• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


A long ride to a concert gives Vinyl a chance to reflect on her success as Equestria's number-one DJ.

Now with a reading by ShadowOfCygnus

Approved by Twilight's Library
This is a stream of consciousness meditation on the life of a DJ, which isn't something I see much of.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )

So much of this could be taken from Bob Seger's Turn The Page.


Like the title?

That's exactly the song that was 50% of the inspiration for the fic, and the story somewhat follows the song.

I really liked this. Well done. I love the emotion in it and the feeling of "was it worth it" which is something more people ask themselves than I think really admit it. Bravo!


This honestly made me tear up. Well done.

This story's really sad and depressing, but it was really good too.

Probably my favorite story about vinyl I've read so far. Nicely done, full of emotion, I doubt I could ever ask for more. Keep up the good work.

Very emotional.

I can't say much more than that for a peice of this caliber.

Better than my "Not the Dentist" but not as good as some stories.

I don't remember the name, but it's twilights death. And spike is regretting it because he wasn't there in her final moments.


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Loved it. I wished it wasn't over though.

Love the song, and loved this story. :pinkiehappy:


Did you read the blog post? I do feel that way sometimes, and I'm not even a professional actor.


Well, it's not all that bad. I'm a pretty normal guy during the week.:pinkiehappy:

I have noticed when we're doing gigs, though, it does get like that. When I worked tech, we disparagingly referred to actors as "flexi-props," and there's sadly a bit of truth in that.

At the same time, I have to say that writing is much like acting, and the high I feel when there's a standing ovation--or when a story hits the feature box--can make it all worthwhile!

I'm planning on writing a counterpoint to this story from Octavia's view. One of these days. . . .

I read the title and thought of this.

Very poignant story. For the audience it's a special, rare event to be remembered and savored; for the performer it's more often than not just a job. It's rare we're reminded of that.

Ah, and now I have seen such a story for both Vinyl AND Octavia.


Thank you! It's written largely from life (see the associated blog post, if you're interested what I drew from).

What's the one for Octavia, out of curiosity?

5141750 I believe 5141791 just inadvertently compared you to Kaidan. Well done, Admiral Biscuit-Squirrel-Senpai.

~Corporal Waffle


Not entirely sure if that's a good or bad thing *isn't aware of hierarchical social standings within the site and where others place within it*

5820230 U wot m10

Swer on me mum i punch u in teh gabba

Swer on me mum m9


I swear I have heard that somewhere before...


Now I am just plain lost

This was less sad and more deep. By that I mean deep into the mind and soul of a successful musician. Vinyl's gradually grown to feel that her career is nothing more than routine, and it leaves her as a hollow shell. Every show, every town, every audience, is nothing more than a memory not even worth remembering. To me it appears that Vinyl's entire celebrity life has been a regretful experience. Her secret admiration of Octavia also reveals a side of herself that secretly despises her current lifestyle. Vinyl looks at the formal, elegant, sophisticated cellist and thinks that she's perfect. I sense a bit of envy here, but there's also an overwhelming feeling of idolization. It's understandable of course.

Like I said before, this story is not actually depressing. It's a dark and philosophical perspective, sure, but it won't easily bring tears to one's eyes, if it does at all. I personally did like the story though.

Author Interviewer

I hate that I am only now voicing this, but you are quite an excellent writer.

I really like the unique approach to Vinyl and Tavi's relationship here. It's one of a distant, unreachable, inspirational memory, which I think works better than a lot of stories that go for the romantic angle.

Deep. A tragic character study with a little philosophy thrown in, with a surprising lack of sadness. Well done.

I remember reading this a long while back, and ive read it again for what feels like the first time.

Very well done.

Her I am, here I am, here I am! I'm back at the crossroad again! Oh let me stand, let me stand, on top of the mountain again!

"Here I am" by "The Explosion"

Quite nice, even though I don't think the "tragedy" tag is appropriate. [On a side note I keep to the idea that she is mute]


Quite nice, even though I don't think the "tragedy" tag is appropriate.

It really depends on if you think she’s happy about her success or not, I guess.

[On a side note I keep to the idea that she is mute]
I tended to not be in favor of it until episode 100. Now I’ve changed my tune a bit, I think.

