• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,931 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

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Prologue - Going Down in a Burning Ring of Fire

A tolling bell signaled the hour, eleven crisp rings echoing throughout the large chambers. Princess Celestia was currently holding yet another session of Day Court, her best friend standing next to her. A rather imposing figure himself, standing at a solid six feet in height; Jason absently looked on, boredom evident in his hazel eyes as he ran a hand through his short black hair.

"I still don't see why you feel the need to deal with some of this stuff," he grumbled under his breath to her, "I mean, seriously? 'Oh Great and Powerful Princess, even though this document clearly shows my property lines, I demand that I be able to annex my neighbor's land... Oh, what's that? Am I envious of his highly profitable gem mine? Why no, your highness, I simply want the land because...'"

Celestia could not help but chuckle, covering it with a hoof as the next petitioner stepped forward. "You know very well why I do this, Jason. Still, I'll admit it's highly tempting at times to establish some sort of procedure to handle those specific cases you just mentioned." She briefly looked down at the Day Court’s scheduled petitioner list. "At least today, it would seem no nobles plan on attending."

Jason just snorted, sitting down and leaning back into the seat next to Celestia's. "Still, this seems like a massive waste of time. I dunno why you want me to sit through a few of these with you; I see nothing to gain from doing so."

"What if I said I merely enjoyed the break in monotony and your scathing sarcasm after some of these more... enthusiastic petitioners, hrm?" She focused her attention away from him, looking at the approaching pony.

With a sigh, Jason did his best to focus on the next case. Celestia had forced him to attend her court once a week, claiming that it would help to supplement his still limited knowledge on how things operated in Equestria. He couldn't help but sigh once more, letting his attention drift to the crowd.

Jason smirked as he noticed his partner-in-crime lazily floating about near the ceiling, flying in small circles over the gathered crowd. Philomena was a fun friend, having taken a liking to the human quickly after their first meeting. With a gentle caw, she descended to land on one of the chair’s armrests, fluffing her wings for a moment before looking at him.

Reaching out, he ran a finger underneath her chin, gently scratching it while moving to offer his lap to her. They had a natural understanding of each other, and more than once Celestia had nearly locked them both in cages following the aftermath of some of their collaborations.

Unnoticed amongst the crowd, a unicorn stallion joined the masses, a dark travel cloak covering his entire body, leaving just his face visible. Mulling about the other ponies, he slowly walked towards the throne, his gaze never once leaving Celestia. When an opening in the crowd made itself known, he deftly slipped between the ponies and advanced further.

Nopony noticed this behavior as Celestia's petitioner continued to drone on, attempting to explain why the inclusion of Princess Twilight Sparkle should necessitate the extension of dusk and dawn in an effort to give the newest princess her own time of day. It took a few minutes before the petitioner wrapped their speech up, patiently awaiting Celestia's reply.

"Thank you for your input. Jason," she turned and inwardly scowled, noticing that all of his attention was focused on Philomena, "what do you think of this idea?"

"Oh, it's uh," he scrambled as Philomena let out a humorous caw, "a wonderful idea?" Jason merely shrugged his shoulders as Celestia glared death at him before turning back to the petitioner and clearing her throat.

"While I understand the position you are coming from, and your most eloquent manner of putting forth your idea, I will have to say that we won't be changing the length of dusk or dawn." She raised a hoof before the petitioner could offer a rebuttal. "The day and night cycle are too important to adjust, even for something as monumental as a new Princess of Equestria. Have a good day."

With only a small huff, she walked out, Jason quietly snickering to himself as Celestia turned to look at him. "I make you sit through these to learn, something that is hard to do when Philomena is taking your attention." She turned to the bird, who pretended to hide under a wing. Celestia sighed as she scolded her. "Philomena, you know that it's important Jason learn these things. Besides... the less time you two have to collude together, the safer this castle is."

Philomena let out a caw of laughter that was abruptly cut short, as she was launched from Jason's lap. "Death to the Sun Tyrant!" a pony yelled out, a small dagger flying through the air, propelled by magic. Before anypony else could react, Jason had already shoved Celestia out of her chair and took her place in the projectile’s path, even as guards began to dogpile the would-be assassin.

"What is the meaning of–" Celestia heard a wheeze next to her as she pulled herself to her hooves. "Jason!" She ignored the guards in favor of going to her friend, who lay on the ground, a dagger embedded in his gut.

Coughing, Jason cringed as he moved slightly, the pain staggering. "C-Celestia..." he managed to pass between his lips even as he felt his body start to go numb. "Poison."

The guards had the unicorn subdued, an inhibitor locked firmly around his horn as his hooves were shackled together. Furious, Celestia rounded on him. "What did you use? What poison?"

The unknown stallion sadly laughed, "Night's Bane, he has no chance. I was hoping to get you, Tyrant, but I suppose your monkey assistant will have to do. It's a da–" One of the guards silenced him with the butt of his spear to the assassin's gut, knocking the wind from his lungs.

Celestia turned her attention back towards Jason as the guards finished clearing out the room. She gently propped him up with her forehooves, removing the dagger and doing her best to heal the wound, even though she knew it was futile.

"S-Stop..." Jason muttered, also aware of the futility. Night's Bane was a potent poison that ignored magic and quickly circulated throughout the body, paralyzing the victim before shutting down their body. It was simply a matter of time before his end, time that could be counted in minutes.

Celestia simply held him, ignoring the blood that slowly seeped onto her hooves as the guards solemnly looked on, keeping the room locked down. Philomena cawed sadly as she landed on Jason, nuzzling against his neck.

"Heh, h-hey now. Don't cry," he weakly said, chuckling before violently coughing. He tried to reach out with a hand, but his arm felt like it was made of lead, impossible to move in his rapidly weakening state. Celestia raised a hoof to her face, not even noticing the fact that she had indeed begun crying.

As the seconds ticked by, she noticed something odd. This was not her first time holding somepony, or someone, who was on death's door. However, for some reason as the life slowly fled his body, Jason began to warm up in her hooves. She continued to hold him, comforting him with softly spoken words, even as his temperature passed a point that would have left burns on a normal pony.

Celestia looked on in confusion as he merely smiled, closing his eyes and exhaling for the last time. Philomena flapped her wings, moving to rest herself on a nearby chair and began to sing a calming melody. Celestia rapidly backed away in confusion, alerting her guards who all tightened their grasps on their weapons.

Jason's body began to shine, a bright light filtering through his skin that looked as if it were trying to burst out of him. Seconds later, a massive surge of heat pulsed through the air, causing Celestia's guards to back away in fear as his body violently burst into flames. Celestia and Philomena were the only two capable of remaining in close proximity, the former watching in awe as the latter continued her song.

The flames grew brighter and hotter, incinerating the rug that had been underneath him within seconds as the marble floor began to blacken from the fire. Jason's body was rapidly consumed. As the heat and light died down, a large pile of ash was left in its place.

This whole event lasted for only seconds, although it seemed like forever in everypony's eyes. As the last of the flames magically disappeared, the ashes stirred, a hand reaching out from it. Somepony screamed as the guards finally took action, weapons levied at the unknown even as Philomena took to the air.

"Wait!" Celestia cried out as a groan emanated from the ashes. She focused her magic and a light breeze moved the large pile, revealing an ash coated creature in its wake.

"Impossible..." the assassin muttered, not a single guard moving to silence him this time. "He should be dead!"

With another groan, the figure slowly got into a sitting position, spitting out a mixture of saliva and ash to the side. "J-Jason?" Celestia muttered, a small amount of elation in her voice, as shock and disbelief were evident on her face. Philomena settled down on his shoulder moments later.

Rapidly blinking his eyes, Jason turned and met Celestia's. She noticed that he looked much younger, and his pupils now were like fire, a hot mixture of angry reds and cool oranges all blending together. He tried speaking, but only a rattling cough came from his throat. Trying again, he managed to squeak something out.

"H-hey, Celestia... damn, that smarted," he groaned, before he completely froze, shock in his eyes. A lock of fiery hair fell into one eye, even as a hand slowly reached behind him. Moments later, it came into contact with the leading edge of something, and he cautiously tugged on it to bring it into his view.

Philomena let out a small cackle as feathers greeted his vision, feathers that were quite firmly attached to a wing that he could now feel. His head turned to the bird on his opposite shoulder, a look of confusion greeting Philomena's smug expression. "You... you had something to do with this, didn't you?" She merely took off in flight, a tittering caw erupting from her beak.

"I want you to continue the lockdown, and escort the prisoner to the cells. I'll have a word with him later. Right now, though..." she turned her attention back to Jason, who was still glaring at Philomena, his hand fidgeting with his new appendage. "Jason... what exactly is going on?" Celestia asked, having never witnessed a rebirth outside of the phoenixes. It just wasn't possible, and everypony knew it.

Jason shuffled around, turning to face her. Before saying a word, however, his cheeks suddenly went crimson in embarrassment as he realized something. "Can you get me some clothes, first?" he asked, doing his best to keep as much of himself covered as possible. Although his new wings covered his back and bare buttocks from view, he did not want to expose himself to everypony.

"Shining Armor," Celestia spoke as the stallion entered the room saluted her. "I want you to comb the castle and search for any other would-be assassins. I'll be in my quarters with Jason," she pointed a wing towards him, "attempting to figure out what in Tartarus just happened here."

As he saluted again, Shining immediately turned to the gathered guards. "Soldiers, you heard the Princess!" Celestia drowned him out, focusing on Jason who was still sitting on the floor.

"Jason," she began, using her magic to remove the rest of the ash from his body, "I'll make a stop at your room first for some clothes, and then we'll go and have a lengthy discussion in my study... I believe that is more than fair?"

Jason meekly shrugged as he scratched his scalp with a hand. "I suppose I do have a lot to explain..." Celestia extended a hoof to him which he grasped, and as Philomena landed on his shoulder once more, the trio disappeared in a teleport.

Author's Note:

And yet another one! This was a concept that I thought of when reading yet another silly 'Human loves alicorn, human becomes immortal' story. I came up with something that I believe [hope] is truly original as far as 'immortality' goes. Although technically not really immortal, just reincarnation.

The next chapter deals with his entry and early years in Equestria, leading up to meeting the Princesses. Here's to hoping that I can execute this idea properly, it was a load of fun to write!

Revised slightly and re-posted 20 September.