• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,465 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 3 - A Meeting In and Out the Mind

"This emergency council is called to session. Presiding is Princess Celestia, Sol Invictus, leader of Equestria. Visiting diplomats include Steel Talon of the Swiftwind Aerie, Eagle Eye of the Farseele..." Celestia listened as the speaker droned on, announcing everyone present for the meeting. In the corner of the room a scribe sat with a quill contained in his magic furiously scribbling away. She split her focus, keeping one half on the opening proceedings while the rest turned inwards to her thoughts. Even before being forced to banish Luna, Celestia had mastered the ability to divide her attention in such a manner that let her hear everything in the environment while still going deep into thought.

Celestia thought back to the lunch she had somewhat forced Shining Armor to attend. Although nervous at first, he had opened up after a bit of plying on Celestia's end and some prodding from Cadance.

"So, Shining Armor. Tell me, what do you plan to do when you're older?" Celestia asked the nervous young stallion before they had even left the hospital.

After much stammering and reassurance from Cadance, Shining had finally replied to her. "I w-want to be a Royal Guard." Celestia looked him over critically without changing her expression from the warm smile she was showing.

"Oh? Could you tell me why you want to be one of my guards? From what I understand, most young stallions aspire towards other activities first." She was genuinely curious, as well as enjoying the rather awkward yet refreshing conversation. It had been far too long since she'd simply talked with somepony.

"W-well," Shining began, slowly building up confidence, "my uncle was a guard in Manehatten. He was kinda my role model, big, strong, really cool and all that. He saved a lot of ponies, even though he ultimately died because of it..." he trailed off, thinking about his family. "I also wanted to join so I could be here and protect my family..."

"I now yield the floor to Captain Shield."

"Thank you, Mono Tone. The first thing I'd like to cover is the initial incident which forced us to call this meeting into session..."

Cadance locked her hoof with Shining's as they entered into one of the corridors of the castle, gently nuzzling his side and pointedly ignoring the few ponies who gaped at her actions. Celestia felt a mix of warmth and pain as those actions brought forth memories of her own. "Shining Armor, I'm truly sorry about the loss of your parents. You have no other family besides your sister now, from what I understand?"

"No, Princess. My uncle was the last family outside of my parents and Twily, and he passed away two years ago... It's just me and Twily, now." He said dejectedly, hanging his head slightly as he allowed Cadance to guide his steps.

Celestia stopped in front of a door, the guard posted outside her private dining room opening the door for her. The trio walked into the room, where a small table held a pitcher of water on the center of it. A pony greeted them and asked them their preference for lunch.

"Now, the intelligence reports on Highmount Aerie from one week ago showed a force of..."

After their orders had been placed, Celestia noted that Shining Armor was still in a poor mood, and decided that now was as good a time as any to broach the subject she wished to enquire about. "I must ask. How old are you and Twilight?"

Shining looked puzzled for a moment, buying himself a moment with a sip of water. "Twilight is five, Princess, and I'm fifteen." He paused a moment, then asked a question of his own. "Why do you want to know our ages?"

Celestia took a quick sip of her tea, doing her best to keep him calm as she smiled at him. "With you and Twilight having no immediate family, typically the situation would warrant putting you both under the care of an orphanage, pending any extraneous circumstances." Celestia noticed the panicked look in his eye and quickly launched into the next part of her statement. "However, I have something I would like to do, although both you and Twilight would have to agree to it."

Shining calmed down, and a look of understanding came into Cadance's eyes as she looked between them both. "What... can you do?" He quietly asked Celestia, doing his best to keep from shaking.

"Latest intelligence reports show that nearly every gryphon in Highmount has fled after their king's actions came to light. The total occupancy is estimated to be at two dozen, and that is the high end number. Resistance can be considered as next to nothing, especially if we bring overbearing force down on top of them..."

"Let me first ask you this, as it is quite possibly a thought within your mind right now. Would you adopt her yourself and look after her, if you could? From what little information I've gleamed, your parents have a residence here in Canterlot, and the compensation from the Crown and their wealth combined would allow you to focus on raising Twilight."

Shining's eyes brightened at the realization of what Celestia had just mentioned. "I could look after Twily myself?" He asked, almost not believing it. A simple nod from Celestia was all the confirmation he needed, and he widely smiled and let out a whoop of joy before turning a small shade of pink as he remembered who he was talking to. A few moments later, however, his smile turned back into a frown. "But, I could still join the guard, right?"

Cadance, who had been versed in many things related to Equestrian society due to her status as an alicorn, was the one to speak this time. "Shiny... You'd probably have to give up that dream, at least until your sister was much older and could care for yourself. You really couldn't hire a foal-sitter, either. The fastest anypony has completed the training required for the Royal Guard has been," Cadance hesitantly looked towards Celestia before continuing in a questioning tone, "right over two months. You'd be gone for the whole time, too."

Celestia nodded to Cadance, a small smile gesturing that she was indeed correct. "What Cadance has said is true, young stallion. If you truly desire to raise Twilight, it is possible. However, it would be your job as she would come first and foremost. Even," Celestia between Cadance and Shining, raising an eyebrow somewhat suggestively, "certain activities would have to come second to Twilight."

Shining's face fell even further, dismay the only visible emotion. "But, the guard... it's what I've wanted to do even before my I got my cutie mark..."

