• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,465 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 11 - The Surge

Celestia sighed as she walked into the expansive throne room, the closed, wide double-doors the only barrier between herself and the daily throng of petitioners. "Who's on the docket first, Amethyst?" Celestia enquired, briefly encasing the cushion of the throne in her magic and fluffing it a few times in preparation for the long morning ahead.

With the aid of her magic, Amethyst ruffled through the collection of sheets in front of her, face scrunching in disgust as she found the answer. "Sorry, Princess, but it seems that Von Trot is back again," her eyes scanned the words on the sheet, "and it's the same issue..."

Sighing, Celestia took a seat on the throne as she narrowed her eyes in thought. "How long has it been since his last petition? Was it more than six months ago?" Amethyst nodded in reply, eliciting another long sigh from her. "Some ponies just don't understand that no means no... I suppose you can go ahead and have him sent in now, I shall simply have to be even more firm this time and disbar the matter from ever being raised again."

The twin doors opened at her word, showing a large group of ponies milling about, all of them waiting for their chance to bring a matter before her. A haughty unicorn slowly trotted into the room, head held high and a glimmer in his eyes that spoke volumes of the enormous ego hidden within. As Von Trot came within talking distance of the throne, he paused his steps and barely bowed his head, a smile present on his face the entire time.

"Good morning, your Majesty. As always, I am humbled to be before you–" he began, nearly jumping as Celestia's voice cut through the air, interrupting him.

"Get to the point, Von Trot. Are you here to once more ask me to foolishly turn over the farmland just south of Manehatten to your company so that you may prospect and mine it? The very same farmland that is responsible for eighty percent of the city's fresh produce?"

Von Trot withered slightly under her words as he fought to keep a smile plastered on his face. "Y-Your Majesty, as I last mentioned, it is a simple enough task to import the lost crop from the neighboring cities–" he visibly cringed as her voice boomed through the air, its power even silencing the idle chatter beyond the doors in the reception area.

"At an increased price and most likely through a company that you hold, and to be sold at a higher price!" Visible signs of anger became present on Celestia's face, mostly at the sheer stupidity of yet another noble who thought she could be easily exploited for their personal gain.

Before she could continue, however, a polychromatic wave washed through the castle, leaving a faint tingling sensation behind as a loud cracking sound was heard moments later. As the magic washed over her, Celestia faintly smiled and briefly closed her eyes at the confirmation that a lost pegasus technique was once more rediscovered. Whoever that is, they will go far, no doubt...

Celestia's eyes opened in alarm as multiple magical wards were tripped in her mind, audibles alarms reaching her ears from the city as the entire castle briefly shuddered. Alarmed, she hastily teleported to a nearby balcony overlooking the city in an attempt to understand what was going on.

As her hooves struck solid marble at the other end of her teleport, she quickly scanned the horizon of the city. Immediately, Celestia noticed the source of the disturbance, made rather obvious from the dragon head poking clean through the ceiling of a building not too far away. Her eyes widened in alarm as another rumble went through the ground, accompanied in time with a massive surge of magic next to the dragon.

That's the school, so it must be... Celestia began thinking to herself as she extended her senses to examine the magical font that was wildly spewing magic uncontrollably, concern entering her as she confirmed the source. It is Twilight. I've got to get there, and quickly.

As she thought to herself, the magic emanating from Twilight further intensified to levels not even Celestia had thought possible. She quickly thought about teleporting closer to the school, but quickly ruled it out as a stray thought of what could go wrong due to the massive amount of magic saturating the air.

Amethyst can handle Von Trot... I've got to stop this before the caverns below begin resonating with Twilight's surge, that could spell disaster. She quickly took to the sky on her wings, each powerful pump driving her ever closer to the now visible uncontrolled magic. As she came closer, the resistance in the air increased exponentially from the magic manifesting itself in the air, forcing her to abandon her flight a few blocks away from the school as the air's resistance became too much for even her to sustain flight.

