• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 15,811 Views, 173 Comments

Fly Too Close to the Sun... She May Never Let Go - Spacecowboy

2nd POV. HiE Romance with Celestia. It's been five years since your arrival into Equestria, and five years since her. Today will be a day to remember.

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Part III

The weeks following your apparent rescue by the 'talking horse' were a whirlwind of activity. Although left physically weak from the ordeal that had somehow broken the barrier between worlds, your mind was focused on learning how this new world worked. There was heavy uncertainty surrounding whether or not the ponies could find you a path home, and so you threw yourself into learning, trying to avoid having to come to terms that you may very well be stuck in Equestria, as the locals called their interesting country.

You had help from the very start, even though you turned it away at first. Celestia had brought in one Twilight Sparkle, a curious academic type who tutored you on various aspects of the pony culture and general knowledge... to the ponies, anyways. Magic astounded you most of all, and many hours were lost speaking with Twilight on where its limitations laid. Through Twilight, you met her brother, her sister-in-law, and her parents as well, all wonderful ponies who brightened your days.

Perhaps what was more important, however, was that Celestia herself seemed to take a personal interest in you. You were a bit uncertain at first, one of the leaders of a nation of tens of millions, taking precious time out of her day to spend it with you. It was too much, she had her duty, and you were just an intruder. Even so, she made a point to speak with you, some times while she raised the sun, other times a last minute summons to have tea or lunch in a quiet garden. You had even been brought along while she was walking from one meeting to another. It seemed random, but you were grateful for it.

All of the friends you made had softened the blow somewhat, when two months in it had been confirmed. There was simply no viable method to return you home. Equestria was home now, apparently Luna had already filled out the paperwork for you to legally call it such, and all it required was your signature to make it official. For the icing on the cake, Twilight's parents had offered to consider you family, to lend their support if it was needed. However, the only thing you could do was stand there, shell shocked, staring at the piece of paper that would forever cement the change in course your life had taken.

It was hard to feel any emotions at this point. You had not even noticed when Celestia had walked up and set the papers aside, quietly shooing Luna away. The soft touch of her feathers on a shoulder did draw your attention, but even then you could do little more than simply stare at her, eyes unseeing, feet automatically shuffling along the floor as she guided you somewhere. It was only when she pulled you into a room, her bedroom, and sat you on the bed before those wings encompassed you in a hug did the dam break. You had cried for who knows how long, clinging to the one who offered you support.

It was that day Celestia's role in your life went from savior, to friend.

A bemused Twilight Velvet had awoken you from your nap, magic pinching your cheeks until you'd woken. "Come on, dear, if you don't get moving, you'll ruin the night. Your mare is going to be distracted for the next hour... Let's get your night made, yes? Shining was a dear and picked up your clothes, and I took the liberty to get everything packed up for you."

Getting up from the couch, you smiled and kneeled in front of Velvet. "You've always been so good to me. I suppose you'd like to take a walk with me to the castle?" you asked, looking at the rather inconspicuous travel bag that contained all of the very important items that would make this night one to remember. It frequently traveled with you from the castle to various places, so to bring it back wouldn't raise any suspicion.

"I thought you would never ask, dear! Certainly, I need to make sure you set it up just right. Nothing but the best for two very important ponies to me, after all," Velvet replied with a knowing smirk on her face. She truly made an interesting parental figure, even if you didn't actually need one. "Now, come along, let's get going. That window is only getting smaller."

Quietly laughing, you got up and grabbed for the large travel bag, only for Velvet's magic to grab it. "Velvet," you playfully whined, stretching out her name a bit before heading for the door and letting her have the bag. There was a visible bounce in your step, even as a bit of nervousness began to grow in the center of your chest, underneath all the excitement. "Come on, Mom, then. Let's get moving!" Opening the door, you held it open for her, not even realizing you had a giant smile on your face.

The walk back to the castle was a pleasant one, the city having long since grown accustomed to your presence. It was interesting, watching the ponies out in the city, even after being a part of it yourself for so long. You and them were so different, yet so similar. That was always proven by the spectrum of looks you always received. At first, it was fear, apprehension, and that odd mix that reeked of 'mightier-than-thou.' Now though, you exchanged greetings with many of them as you walked with Velvet, smiles and nods as the castle's gates came into view.

