
Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results

A favor between writers · 7:44pm April 16th

Hi you may or may not know me but that's ok because I'm here to just ask for a favor, you see my new story should be approved to start reading in a few days if I'm correct.
Its called flight to equestria by the name you probably get the jest.

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Proofreader? · 10:29pm Nov 17th, 2018

Yo I'm just a beginning writer here, so I was wondering if anypony *cough* could help me like proofread my fics? You know, make sure the spacing, spelling, terms in and whatnot are considered newbie quality?
I do Wattpad tho, does that make me a credible writer?


Hey Guys, Aspiring Writer Here! · 3:55pm Mar 2nd, 2022

So, I've decided to move my profile comment to a blog post so people can actually see it.

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Report LilBugBlue · 98 views · #Mlp #Oc #Writing Help

Am I Bad? · 11:24pm Jun 23rd, 2020

Is there anyone willing to help me?
I’m I really that bad with writing and at asking for help?


HALP! Please any help from Spike Shippers! · 7:56am Dec 6th, 2019

So, I'm still trying to write chapter 11 of A Dragon's Heart, and I have no clue how to make the girls ask Rarity why she didn't take Spike's feelings into account when she turned him down? And they're setting up for Spike's birthday party at the same time, so, anyone who is willing to take a look and help me would be greatly appreciated!


My writing process. · 10:26am Mar 30th, 2020

This is more for other would-be writers out there. Writing can be a daunting process. Not just in putting your thoughts to text, but making them readable. Here's what I do:

1. Make a timeline of events.

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I have a proofreader now! · 5:48am Oct 25th, 2021

With the latest instalment of my series now published, It should be clear to my followers and my readers (If there is any) that now I have a proofreader. ChudoJogurt

Thanks to him, I believe my writing and my stories will improve in the technical and grammatical terms. And more importantly, making sure that my stories are far more enjoyable to read.

A quality of life improvements is about to be seen!

Report armid · 170 views · #writing. #EqG. #writing help

How Assignment Create the Interest Among the Students · 4:35am Jun 22nd, 2021

People wonder how it is easy for some people to convince students for taking interest in Online assignment solutions. It is a simple process where students are made to understand the benefits of the assignment helping company. Some of the reasons are as follows:

Save your Valuable Time:

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Write Like You're Running Out Of Time Part 4: Immediacy vs Investment · 7:06pm Sep 19th, 2021

Part 4: Immediacy vs Investment

In our past three lessons we have covered various aspects of narrative capital, making analogies to actual currency and how authors write good stories by making convincing exchanges. In short, making plot development feel earned by purchasing them.

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How to Get Featured Better · 2:30am Mar 16th, 2019

One of the most difficult parts of getting a story on FimFiction comes after actually writing it. You publish a story and it sits there, not getting any views or attention. You've poured your soul onto the page and no one has come along to look at it.

Why? And what can we do to fix that?

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Writing Action Part 1: Fight Scenes · 2:54am Aug 31st, 2019

Writing Action Part 1: Fight Scenes

This will be the first lesson in my return to helping writers improve their skills. I generally focus on action and adventure but am no stranger to slice of life tales as well. I used to do this sort of thing in forums since I didn’t have many followers back then, but with so many posts happening each day, I don’t think those gained a huge viewership.

So, class will held here from now on.

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looking for something to listen to while writing? well here you go. · 3:57pm May 21st


What Writing help I can Give YOU · 10:01am May 16th, 2019

So, I first, I'd like to say that I'm not that experienced with writing myself, it never was quite my 'bright spot', but I have picked up quite a few things that I can share with you to, hopefully, help you make the best story possible without giving up before you finish or even start.

We might as well start off with some links to websites of professional authors who are experienced and have actually written a book before.

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Reblog: The State of FimFiction’s Fading Erotica Scene · 7:07pm Jan 7th, 2019

MrNumbers, as I’m sure you know, is a fantastic author and blogpost writer. He’s recently written up a blog about how he feels the state of fimfiction’s erotica/clopfic scene is actively leading to us getting lower quality porn, in addition to fostering an environment that drives away female authors and readership.


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Help? · 5:47pm Feb 10th, 2022

Its me, the self proclaimed shoddy writer!

Ive got a question for you all.
Patreon. Its a thing I've been tinkering with a little, but before I get too far down that road, I figured I would ask the lovely and exponentially more knowledgeable users of thus site, if its even a thing I can attach to this account.

And even if it is, is it something y'all would be interested in?

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A peek behind the curtain · 1:02am Feb 1st, 2018

Pebble: you both act like hot plot-nuggets.

(Hidden Rose frowns, turns away, and rolls her eyes)

Ambrosia: a’ight, sometimes we do, but that’s different. Afore, Sumac wasn’t hurt and now he is. We’re not gonna act like butt-dumplings when he’s like this.

Pebble: I don’t believe you. (Gestures at Meg and narrows eyes at Apple sisters) If I were you, I wouldn’t do anything to upset Megara.

(Apple sisters both gulp)

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Hey I need a bit of commentary on my writing · 11:53pm Nov 22nd, 2022

like just I need to see what I need to work on, what I'm doing good at. Im not new to writing but I am a bit of an amauture


Help? Part 2? · 4:44pm Feb 11th, 2022

Im glad to hear at least a few of you would be willing to help a poor author out!

I only have two tiers to the page at the moment, and not many perks beside, but as Im able to dedicate time and money to this, I'll make sure you're getting your money's worth!

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Lesson 5: Plot · 3:52am Jan 3rd, 2022

A lot of times when I see people asking questions about their plots, it’s because they lack a clear endpoint or guiding line that can help them orient themselves towards what the story needs from them. So, I’m going to try my best to break down some of the basic principles that can help you maintain clarity in your workflow at every stage of the story. 

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Various Writing Aides for Aspiring Authors (Both Mature and Non-Mature) · 4:00pm Feb 14th, 2016

I have a small collection of thesaurus entries and articles that I use to help me in my writing. Some of them I wrote myself, and others that I purchased. They can be used to assist with writing either mature or non-mature stories (it should be obvious to tell which document is for what) and as I was getting them all nice and organized the other day, I figured others might benefit from using them as well.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results