Celestia tried to calmly smile at the citizens looking at the school in a near panic, but never once stopped moving at her quick pace, determined to not allow anything to interrupt her. As she came to the school's entrance, a faint taste of lavender entered her mouth, causing her to briefly scrunch her face. The ponies streaming out of the school parted before her as she hastily navigated the corridors, her destination the auditorium.

She entered into a literal scene of chaos that caused her to shiver as memories of a certain draconequus floated to the top of her mind. Pushing the thought aside, she took in the pandemonium going on in the room. The lower half of a green and purple dragon sat amongst the remnants of a cart, hay and wood splinters littering the floor around him. The group of teachers giving the test were floating in the air, the magic in the air threatening to overpower the hastily constructed shield guarding them. In the stands two plants, planters included, were found, their color schemes oddly familiar; one was a mixture of white and blues, while the other was mostly pink broken only by a purple and gold color.

At the center of it all was Twilight, the little filly literally levitating in the air as power crackled outwards from her body. Her eyes were a solid white, and she appeared to have no control or awareness of the situation around her. Celestia approached Twilight, the frequent bolts of raw magic reflected by her strongly constructed shield around herself. She lowered her horn to the filly's, letting her magic flow through Twilight.

I see... she probably lost control when the Sonic Rainboom went off, the shock triggered her surge. Now, the reason it's spewing magic out like this must be... ah ha, found it! Near Twilight's horn, her internal magic conduits were bright, with the small exception of one darker area that was still damaged from the attack that claimed her parents. Celestia carefully mended the damaged conduit, slightly smiling in satisfaction as the problem seemed solved, the magic no longer spewing quite so much into the air. Celestia wrapped it up with a gentle tug on Twilight's consciousness to have the filly regain her senses

She waited a few seconds for the surge to finish after her intervention. However, as the seconds began reaching a minute, Celestia became alarmed. There was no longer any physical reason for Twilight to be surging, but she still was, and a large amount of magic was leaking from her horn, although minor in comparison to earlier. Concerned for Twilight's safety, Celestia connected their horns once more and recast her spell.

Alarm was the forefront thought as she noted the extreme amount of magic flowing through Twilight's conduits, a picture of just how truly powerful this filly was coming together in her thoughts. Most unicorns used bodies of waters as an analogy for sizing their magical reservoirs. Most had wells, only able to pull small amounts of magic at a time. A few had ponds like one might find in a backyard in a more rural location. Even fewer still had a small lake. However, Twilight's magic was as if she were pulling it through a dimensional rift, with the other end nothing but water.

Celestia refocused on the task at hand, doing her best to stem the massive tide of magic while also wondering just why Twilight's consciousness was not returning. After putting a temporary plug on the rift, she pulled on a rarely used spell, for she considered it a violation of one's basic rights.

She dove into Twilight's mind, searching for the filly's consciousness. As she flew through the mindscape, memories drifted all around her, impeding her course frequently as she adjusted her path to avoid them. In the far distance a storm loomed, and Celestia had a feeling that within that roiling mass of storm clouds is where she would find Twilight.

Cringing every time she clipped a bubble due to the filly's memories briefly flooding her mind, she forged ahead even as the weather within the mindscape did everything in its power to impede the intruder's presence. Gale force winds began buffeting her, however she quickly found the center of the storm, a singular bubble of memories laying in the storm's eye. Hesitantly she reached out with a hoof, knowing that Twilight's consciousness was somehow contained within.

The scenery shifted as the memory began playing itself out. The sounds of ponies working filtered through to the interior of an already erect tent were filly and mother were quietly talking, nestled next to each other. A minute passed before sounds of alarm were heard, the occasional clash of metal and cries of pain ringing throughout the air, causing both occupants to lift their heads.

"M-mom? What's going on?" Twilight asked, confused at the foreign noises reaching her ears. Her mother quickly hid her in the back of the tent, commanding her to not move a muscle until she returned. Twilight waited for some time as the sounds outside began to dwindle, before one reached her ears that caused her to jump in alarm.

