• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,931 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

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Chapter 8 - Philomena's Time in the Spotlight

Philomena stretched, letting out a massive yawn. Turning, she looked and caught sight of Jason, who as usual was already skulking about spending yet another day as a phoenix. Personally, she was at her wit’s end with dealing with his whining, and had delivered an ultimatum.

“Jay. I’m going to spend today to myself. Get over it, you’ve already spent over half the time Tia estimated it’d take. Seriously, get over it.” he squawked a few times and she walked over and poked him in the chest. “It’s not that bad. Like I’ve said before, I dealt with it for over a thousand years. Another two to three weeks won’t hurt you one bit.”

She got dressed, putting on one of Rarity’s works. She had fallen in love with her dresses, and had a rather nice collection of them now courtesy of her new friend. Philomena had not gotten the chance to head down to Ponyville yet, but with Canterlot being between there and the Crystal Empire, she got to meet a few of Twilight’s friends.

The initial meeting with Fluttershy had been a bit awkward, Philomena thought, a small giggle escaping from her mouth as she recalled the moment.

Philomena was out in the courtyard, giving Jason yet another flying lesson. He was almost to the point where she felt comfortable leaving him to his own devices, at this point it was more a matter of getting time in the air than pointing out the techniques of flight.

“E-excuse me…” a voice said from behind her, and Philomena turned around. She repressed a small shudder of fear at the sight of the pegasus who did not understand what boundaries and personal space meant.

“Hello, Fluttershy. What brings you by the castle today?” she asked, keeping her eyes on Jason who was a few dozen feet in the air above them.

Fluttershy shuffled about on her hooves, partially hiding her face behind her mane. “Well, I just wanted to come and meet you…” she began, an extreme lack of confidence in her words, and almost sounding fearful of the phoenix turned psuedo-human in front of her. “I know that the last time we met, it didn’t go over so well, so…”

Philomena could not help but let out a snort of laughter. ‘Not so well’ well an extreme understatement of how things went last time. Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, had thought the perfect time to have her go visit Ponyville was during her death cycle. Never had a pony gone to such extremes to ‘cure’ her. However, now that she was capable of speaking to Fluttershy, there was no need to let the past interfere with the future.

“I know, Fluttershy,” her face fell at Philomena’s words, who quickly continued speaking, “however, that was indeed some time ago, and it was more Tia’s fault for sending me to your fair town during one of my death cycles. Timing has never been one of her better points, but you didn’t hear that from me.” she finished with a wink to the mare, who could not help but let out a small peal of laughter in return.

“B-but still,” Fluttershy began, this time stuttering from laughter, “it was a really bad impression… I just fret so much when any animal is ill. It hurts for me to see them not feeling their best, you know?”

She simply smiled, nodding as she kneeled down and placed her hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I do understand. Fear not, for I promise not to hold it against you. After all, how could I become your friend if I let something as small as that stand between us?” she hugged the shy mare, who let out a gently ‘eep’ sound at the embrace.

“Jay, I’m going out for the day, try not to wallow in self-pity all day. Remember, just two or three more weeks.” Philomena nearly sang as she walked out the door, looking forward to day for herself. She had been mostly preoccupied teaching Jason how to fly and get used to being in an avian form for the duration it took for his magic to regenerate.

Now, however, she felt that she could finally have a day to herself. There were a few things that she had been meaning to do, chief among them spend some time with Celestia, something that had been neglected for the last few weeks. There were simply things that one did not talk about in front of males, after all, regardless of what form they may be in.

She nearly danced through the halls as she hummed a tune to herself, heading to breakfast. With her new body came the ability to eat a whole new gamut of foods, and breakfast was, by far, her most favorite meal of the day due to one thing: pancakes. Glorious, wondrous pancakes topped with butter and apple syrup imported directly from Sweet Apple Acres.

Philomena slipped into the dining room and looked at who was already there. A bleary-eyed Luna sat with her face nearly in a bowl of what appeared to be porridge, Shining was examining a report grasped within his magic while holding an apple in his hoof, Blueblood was buried on a cup of coffee, and Celestia was greedily eying a muffin that rested on her plate.

Stealthily coming up behind Blueblood, she set her hand on his shoulder. “Morning, Bluey!” he jumped as Celestia let out a laugh, his coffee spared as she grasped it in her magic. “Why so jumpy?” Philomena teased as she took a seat next to Celestia. He warily stared at her as she gazed back with a wry grin.

