Twilestia is Bestia 3,275 members · 956 stories
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Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Howdy all! Captain Kyubey here with a set of ground rules for the group at last. People were quite enthusiastic about the debate we had on rules in the grimdark policy update, so I thought it would be best for us to charter up some general group rules rather than be reactionary. Without further ado, here they are:

Rules for posting stories:

1. Please post your story in the correct folder. If you are uncertain, ask a mod first. The admins will move stories not in the correct folder, and reserve the right to do this.

2. Please make sure Twilestia is actually relevant to your story before posting. Stories with a single throwaway line about Twilestia will be zapped.

3. The Twilestia group is about a loving bond between the two parties involved. Physical romance does not necessarily mean the same thing. Stories where Twilight and Celestia do not share any love for each other at any point are to be point-blank denied access or banned. A hate-sex session, for example, does not meet group standards. Nor does a rape fic without some form of acceptance from both parties.

4. Stories which attack or threaten group members and their authors are banned. This should be obvious, but to our great shock it sometimes isn't.

5. Stories which promote bigotry, hatred or child abuse are banned from the group. Note that stories containing bigotry, hatred and child abuse are not.

Rules for commenting and posting:

1. The forums are open to anybody! Make posts about any thoughts you might have about the pairing. This isn't just a library, it's also a social network.

2. This is a safe environment. Users threatening others with physical harm or site admin action, and attacking their character will be given a three-strikes warning system.

3. Bigotry in any form will not be tolerated. The user posting will have their comment removed and be given a single warning. This includes racism, sexism, homophobia or religious discrimination.

4. Keep original posts on topic about Twilestia. Much as we may sympathize with your life, this is not a counselling group. We suggest Anti Depression Ponies as a place to post those concerns instead. Users posting this content will have their post deleted and be let off without a strike or warning. They're probably going through enough without that.

5. Trolling or spamming will be let off with three warnings, and the culpable posts deleted. Three counts of spamming at the same time will be let off with a single warning.

6. Threads advertising your or others' Twilestia work is completely allowed. Feel free to post about your stories and those you love as much as you want and as often as you want!

7. The opinions of mods are not the same as the opinions of the rest of the group. If an admin is acting out of personal opinions and against group rules, feel free to message another mod (preferably Knight or Varanus).

Ban policy

1. If a user ignores these rules enough to the point where they exceed the level of warnings deemed acceptable for the offense, they will be banned from the group along with any stories they may have written.

2. Petition for return to the group depends upon the gravity of the action. A ban made for giving threats or trolling more than once on a single occasion is permanent, with no chance for repeal. All other forms of ban can be negotiated with mods. A second ban will be permanent excepting unusual circumstances.

If you have any suggestions or ideas regarding the rules, we'd be happy to hear them! In addition, we will be adding two new folders. The first will be the Dark folder, for all of your grimdark, er, um, needs? Well, it'll be there for those that want it. The second will be Twilunestia, because who doesn't love a good threesome?

That's all for now, folks.

So consensual rape is allowed?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330579 There's no such thing as consensual rape. What do you mean?


Nor does a rape fic without some form of acceptance from both parties.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330591 Not quite the same thing. We are keeping rape stories with some kind of loving bond between the pair before or after. They will be tagged in the Dark folder. This was decided by group and moderator consensus.

... I am starting to really see Z's point, at least there are some restrictions on the concept.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330603 Well, I mean, it is a despicable act, there's no doubt. But it is possible to keep having a bond with a person who commits a despicable act.

Except if they have that bond... Damnit let's not bring this up again, Z will be happy that there are at least

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330616 Sure. Hopefully this solution will make both parties at least somewhat happy.

Or piss off both sides which will still equate to the same thing: the best possible solution

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330623 Yeah, you never can tell. As a fellow admin for a different group, do you have any further suggestions?

... wouldn't need a folder for "As a Background Paring", ship is common enough not to need it...hmm...

You might want to quantify the number of strikes before banning, granted I'm guilty of not putting those down but I've also never had to go past temp-banning before.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330652 I...thought that was clearer. I suppose I'll have to look over it.

Also, I'm not gonna pull a Peppy Greyskull and put up a banlist because I don't want to humiliate/slander people who are banned like that (tempting as it is sometimes). So if an author or story is banned, I'll be telling the OP and not the whole group.