Her mother's cries of pain reached her ears, causing them to fold backwards as she disregarded the words spoken to her. Twilight's only concern was what was wrong with her mom, and she quickly poked her head outside the tent. A scene of carnage greeted her eyes, and she froze up as they met her mother's eyes.

"Twi-Twilight, no..." she heard her mother quietly croak out before a gryphon's claw stepped on her mother's throat, turning its attention towards the young filly.

"Hey, lookit ere! A young'un! Who wants to have some fun?" the gryphon cried out as Twilight stood there frozen in fear, eyes locked on her mother as she stood half inside and half outside the tent.

Celestia cringed as the memory continued its course, fresh rage entering her mind as she witnessed what exactly Twilight had seen done to her that night. The memory became fuzzy and slowly faded to black as the soldiers had arrived on the scene, and as soon as black encompassed everything, it began playing itself out once more.

"Twilight!" Celestia cried out, attempting to pull her from this awful memory that she seemed stuck in, replaying itself out over and over again Celestia assumed. When she heard no response, she moved to the Twilight in the memory and attempted to interact with her right after her mother left the tent. "This is just a memory, Twilight, there is no need to relive it." Celestia stretched out a hoof towards the filly, her best attempt at a smile on her face. "Here, come with me."

Twilight hesitantly reached out her little hoof, slowly bridging the gap between the two. Celestia continued to brightly smile, doing her best to keep Twilight at ease. Her plans shattered as the pained sounds of Twilight's mom rang out once more, Celestia barely able to wrap her hooves around the filly before she could dart outside.

"Shh, Twilight. Calm down... you know that this has already happened, and nothing you do otherwise will change it, little one..." she calmly spoke, wrapping herself tighter around Twilight. "Just let go of it, it doesn't have to control you, Twilight."

The filly struggled in her grasp for some time before the memory disappeared, shifting back to the center of the tempest within her mindscape. Celestia gently sighed as the struggling slowed before stopping altogether. She sat there as Twilight cried in her hooves, doing her best to provide comfort.

Time outside was of no concern when within one's mind, so Celestia simply let Twilight's tears run their course. When the time between sobs finally lengthened, she unfurled her wing from around Twilight, a concerned look on her face. "How are you doing? We must leave your mind and return to the outside world, I'm certain Shining and Cadance are most concerned for you, Twilight."

Celestia carefully extricated her limbs from Twilight and made to stand up. A slight tug on her limb stopped her, Twilight's hoof pulling on hers. "Please, don't go?" she pleaded with Celestia, the watery eyes nearly stunning her. "Don't leave me alone... not you too..."

In a moment of inspiration, Celestia pulled on the smallest mote of her power, forming an exact replica of herself from magic that should serve two purposes. The first one was to ensure that such a powerful surge would not happen again by creating a vent for the excess magic. She was uncertain what form it would take, but knew that it would be much safer than having the magic rage out of control.

The other purpose was less safety oriented and more for Twilight, personally. The double moved to take her place as she began speaking. "Here, Twilight... when you aren't awake, I will be here to always ensure that you're not alone, okay?"

Celestia smiled as the mote of her magic in her form interacted with the young filly and began pulling her mind out at last. As the last traces of her consciousness left Twilight's mind, she thought she heard a muttered phrase, although she was uncertain of her hearing.

"Thank you, Mommy..."

Sighing as the last of the stray magic slowly dissipated in the air, it took almost no effort to reverse the damages and changes Twilight had accidentally caused. After ensuring that Twilight was simply peacefully resting, Celestia returned Shining and Cadance back from plants to their proper pony forms.

"Aunt Celestia! Thank goodness you got here, I wasn't able to do a thing about Twilight's surge!" Cadance exclaimed as Shining rushed to check on his sister. "Will she be okay?"

Shining, finding nothing wrong with his sister, carefully lifted Twilight onto his back before turning towards Cadance and Celestia, whistling. "I remember some of her surges, but nothing was ever that powerful. The most she had managed before was animating an aisle of grocery products." He took one look at the giant form of the dragon and simply whistled once more.

"Indeed, your sister is extremely powerful, Shining Armor," she spoke as she effortlessly finished fixing the damage, the last action shrinking the dragon down to its proper post-hatching size. "To hatch a dragon egg alone takes the magic of at least a dozen linked unicorns, yet your sister when startled managed to hatch it and enlarge it to a point that I might even view as difficult."

Celestia briefly looked towards the faculty who were currently cowering behind their desks. "I'll have words with you all later as to why exactly somepony thought it a good idea to use a dragon's egg during an entrance examination." she turned her attention back towards Shining and Cadance.

"I believe that it's time we returned to the castle. I can safely say that Twilight has passed, and I believe that the only one who will be able to properly teach her will be myself." A light smile graced her face as she turned towards the exit. "Shall we?"

The trio walked out of the auditorium, leaving the faculty members to themselves in the empty auditorium.

"Oh, ponyfeathers."

Author's Note:

SURPRISE! Hiatus is over, although I might be a bit rusty. Hope you all enjoy the chapter as you brush the flecks of iron oxide from around it. I hopefully conveyed the mind bit how I wanted to, and we are finally entering the territory that the story is supposed to be focusing on!

EDIT: Yes, I apparently goofed up and forgot little Blueblood. Without any explicit mention of where he was, he should have been alongside Cadance and Shining Armor. Please note that I'll make a minor edit to write him in, he really didn't have a purpose for this section of the plot, and it had been some time since I last reread my prior chapters... oops.

Comments ( 101 )

Good to see the story continuing! I love these kind of Twilight and Celestia stories! :heart:

I look forward to this story progression, one thing is that Spike is still Giant? Might make his temper tantrums a bit more worrisome. At least he can now act a larger mail service...maybe for all of Canterlot.


Thanks. It was pretty invigorating sitting down and writing like this again, hopefully I can keep it up at a somewhat consistent, if slower pace, than before.

Nah, Celestia does shrink Spike back down to his 'normal' size shortly after Shining whistles while looking at him.

Nice to see that you're back in action! I will enjoy the future updates quite a bit, I think.

The return of one of my favorite authors! I send many welcome back hugs to thee!!!

Great chapter as well!

it's ALIVE!!!!:yay: thanks for forgetting about this

*WolfGrin as I clap my furry paws together* welcome back and good Writing!!! I hope to see MANY updates

*WolfGrin as I clap my furry paws together* welcome back and good Writing!!! I hope to see MANY updates

This chapter was great. Only one problem: Where's Bluey at this point? I KNOW he was supposed to be in the stands with Shining and Cadence. In fact here's a quote from chapter 10:

Shining paused a moment, resting his hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "You'll do just fine. I'll be watching with Cadance and Blueblood, okay?"

And yet in this chapter only Shiny and Cadance are in the audience and Blue's nowhere to be found.
Let's see if this gets through this time, stupid site management.


"Momlestia sighted at 12 o'clock cap'n!"
Full Steam ahead! :trollestia:

It's back! :yay:


I am so glad you're back!

Yay! That was a good twist on the original and I am looking forward to more!

rainbow!!! rainboom!!!:rainbowdetermined2: YAY!!!

Anywho, glad to see this is back,and I can't wait for moar!

Where was Blueblood during that last bit? Wasn't he with Shining and Cadence in the stands?

Yay an update!
I still love this story, and this chapter was good, I liked it!
AND of course keep up the good work!

Oh man, now I have to reread the whole damned thing!

she pulled on a rarely used spell, for she considered it a violation of one's basic rights.
She dove into Twilight's mind,

...fine, I usually abstain from doing so without completion, but have a like! I so rarely see these lines of thinking on this site.

She was uncertain what form it would take, but knew that it would be much safer than having the magic rage out of control.

Ooohh, setting up some important plot points, eh?:raritywink:

"Oh, ponyfeathers."