"And so, with such a depleted... garrison, if the word is even applicable to a group composed of mostly elderly and ill gryphons, I foresee that, no matter the decision, we will have an easy time with the execution of whatever final plan we move forward with. The only casualties I foresee are the one or two greenhorns who manage to foolishly sprain a hoof or injure themselves doing some inane activity." Shield concluded his speech, focusing his attention to Celestia.

"Princess, I yield the floor and the final proposition to you."

Celestia paused her thoughts on the lunch and quickly sifted through all of the words that had been exchanged at this meeting. "Everypony and everyone, thank you for the information. I have a solution that I believe will work best. The loss of any life is a tragedy, and some might believe that bloodshed calls for bloodshed.

"Ambassador Steel Talon, I believe that in the past three years, you have been wronged the most of the aeries surrounding the Highmount lands. Ambassador Eagle Eye, you yourself have suffered injustices at the claws of the king there as well. Both of your Aeries border Highmount, and so my suggestion is as follows.

"The Third Company will move on Highmount and demand a full surrender upon their arrival. However, Equestria has no use for the land that best serves gryphons. As such, The Swiftwind and Farseele Aeries will take joint custody of King Highmount and equally divide his lands amongst themselves. Together, with an official of Equestria present, your aeries will pass down judgement upon his head. I am assured that it will fit the bill of his collected crimes against Equestria and your aeries. Also, I would ask that in return for Equestria taking no claim over the land, negotiations will be had at a later date to exchange goods and services equivalent to fifteen percent of the yield these new lands provide." Celestia wrapped up her speech and looked towards the two gryphons as they turned towards each other and spoke in hushed whispers.

"Princess Celestia," Eagle Eye began, his voiced filled with humility, "as always, you prove once more that your judgement is both sound and wise. As the representative of the Farseele Aerie, I find your plan most agreeable."

"And I speak for the Swiftwind Aerie when I say that, even without the land, we would have agreed. The chance to put the 'King,'" Steel mockingly said, anger seeping in his tone, "of Highmount before a tribunal at last is more than worth anything you might ask."

"Then, let it be noted," Mono Tone spoke once more, bringing the proceedings to an end, "that this decision has been solved, and it's recourse. A transcript of this meeting will be made available to all affected parties within three days. Everyone, this emergency council is now closed." A shuffling of hooves and claws signaled the beginning departure of the many attendees as Shield walked to where Celestia still sat.

"Princess, on your order they'll be ready to move out." Shield quietly spoke as Celestia rose from her seat. "Although, I might question your decision to have him jointly tried by the gryphons rather than here in Equestria. Surely he'll be sentenced to death, no?" They both exited the council chambers, warm sunlight filtered through stained glass windows striking their eyes.

Celestia sighed, turning her head slightly to bring Shield fully into view. "That was indeed the point of it, Captain. We have not had death as a penalty for nearly one thousand years, and he deserves such. It is also a much better alternative than me misusing my power to make him pay. Although I would be more than justified in dropping a small piece of the sun on the land, the fallout from me using my strength in such a fashion would be a political nightmare at best." Celestia let her mind's attention split once more as she began the trek to her study, the captain in tow.

"So, you see, that's why I'd like to make you both Wards of the Crown. With you housed at Solid Spear's Academy, there won't be much more beyond some paperwork and the occasional visit from your acting legal guardian. This way, you can still join the Royal Guard, and Twilight will be raised here. Plus, Cadance is great around children, so often times she'll be the one looking after your sister." Celestia finished, noting a look between dismay and excitement on Cadance's face.

Cadance nudged Shining's side, moving her head close to his ear and whispering at such a low volume Celestia was unable to hear them from across the table. She stopped talking, and after a few moments he nodded his head.

"Princess, thank you... I'm sure once Twily wakes up, she'll be thrilled to meet Cadance. We've just started seeing each other, and hadn't even told anypony yet. It's nice to know that she'll be able to look after my sister when I can't be there." Shining slowly replied, sinking into his cushion.

"You and your sister deserve the best Equestria can offer after what happened to your parents, Shining Armor." Celestia paused, looking at Cadance. "Now, you mentioned you've been keeping your newfound relationship with my niece a secret. We need to talk about that..."

Shield quietly pondered on her words as they drew closer to her private study. "I see. That does make sense, and this method has us achieving further rapport with some of the more influential aeries."

Celestia paused before the door, having arrived at her destination. "Exactly." She passed the threshold into the study and turned to face him. "The Third Company is authorized to proceed tomorrow morning, Captain. Now, I must attend to yet more paperwork." Shield was left alone in the corridor as the door closed.

Author's Note:

Welp, here's part three. Hopefully what I was aiming for I managed to accomplish - that is, keeping the main focus away from the gryphons. This should make for a nice resolution, as the end result is now thoroughly inferred. Some more clarifications with Shining Armor, Cadance, Celestia and Twilight as well. By the way, added the Cadance and Shining Armor character tags.

As always, I encourage any/all constructive criticism. Anytime something gets pointed out that folks feel need to be addressed, it is easy enough to wrap it up as part of a chapter. I'd rather plug any holes you all might find. Also applies to any errors that might've slipped through. I hope that you enjoy, and till next time, Cheers!