“Good morning, Philomena,” Celestia said, a smile on her face as she leaned over and nuzzled her neck in a friendly greeting. She giggled at the softness of the fur on her smooth skin, wrapping her arms around Celestia’s neck in a hug.

“Hey, Tia.” her eyes roamed the table, lighting up as they settled on her target. “Oooh, pancakes!” Philomena began to pile them onto her plate as everypony else continued with their meal. Blueblood warily kept on eye on her the entire time, all the way up until he left the room. She internally giggled, recalling why he was so concerned in her presence.

Two and a half weeks had passed, and Philomena finally had the perfect plan in place. These new appendages, fingers, really aided in her escapades, and the castle had gone too long without one. She grinned again as she carried the heavy pail of milk to the residence wing, smiling at everypony she passed by. Jason was keeping pace in the air next to her, a wry smile on his face.

They had decided on a simple trick, yet one guaranteed to provide great results. Jason would get Blueblood’s attention while Philomena waited in the air overhead the entrance to his room. Blueblood had been waiting a long time to get revenge on him, and now that he was a phoenix he was much less intimidating to the wimpy prince. Once he chased Jason out of his bedroom, Philomena would let the pail loose.

After that, with the prince thoroughly soaked by milk, she planned to use a little bit of flame for some heat, curdling most of the dairy product on the spot. So, not only would his precious coat be soaked through, but he would also smell rather rancid; a most fitting appearance for Blueblood. To further add insult to injury, they had gotten ahold of a basic dye spell that turned the color of the milk in the pail a nice and lovely shade of pink. Nothing could go wrong.

As planned, Jason began raising a ruckus outside his room first thing in the morning. Blueblood loved sleeping in, the lazy slob he was, and so when Jason came screeching in at dawn, it was with much reluctance that he forced himself out of bed to chase him down. Once certain his quarry was engaged, Jason zipped out the door, letting out a tittering, taunting trill.

Blueblood never saw what hit him next. The pail was upturned, and the pink liquid smothered his coat, dripping off him to hit the floor. Steam began to pour from his ears as he let out a most unstallion-like shriek as Philomena casually dropped down next to him.

“Hey, Bluey! Morning, Prince!” she concentrated on her flames, and put them to use. As she had realized just a few days prior, she was still capable of immolating herself, and could do so selectively so as to not destroy her wonderful dresses. She turned her back to him and focused on the leading edges of her wings, hot flames springing up as she concentrated.

The heat of the flames caused the dairy to begin to curdle, drying a large portion of the liquid and ensuring the pink stained his coat. Jason was already long gone, and as the flames died down on her wings, Philomena turned around and waved. “Have a good day, Princey!” she called out, the ensuing screams most likely heard throughout the entire castle grounds.

She chuckled at the recollection of the memory as she finished off the last of her pancakes, letting out a sigh of contentment. Turning, she watched as Luna retired, presumably to get some sleep. Philomena knew that the younger sister was still keeping to her nocturnal cycle, having returned to it a week after the incident at the mansion.

Celestia addressed Shining, and Philomena listened in with interest. “How goes the search for the last cultist, Shining?” she asked, setting down the wrapper of the muffin and hiding a burp with her hoof.

He just sighed and rested his face on his hooves. “Bad. You’d think for being a pegasus, she’d be easy to find. Especially if it’s as we assumed and she had no financial surplus. Night Shade would be forced to ply her trade, which should have some word come about of her. However, we still haven’t found any potential safe houses and as far as we can tell, she’s not actively engaged in her trade. For a pegasus, she’s craftier than I’d care to admit.” he grumbled a bit, then slowly raised his head.

Philomena looked at him questioningly, putting her hand underneath her chin as she examined him. “It’s not just that, is it. Cadance and Twilight, right?” she asked, using her abilities to read a pony’s body language to discern what was troubling him.

“Yes.” he simply stated, raising a mug of coffee to his lips. “Cadance’s latest letter claims that Twilight is making headway, and her friend’s visits have helped immensely, however…” he closed his eyes and cleared his throat, “your constant nagging is admirable, Shiny, but it’s simply an annoyance. Your sister will be healthier when she is ready, and you nagging us both every day isn’t going to speed things up at all. Now, why don’t you go catch that cultist already so that you can get back here and bu–"

A choked cough from Celestia caused Shining to stop imitating his wife’s voice, and he looked up in slight embarrassment. “...I mentioned the line about the cultist, didn’t I?” he questioned, a hint of crimson creeping onto his cheeks.