Depends on the approach, I've done it both ways and the public one wasn't to humiliate them it was simply to get them to start calming down, warning first then ban, and in that case it was someone who left PC shortly afterwards for not getting his way in my banning any and all "Princest" fics.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330687 I'll have to take a look at that one and see how it works. I'd be happy to keep a working banlist if there was some way to avoid making it look so exhibitionist.

I don't have a list, granted there has only been three bans in PC. One perma, One temp, and the other was tempt that turned into them leaving. If I issue a public ban/warning it will only be in the thread that is having the issue

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330720 Oh okay. Yeah, that's what I intend to do. The problem comes from people being perma banned having their stories added to the group.

Now granted, as we only have one ban so far it's not a problem, but considering the size of their fanbase it could be an issue.

Also, how come we here at Twilestia aren't considered allies of Protect Celestia? We love the big C over here at Twilestia is Bestia! :pinkiesmile:

Not officially, no. Though the largest number of shipfics in PC are Twilestia

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330747 Well, yeah. It's the third most common pairing in the entire fandom. It's only natural that it would be so big.

So is there some way we could get an official partnership like the other groups?

Talking to the Admins is how you go with it. I would suggest speaking with the Admins of Twilunestiadance, Twililunestia, and Twiluna groups as well, an alliance between the groups wouldn't go amiss and we do have members aligned to the other groups

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2330791 Awesome. I'll start scheming about it. Kyubey is scheming. Mods beware! :pinkiecrazy:

Just don't ask for a contract

My Little Pony fan fiction is serious business.

2330454 Yay, so glad to have things spelled out like this. Hopefully this will keep our group debates about the topics that matter; like how many cans of whipped cream Twilight and Celestia use in a week.:trollestia::twilightblush:

I would have taken that to mean things like rapeplay (roleplaying rape) as well as those who actually want to be raped (as weird as that sounds).

If a banned person's stories are are also banned from the group, then a banlist would be helpful to the rest of us so that we don't accidentally post stories from banned authors. It would also save you the trouble of re-deleting stories from your folders.


Mind if I chime in? I think you may have missed a concept which both has rape and a consenting relationship.
Let me give you an example: Twilight Sparkle's new coltfriend turns out to be a lot less innocent than she thought he'd be when he forces himself on her. Traumatized, she runs to the bosom of the mare she sees almost like a mother. During the process of healing and talking, their relationship begins to blossom.

This is both a rapefic and one with a consensual relationship. Not that I'm planning on writing anything like this, but I just wanted to show you there are alternatives since you both seem to be staring yourself blind on the idea of Celestia raping Twilight.


like how many cans of whipped cream Twilight and Celestia use in a week.

I'd say... seven. :rainbowkiss:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2332181 Who said I assumed it was always Tia raping Twi?

That said, you are correct. Let's...stop worrying about rape and just enjoy that there are now rules. :pinkiehappy:

2332249only seven, what about when luna or Rainbow join in, you'd need extra cans for that or maybe they get an extra hour or two to themselves. I'd say they use around ten or more a week

No, don't say that! You'll attract Pinkie Pie!

2332181 To be fair, your scenario doesn't really pose a moral quandry. The main contention with rape even being an issue for this group is cleanly addressed in our new rules. Someone being raped by the person they are supposed to be in a loving relationship with makes it worth questioning the validity of the bond between the two characters. As stated above, no bond between Twilight and Celestia means the fic doesn't belong here.

But enough of that topic.

2332561>>2332249>>2332581 I say 14 minimum. More if they have a free day in there.

Need jars of Nutella when Dash joins.

2332727 14?! Is each one a different flavor? :twilightblush:

2332581 The more, the merrier. :pinkiehappy:

2332561 Twilunestiadash whip cream clopfic. It should be done. :rainbowwild:

2332803 Of course there are different flavors. Can't always keep things vanilla.

And yes, the fic does need to exist.

So much cream, and it's a good type of cream to.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2333125 I'm lobbying Wizard of Words for a Twilestiadash story right now. He's interested....

2333419 pardon me while I go Squeevilate into a bag. Btw thats like hyperventilating but you end up squeeing the whole time

2333419 I believe you're missing a certain midnight blue alicorn in the three-way. :ajsmug:

2333684 Nope. