershy who spoke up next. “Umm, Princess…” she hesitantly began, before finding her confidence, “If they’re after you, Twilight, and maybe even us, well… I’d think it would be best if we did what we could to help. Even if it’s something as simple as digging through books, or,” she looked directly at Twilight, “being there for our friends. We can’t just idly sit by.”

Luna spoke next, her voice amazingly quiet, yet filled with authority. “Very good point, Fluttershy. Just know that my sister is currently thinking with the safety of everypony involved.” she stood up and began pacing around the edge of the room, thinking. “Currently, not much is known of this group. Celestia had been keeping tabs on them, but it seems as if they have slipped out from underneath her spy’s hooves.” Celestia offered up a short protest, “Fine, underneath her informant’s hooves. Between their use of Night’s Bane, and the fact that two assassins are simply the tip of the iceberg, there is much to be uncovered.”

“Still,” Pinkie interjected, slightly swaying in place on her spot on a couch, “if we can do something to keep these meanies from hurting our best friend Twilight again, we’ll do anything. I do mean, anything.” Everypony, Jason and Philomena included, couldn’t help but shudder at the emphasis Pinkie placed on her last word.

Jason looked on in concern at Twilight, noting how not once throughout the discussion so far had she spoken up, or even asked him about the wings. “Celestia…” he quietly spoke, everypony’s attention focusing on him. “Do you mind if I go on a walk with Twilight to… talk about things?”

Celestia went to object at first, then slowly nodded her head. “Yes… I think that’s a good idea.” she directed her head towards the two guards posted inside. “Sergeant, please ensure that a small contingent follows them but have them keep their distance.”

Jason quietly got up, picking Twilight up once more as he reassured everypony in the room. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon. Hopefully with a certain pony feeling much better.” he quietly exited the room as Celestia and the other Elements began to argue as to their usefulness.

Quietly, he walked through the corridors with a specific location in mind. Twilight looked at him curiously, almost overriding the other emotions contained within her eyes. Jason gently smiled in return, no words exchanged between them.

A slight breeze signaled his destination was near, and he passed underneath an archway to come out into a small interior courtyard, a pool of water in its middle. Walking up to its edge, he carefully sat down, Twilight still in his lap, and sighed.

“So…” he quietly began, eyes roving around noticing the guards perched on the rooftop, “talk to me, Twi. I’m all ears.” As if he had spoken the magical words, a dam burst, tears streaming from her eyes as she buried her head within his chest. He simply held her close, arms around her neck, comfortingly stroking a hand through her mane.

They remained like that for some time, the tears pouring out as Twilight’s soul cried for itself, and her lost innocence. For nearly twenty years, she had been Celestia’s pupil, able to pursue magic and its application without worrying about any consequences. Today, however, the blinds that had been in front of her had been pulled away, and the harsh truth had come and made itself known.

The tears slowly dried up, soft hiccups replacing the sobs. Jason gently patted her on the back, knowing just how to comfort his friend. She looked up, thanks evident in her expression before she even spoke. “Thanks, Jason…”

He smiled, internally sighing in relief. “So, my therapist… Guess it’s my turn to play doctor, no?” she let out a forced chuckle at his poor joke, slowly getting out of his lap and laying down to his side.

Twilight let out a long sigh, not truly knowing where to start at. “I believe, as my own therapist told me, it’s best if you just ‘pick a place and go from there.’ I have a really smart one, you know?” Jason spoke, getting another chuckle, this one not forced, from Twilight.

Her mouth opened as the words began pouring out. “It’s just… I never though…” she began, still uncertain where to start. Taking a deep breath she tried again. “I never thought about what being Celestia’s pupil, a princess, what it truly meant. I always say the positive sides, but I willingly put blinders on as to what could happen to me because of it. I mean, even as just her pupil, I was a pretty tempting target. And now, as a princess, I’m even more of one.” she angrily snorted. “How could I’ve been so bl–” Jason cut her off.

“No, Twilight. You can’t blame yourself, and you know it. Although you might’ve ignored what might happen, the fact that it did… you can’t lay that at your own hooves.” he quietly, but strongly remarked, then went quiet so that she could continue.

“Still, Jason… I should’ve realized that getting marriage proposals from stallions I’d’ve never known wasn’t the worst thing about being a princess. Now, two… not one, but two guards are dead for me. I didn’t even know them that well, I almost acted as if they weren’t even there before tonight!” her anger continued to build as Jason placed a hand on her shoulder. Twilight let out a long sigh and then took another deep breath. “Now, though, I’ve also killed a pony. It’s… the first time that I’ve had to do it. I recognized the spell he was charging, even after being burned by Spike’s Dragonfyre, he was capable of magic. I had no choice, if that spell had gotten off, it would’ve potentially leveled the library… I had no choice..” she trailed off, a far-off look entering her eyes again.

Jason quickly hugged her, forcing her to focus on him rather than her thoughts. “Twilight… everypony at some point in their lives has a crisis of faith, no matter what that faith is…” he trailed off, briefly dwelling on his own crisis of faith all those years ago he endured, “You can get past it, though. You have Celestia and Luna who both know exactly what you’re going through. I also understand it somewhat…”

He released his hug, simply staring into her eyes. Twilight briefly blushed before surging her muzzle forward, fiercely kissing him, her tongue playing against his lips. Jason was shocked and simply sat there, their lips locked together as one. Moments later he reactively leaned into it, emotions running high with both parties.

They both separated, somewhat breathless, and awkwardly looked at each other. “So,” Twilight began, turning away slightly, “you said you understood what I was going through… how so?” she asked, attempting to ignore their kiss.

Acting to her wishes, Jason ignored the previous action, at least for the moment, and obliged her question. “Well, would you believe me if I said I’ve been wandering Equestria for the last thousand years or so?” he lightly chuckled as Twilight looked back at him, shock written on her face.

“No way…” Twilight said, disbelief in her voice, causing Jason to laugh this time.

“Yup, you see…”

Author's Note:

Dark tag now added to play it safe. I don't plan on going darker, or into any more details than I did in this chapter, but... it's kind of a needed precaution. For those concerned about events not focusing on Jason, don't worry... They will be, and more of them will come to light as time goes on. Also, we'll be seeing more things focused around him from this point on. Hopefully, you all enjoy this, and the tag addition isn't a put-off.

This is also what happens when you wake up early before work and are feeling particularly inspired. Man, I need some ice cream after writing this. Poor Twilight... I feel kinda dirty now. Also, this is unedited... Had a small amount of insomnia and woke up early, so written from 1am - 4am. Now, time to get ready for work and get started on a chapter of another story.