“Yup!” Philomena exclaimed, offering him no quarter as the blush rapidly spread across his face. She giggled, leaning over to Celestia and whispered loud enough for him to hear. “It sounds like Cadance is missing sex, Tia… I wonder, if he takes too long, do you think she’ll resort to finding some poor palace guard, much like you’ve done in the past?”

Philomena broke down into laughter as both Shining and Celestia let out loud exclamations, both thoroughly embarrassed at her words. She simply smiled in return, mirth filling her eyes. “Did you expect anything else?” she asked, standing up and leaving her empty plate on the table, two speechless ponies left in her wake.

Celestia turned to Shining, hoof raised to her temple. “And here I was hoping I’d get a break now that she can verbally abuse others. Guess not.”

Philomena lay on her stomach in one of the castle’s back gardens, her wings fanned open and catching the sun’s rays. She enjoyed the feeling of the grass on her skin and the warmth of the air above. Propping herself on her elbows, she took in a deep breath of air before hopping up to her feet and brushing off stray strands of grass.

Flexing her wings and knees, she jumped into the air, letting the warm thermals and a few flaps of her wings carry her high into the sky. She lazily glided through the air, drifting from thermal to thermal to stay aloft without once flapping her wings. Canterlot slowly shrunk the higher she ascended, and she watched the sunlight bounce off the spires of the castle.

Idly floating in the air, she noticed a shift in the guards around the castle grounds, namely the pegasi circling one of the inner gardens. Out of curiosity she began to descend, a few of the guards taking notice of her figure and flying off to meet her.

Coming to a stop and carefully hovering, she cheerfully waved at the pegasi. “Heya, what’s up?” she smiled, and one of the guards just groaned slightly.

“Celestia just decided to have her early afternoon tea break outside, against our insistence.” the pegasus said, a look of irritation on her face. “Even with just the one cultist left, we’re not prepared to take any chances, thus the large number of guards. I’d prefer it if you didn’t pull any of your trademark tricks today, Philomena.”

She threw up a salute, her hand coming to her breast in a fist. “Ma'am, yes ma'am!” she quickly spat out before bursting into laughter. After a few moments she regained her composure and refocused on the guard, who now had a look of extreme irritation. She gave the guard a disarming smile. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do anything that would hinder with Tia’s protection. I’m going to go down and say hi, though.”

Before the guard could offer up a protestation, Philomena folded her wings into a slow dive, the wind rushing past her and filling her ears, ensuring she did not hear anything on her way down. She waved to the guards on her way down, extending her wings as she came closer to the ground.

With a few gentle flaps, she landed on her feet, now much better at landing in her new body. Celestia noticed her presence and waved with a hoof as she sipped at a cup of tea. “Come, Philomena, join me for some tea?” she politely asked, pulling a chair back with her magic.

Philomena walked over to her first and wrapped both of her arms around Celestia’s neck. “Good afternoon, Tia. I believe that I would love to join you for some tea. Maybe I’ll actually sample some for myself today, hm?” she took a seat in the chair, looking at the tray before her.

“So, uh… how does this go exactly?” Philomena asked, a slight flush on her face as Celestia leveled her gaze onto her.

“You’ve spent how many centuries at my side, and watched me have tea how many times?” she asked, disbelief heavy in her tone. Philomena simply shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the various dishes on the tray.

“Hey, just because I followed you around a lot doesn’t mean that I was paying attention to everything.” Philomena stated, sticking her tongue out at Celestia. “I mean, some things do get boring after a year. Most times while you took your tea I ‘terrorized’ your guards, or so they claimed.” she looked up into the sky, seeing all of the circling guards. “Honestly, I think they always overexaggerated my actions.”

Celestia let out a laugh, looking up as well. “Sometimes… perhaps. However, you cannot deny that doing things such as setting yourself on fire and then zooming over their heads is harmless, at least not when you’ve got some of the newer guards to deal with. You were responsible for,” she trailed off, thinking for a moment, “seventy-nine guards requesting dismissal, I believe it was.”

“Eighty-one.” Philomena stated proudly, a smirk on her face. “I think you’re forgetting those brothers who I buzzed while they attempted to peek on you in the shower. While they were dismissed for that, I brought it to your attention. I’d say that counts for me.”

They both shared laughter as their gazes came to rest once more on the china. “Well, I suppose I can let your lack of knowledge pass for now. However, if you expect to share tea with me in the future, I’d suggest remembering this, my friend.” she began to point out the handful of dishes and objects associated with the tea set.

At the end of it all, Philomena nodded. “Okay, I got it. So, what’s this… blend of tea taste like?” she asked, bringing the hot cup to rest underneath her nose as she took in a deep whiff of the tea.