Well Tragedy indicates a definite and somewhat permanent downfall of the character, here while it's quite a low spot, nothing prevent an eventual happiness [and maybe my view is colored by ep 100 also.].

I suppose you could go either way on this one. I mean, obviously the story must take place well before episode 100; equally obviously there was no way I could have known what would come in episode 100 when I wrote this--so I guess in a way the show gave a happy ending to the story, and I suppose all readings of the story after that episode aired would sorta default to that.

The risk of writing fanfiction for a show that’s still active. :derpytongue2:

A LOT of people have a cover of this, couldn’t find the exact one I was looking for but this one’s good too.

I also remember a David Allen Coe song where his car breaks down & he gets a gig at a local bar to help pay his expenses & the waitress tells him “I’m sure you’ll make it -You sound a LOT like David Allen Coe”


I also remember a David Allen Coe song where his car breaks down & he gets a gig at a local bar to help pay his expenses & the waitress tells him “I’m sure you’ll make it -You sound a LOT like David Allen Coe”

Huh, I’ll have to look that one up. The only David Allen Coe song I know well is the perfect country and western song.


It’s been 30+ years, I’ve been confusing it with another but this is it

Huh, I hadn’t heard that one before.

THIS is the one I was looking for! I had a problem finding it because “Won’t You Stay” is the named part of it

Starts slow, speeds up about 3:40 in.
IMO, it captures Vinyl’s mood perfectly

You’re right . . . that’s a pretty cool song. I feel like I vaguely know it, but I might be misremembering.

I have always enjoyed Metallica's cover...

Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play

Later in the evenin' as you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette
Rememberin' what she said
What she said...

It’s a good cover, I won’t deny it, but at least IMHO it doesn’t have quite the same feel as the original. There’s a difference between a wailing guitar and wailing saxophone.

Likewise, comparing Disturbed’s Sounds of Silence with Simon and Garfunkel's . . . both very excellent, and both have a very different feel.

In terms of the story, I suppose Vinyl is more of the Metallica version, and Octavia is more of the Bob Seger original.

Came here from the Octavia counterpart story. Looks like Vinyl has Octavia on something of a gilded pedestal so to speak.

If possible, I would like to offer an ear or shoulder to Vinyl if she ever wanted to have someone who she could even just for a few hours be just Vinyl rather than DJ P0N-3 or that famous Vinyl Scratch chick. I may not be perfect, but I can at least attempt to be a proper gentleman.


Came here from the Octavia counterpart story. Looks like Vinyl has Octavia on something of a gilded pedestal so to speak.

Of the two of them, Octavia looks like the more put-together pony. But of course who can say what she doesn’t show? Still waters run deep and all that.

If possible, I would like to offer an ear or shoulder to Vinyl if she ever wanted to have someone who she could even just for a few hours be just Vinyl rather than DJ P0N-3 or that famous Vinyl Scratch chick. I may not be perfect, but I can at least attempt to be a proper gentleman.

Maybe I’m wrong ‘cause I’m no celebrity, but I think that treating her like a normal pony would be something she’d like. And I suppose (which wasn’t official when I wrote this) knowing sign language would also help. Every year, a deaf guy comes around selling roses for charity, and I always buy one even if I have no use for a rose, and I always sign “thank you” because that’s one of the few signs I know and I hope that helps make his day.

Yeah, I didn't think of that... I know a few letters in ASL, probably should look that up beforehand.


Yeah, I didn't think of that... I know a few letters in ASL, probably should look that up beforehand.

That’s something I really should learn better, but just never get around to.

Same, especially with my mom and stepdad showing signs of degrading hearing.


Same, especially with my mom and stepdad showing signs of degrading hearing.

Yeah, that would make it more useful. My parents still have good hearing, luckily. Possibly better than mine, to be honest.

I went to an audiologist earlier this year...or was it last year...eh

I found out that I have "minor high-frequency hearing loss" and they scheduled me for a yearly check-up. What this means is that some softer letters like f's and p's can sometimes go unheard or misheard. I also have some minor tinnitus, which is a nuisance, but not to the point of "ruining my life" or anything. The main thing is that I don't do dumb things like blast music with headphones on and making sure I wear some hearing protection when I say mow the lawn and perhaps getting some ear-plugs when I'm doing dish-duty at work.

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