Somepony is in trouubleeee! Quick, tell Her that it's a test of character meant to help prepare a good tutoring setup for the students! Or something, you're smart, you'll find a way. I mean, it's obviously not there because you just didn't want Twi or anypony else attending school so you could only pretend to work instead of actually working, right?:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

I bet Blueblood ran like a filly with tail on fire with the rest of the evacuating ponies...

Well, that's just about the smartest thing he could have done.

So did Twilight's cutie mark not manifest this time around or did Celestia just not notice it?

"Thank you, Mommy..."

And then half the people reading this collapsed from feels.
Including me, so if you'll excuse me.
(slumps over clutching chest)


4101931 4102049 4102079 4102085 4102341 4102635 4102780 4103019 4103211 4103296
Yup, it's been a long four months since any of my stories have updated and I've done any writing. It was quite invigorating to sit down and crank out ~2.2k of this yesterday, I actually had been sitting on the first 500 words or so of this chapter for a month or two, but couldn't get anywhere due to lack of inspiration. Thanks for the words, and I hope to continue at a somewhat decent and steady pace.


4102220 4103047 4103373 4103643
Honestly, that was a complete oversight on my part. I knew that something was nagging me in the back of my mind, and that was it. Honestly, his presence doesn't really change anything, however I did pop an edit into the Author's Note that I'm aware I sort of completely forgot about him.

Blueblood: The New Spike?

(Joke about everyone forgetting Spike in every story, just in case it wasn't quite clear)


4102266 4103916
Yup, the long-awaited Momlestia ship has arrived, better hold on!

I didn't clarify on purpose. What fun would it be to point out that Twilight has her cutie mark while she's asleep/unconscious? No fun at all, that's what! It'll be covered in the next chapter.

Thank you very much, glad to hear it.

I believe this covers everyone so far!


Ooops, nearly missed replying to this comment. Hello again, very familiar name I must say. : p
Yeah, it's always bugged me how folks have just had Celestia, Twilight or Luna just go and violate someone's mind 'for the better good' in so many stories. Recently read a HiE that had Twilight do it for the sheer sake of curiosity, and that sort of gave me the idea for that right there. Hate that whole notion.

As for the other two comments, the 2nd one should manifest itself somewhat soon, but who knows what long-term ramifications it may have, right? Some folks may get quite the kick out of it though! The 3rd section, well, I figured that the impossibility of a Dragon Egg is a bit farfetched for little kids, so needless to say Celestia wasn't very thrilled. And, it made for a nice humorous uptwist at the end, I think.

4104379 as long as you don't forget about us

:twilightsmile: Good to see you back as well!

No comments on first quote. Just my exact thoughts. It's sad that canon does not seem to represent this, though.
Mind you, I classify coming into dreams to ensure peaceful sleep a gross violation of the most sacred thing one possesses(our minds), so there's that...:twilightblush: I go for extremes like that sometimes. They may be nightmares but they are my nightmares, made by my own mind!
Well, so much of the "no comment" here...

Yes, the second quote. Along with the main hook of the story: Twi loosing parents and living with Celestia, this seems like one of the biggest source of ripples to the reality. I am very much interested in seeing this continued.

The third quote was me recalling stories where this is the actual reason behind the Dragon Egg test. That's usually made to show how ridiculously OP Twi is in regards to magic and/or explain the existence of said test in the first place.
I'm referring to the show itself here. Because if this is a standard test and you are supposed to pass, where in the world are all those hatched dragons? It's either "make the test impossible in order to measure the emotional response and create a psychological profile", or "make it impossible while only admitting those who pass(which may very well be nopony), so they don't have to work too hard."
Well, there can also be "Celestia is manipulative tyrant looking for a tool to save her sister, the only being she has higher feelings for" but that's just silly.:pinkiecrazy:


Honestly, dreams are a mixed bag to me. They've cast Luna as a sort of keeper of the night's peace, and nightmares disturb that. I think that, to an extent, diving into dreams isn't a violation. One may seem some awkward stuff (who knows how many dreams Luna has dived into only to see her or her sister playing pin-up model for some random stallion or mare) but I don't quite consider it on the same level as delving into one's mind without permission.