“This particular blend is from one of Twilight’s friends, a zebra named Zecora. It’s a mixture of herbs gathered from the Everfree, and has become a personal favorite of mine.” she noticed the slight hesitation and went to reassure her. “Go on ahead, I believe you’ll truly enjoy this one, Philomena.”

Carefully, she tilted the cup and took a small slurp of the tea. Philomena paused a moment, then took another taste, a content sigh coming from her shortly after. “This Zecora truly knows her stuff… this is amazing!”

Smiling, Celestia took a sip of her own, glad to be able to share such a moment with her longtime friend at last. “I’d always wondered what it would be like, to share such a moment with you at last. I find myself rather content, I think.” she said, a small smile coming to her face as she leaned back into the chair.

“I must agree, this is rather enjoyable,” Philomena began, “the warmth of the sun on my skin, the taste of this wondrous tea, and being by the side of a good friend. Now, if only Jay were here to enjoy it with us.”

Philomena missed the slight cringe Celestia had at his name. “I doubt that you could talk him into such a thing. It’s something stallions typically don’t do.” she let out a laugh. “I believe they mention something about ‘stallion-ness’ and the lack thereof with sitting around and drinking tea. You could always ask Shining Armor about it, I’m certain he could fill you in on the exact specifics.”

She let out a laugh at Celestia’s words. “Who said that I would give Jay a choice?” she smirked. “What I want, I’ll make sure I get. Even if it does take a little bit of persuasion... I’ll make sure it ends my way.”

Celestia sadly chuckled, catching Philomena’s attention. “Tia… what is bothering you?” she plied, concerned for her friend’s well-being. “You know that you are more than welcome to tell me, even though I may now be different our understanding still stands.” she smiled, reaching out and resting her arm on Celestia’s shoulder.

She simply let out a sigh in reply, setting her cup down on the table. “You will think this silly of me, Philomena, but it has been on my mind for some time, and I have no control over it. However, it is concerning Jason…” she trailed off, a look of concern crossing Philomena’s face.

“Jay? What about?” she asked, confusion evident in her voice.

Celestia raised a hood and shook her head. “No, it is nothing negative, so do not be alarmed by it.” Philomena visibly relaxed, although she kept her hand on Celestia’s shoulder. “It’s a simple matter, really, yet complex beyond belief. At first when he came here, you recall how I nearly fried him, if not for your intervention?” she waited for a reply, continuing after the nod of a head. “Well, he quickly became a close friend to me, the enigma that was this mysterious visitor from another world, tight-lipped about his past.”

Philomena looked at her, attempting to figure out where it was Celestia was heading with her words. “What are you…” she trailed off as she received a sad smile, and she could not help but stand up and wrap her arms around Celestia’s neck.

“Thanks you, Philomena. At first, he was a friend, who confided very little to me. The only thing I knew for certain was that he was deathly afraid of Luna… everything else was a mystery, something fun to learn for myself.” a far-off look came into her eyes as she thought about the recent past. “However, there was one thing that was assured. In time, much like the majority of the world, he would pass on like many I’ve known before him. Because of this, I kept him somewhat at hoof’s length from me, even as we became closer and closer friends.”

The dots connected within her head, and she let out a gasp and released Celestia, looking at her with wide eyes. “Tia, you do not mean…” she asked, trailing off at the end. Philomena received a sad smile in return, causing her eyes to further widen.

“Indeed… silly, really. I understand that he does not find us ponies attractive, but I am a mare much like any other, and I found myself attracted to him quite some time ago. I held my tongue more because of the fact that he was mortal, or so I thought. The fact that he did not find us attractive, well… it’s a barrier that could be overcome, given time.” she sighed, and Philomena simply sat next to her, listening with bated breath.

“Once it was shown that he was actually immortal, or the closest thing to it, I was beyond elated. Although I knew of Jason’s preference, I was willing to see if he would work through it with me. And then… my dear, former student Twilight. Oh, I love her like a daughter, but at times her timing is beyond impeccable. She seems to know exactly when and how to interrupt for maximum efficiency.” she dropped head head into her hooves, closing her eyes for a moment.

Philomena let out a wry chuckle. “Yes, she does indeed have that ability to pick the best time to come to you with an issue. What was it…” she snapped her fingers a few times trying to recall something. “Ah, yes… you were just sitting down with that diplomatic mission when her Want-It Need-It episode occurred. Negotiations were set back for some weeks, if I recall.”