The guards up front cracked the faintest hint of a smile at your approach, giving a curt nod as you and Velvet passed. You were going to make one of them, perhaps two, very happy ponies after tonight. Not directly, but based on the results, somepony was going to be collecting a rather sizable pool of bits. Guards truly enjoyed betting on things within the castle. You even sometimes considered getting in on the bets, at least the more amusing ones.

"Now, where were you going to do this, dear?" Velvet quietly asked, looking around the rather impressive, and mostly empty, castle foyer for any prying ears. You nudged Velvet towards one of the lesser traveled hallways, the two guards at its entrance opening the door for you. This led towards the more private areas of the castle, one of which was quite exclusive... and where you planned to set up tonight's dinner. You had some ideas for the bedroom, too, but you needed to take things in order.

Making another turn, you passed your room. Well, it was yours more in name than actuality at this point. The maids kept it from getting dusty, but there wasn't really anything that was yours, each night spent with your marefriend instead for the last two years. You'd taken the courtship slow, stumbling through the pitfalls and fights and landing on your feet each time, miraculously. "Going to set it all up in our garden, Velvet. Doesn't really get more personal than that, other than the bedroom," you joked.

Tittering softly to herself, Velvet nodded. "Very good choice, Night chose a place that was quite a dive. But, for me and him? It's where we'd first met. Memories are what matter most, in the end." She stopped as you did, following your gaze to look where you were. "Isn't this... your old room?"

Grabbing the travel bag from Velvet's magic, you ignored the odd tingling sensation from her magic and waited for her magic to cease levitating it. "Yeah, it is. Lot of memories there, too. Good and bad, but that's the past. Mind waiting for me here, Velvet? Once I get everything set up, I'll be getting ready in there. Don't want to risk tipping my hand too early," you explained with a tender smile as you set the bag gently on the ground, opening it up.

Velvet nodded, noting as you took out your clothes and offered them to her. "Very well, I'll wait here for you, see what they have to make you look as presentable as possible to your princess. Good thing Twilight's friend Rarity didn't come, isn't it? I imagine not even a day would be enough time to prepare, then," she joked, both of you quietly laughing.

With a quick scratch to her ear you left, hearing the door open and close behind you as you continued on. It was only a few more minutes of walking through the maze-like corridors before you came upon a rather well hidden, out of the way door. Opening it, a guard immediately moved to stop you, but then smiled at your presence. "Everything is just as you wanted, Royal Consort. And, not a word to anypony else, either," she stated, stepping out of your way and outside the door. "Good luck," the guard added, closing the door behind you.

Walking forward a short distance brought you to a turn, which opened into the most lovely garden you had ever seen, and one that very few ponies ever got to see in their lifetime. Celestia herself tended to it, one of her few oasis away from the heavy burden of ruling the country. An array of flowers, most of warm colors, lined the edges of the relatively small enclosure. Where they weren't growing, lush grass spread, all the way until the centerpiece of the garden, a mosaic of the sun.

On top of the mosaic in the center of the sun itself was a table, complete with two chairs. Various items were on its surface as you walked over to it, carefully setting your travel bag down. A quick check over the table's surface showed that the guard had indeed come through for you, and you went to work. While you were aware of the time crunch you were in before you had to get dressed up for the occasion, you wanted everything to be just right. Scented candles of jasmine and lavender were set up around the garden's edge, simply waiting to be lit. Everything came together, bit by bit, until you were satisfied.

Leaving the garden, you just had one more thing to do before it was time. Stopping by in your old room, you stowed away the now empty travel bag and headed for the shower, grinning at Velvet and giving her a thumb's up. It seemed she had already gotten your clothes ready, and was considering what else she might do to lend her aid to this eve. You wasted no time in the shower, being as quick as you could be, drying off in a haste and throwing on some underwear.

Cracking open the door, you held out your hand, taking your clothes from Velvet's magic. Informing her that it wouldn't be too long, you started getting dressed before coming out of the bathroom. True to your word, it didn't take long, but her fretting over your appearance certainly did. With Velvet's so-called seal of approval she sent you on your way, back to the garden. Now, there was just one thing left to do.


Author's Note:

Final Chapter tomorrow.

Also, 2nd person POV is still a bitch. 3 years later.