The second thing has many ramifications that I've decided so far, currently all of them do line up with canon though. We may see the first one rather quickly, the rest, well... time will tell. xD Spoilers!

And really, I want to elaborate on this a bit more, but there was a reason for an egg being there, but it shouldn't have been brought out. But, that'll be explained soon enough. As for your last remark, I'm trying to reel her back in, although I think I failed at truly establishing her as emotionally distant... more like she simply forgot that she should be close to them.

Onward though, it's going to be some nice Momlestia action. That's what most folks are here to see, anyways, and I'm kinda looking forward to writing a non-sexual Twilestia relationship.

As I said, I tend to go to extreme with that kind of things. Though that might be because I read quite a bunch of stories where there is no line between helping a troubled mind and extracting whatever knowledge is necessary. Usually without the victim even realising it, because "It's a silly dream, right?"
And as long as I know what's happening I'm mostly okay with this... waking up to hear "Oh, and I helped you with that nightmare of yours, am I great or what?" is where I draw the line... with fire... I'm weird...:pinkiecrazy:

The second thing. It might ripple, it might not have any use, it still has major potential though. Don't spoil, let the writing show us!

That last remark was not about you. Not at all. I meant genuine "Celestia treats everything sans her sister as a tool, means to an end" fics I've stumbled upon on this site... I would rather not talk about them, if that's okay...

I did quite like this chapter, it was a good look at just how Twilight's past can still affect her future. Poor little thing...but she has Celestia, and her brother,Blueblood, and Cadence, so she's certainly not alone. Good work, and not too rusty at all! :twilightsmile:

Nice to see this spring up again I really enjoy this. Was it on of the faculty members that spoke the pony equivalent to "Oh s**t" at the end there?

Pretty good comeback chapter, I had somewhat forgotten about this story. So, based on Celestia's mental intervention, it sounds like Twilight's surge was a bit worse than in the show?


Was trying to hint at the fact that the entire city was shaking, and the caverns underneath Canterlot... yeah, I like to think Twilight nearly destroyed Canterlot when she surged, and not just for this story. Plus, that scene sets up some future stuff.

Working on getting consistent with my word output, then hopefully speed it up a pinch, but not enough to hit burnout again.

I alMost squeed when twi said mommy:rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

I am looking forward to when the next chapter comes:twilightsmile:

Well I'm hooked... and now I wait. Seriously though, this is really nice. I'll be looking forward to the updates as they arrive.

I'm looking forward to the beginning of the series with the AU changes. I hope for Gilda's sake that Twilight remembers her, or ponies will be picking griffon bits out of their coats for a week, especially if Twi catches that roar at Fluttershy...:fluttercry:

awww i thought Blueblood being forgotten would bin good because he becomes jeless of Twi X3 oh well this is still an amazing story and can't wait for more :twilightsmile:

can't wait for the Mommylestia to happen, there my fav stories, shame i only read 3 of them, inclording this one

Awesome chapter.:twilightsmile:

Mommylestia is awesome. I almost feel sorry for any villains who threaten Twilight and put Celestia into MAMA BEAR mode. :pinkiehappy: You know, I can just see her saying, "Discord? A moment of your time?" and then grabbing his beard with magic and pulling him down to her eye level. "Listen closely buster, Twilight is my daughter and I will be very displeased if harm comes to her!" or something similar. Chrysalis... well I can't see that pod holding a very enraged Celestia. But it would be interesting to have Chrysalis and Celestia talk motherhood.


That would've been a better question to ask. :rainbowlaugh:

Update Please.

hope to see an update soon

i LOVE THIS STORY can't wait to read more:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

when next update ?

will this get an update, just asking? :rainbowhuh:

When is the next update ? :rainbowhuh:

UPDATE!!! UPDATE !!! UPDATE !!! that would be amazing you know just saying.

i knew Twilight was strong in magic, but I didn't think she had an entire planets worth of magic in her.:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

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