Celestia let out a bark of laughter. “Indeed…” her smile rapidly faded away again. “Still, now there’s no point in raising my feelings, as he will most likely have you, unless I’m mistaken?”

She hugged Celestia again, speaking quietly into her ear. “I understand your pain, Tia. Remember that phoenix with that dragon, Spike? He was one of the first males of my species that I had met in such a long time, and even then, he was entirely way too young for me. That was awkward as could be.” she chuckled a moment, a sad sound. “Just remember, as we said years ago… no matter what may come, I see you as a sister, no matter what form we may take or how much time may pass.”

They separated, and Celestia offered her more tea. “Indeed, Philomena. You helped me get through those years alone with Luna, and for that I can never thank you enough. There’ll always be a spot in my heart for you as well.” she warmly smiled, leaning back in her chair. “Still, it doesn’t make it sting any less… one whom you could consider spending a considerable time of what could very well be eternity with is hard to let go of.”

Philomena sagely nodded, sipping her tea. “We’ll see, Tia, we’ll see…” she wryly smiled, a thought coming to mind. “All that I know is that I have no plans for him to get away. None at all.”

Celestia looked over at her, a brow raised. “...Jason stands no chance against you, does he?”

She simply held her smile, a glint coming into her eyes. “Nope. Not at all!”

The day was waning, the sun low in the horizon as Philomena flew through the air towards the balcony of the room she was sharing with Jason. It had been a busy day for her, and she had managed to accomplish much. With some sadness, her mind drifted back to the conversation with Celestia in the afternoon, and she couldn’t help but shake her head a little.

Carefully she landed on the balcony, barely disturbing the curtains as she lightly touched down. “Jay?” she called out, walking inside. Philomena suppressed a round of laughter as she walked in and saw him on the floor, all limbs sprawled out and a light snore coming from him.

She prodded him in the side, causing him to leap up with a flap of his wings. Jason let out a series of sounds, embarrassment the forefront of them all. Philomena replied with open laughter this time, seeking out his sides with her fingers as she often did. “See? This is what happens when you decide to stick around and mope, Jay! you end up asleep on the floor, and then I have no choice but to ‘tickle’ you!” he squawked and tried getting away, still not liking the fact that she had quickly found out that he was ticklish, and that fingers made the best tools for doing so.

Finally getting away from her deadly appendages, he fluttered up into the corner of the room, settling down on one of the curtain rods and letting out indigent sounds of dismay. Again, she laughed, a musical sound that Jason enjoyed hearing, even if it was directed at him.

Jason turned his head as she changed, then flew down to the bed as he heard her getting comfortable. Philomena was sitting down, her back propped against the headboard as he settled into her lap, stress fleeing his body as their eyes met. “So, besides moping around all day, Jay, what else did you manage to do?”

He let out a series of noises, occasionally making exaggerated motions with his wings. She sat and listened, a smile on her face as he recounted the day’s events to her. “I see. So, you managed to spend a nice amount of time in the air today, that’s good. It really is an amazing feeling, is it not?” he nodded his agreement, punctuating it with a squawk. “Maybe we can work on some other phoenix abilities before you go back to this human form, hm?”

They shared a short peal of laughter together as she began running her hands through his feathers. Closing her eyes, she slowly opened her mouth, clear and crystal tones pouring forth. As with every night, she ended with a song, each one wordless, yet seemingly carrying the world’s weight behind it.

The notes were crisp, floating on the air as Jason closed his eyes and swam in them, lightly swaying his head to the rhythm of the music. The playing of her hand on his feathers felt much like the sensation of fingers running through hair; soothing and calming at once. Coupled with the liquid musical sound provided by Philomena, his eyelids quickly grew heavy as he drifted off to sleep.

The last tone was cut as her mouth closed, a smile coming to Philomena’s face. She looked down at Jason’s still form, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest, carefully lifting him up and putting him to her side without disturbing his slumber.

She got comfortable underneath the covers, letting sleep slowly embrace her. “Just a few more weeks, Jay…”

Author's Note:

Some time with Philomena in the spotlight. She's fun to work with, truly is. And that prank against Blueblood... I couldn't resist!

If you value your brain cells, don't read too far into the scene with Philomena and Celestia. It is meant to portray their characters. If you hurt your mind trying to decipher some unknown meaning in it... don't say I didn't warn you.

And now, back to writing. Spoiling y'all, I am. With tomorrow being Saturday, I'm almost assured to have another chapter ready. Two twelve hour shifts, Satuday and Sunday, so tons of time to write. Oh boy.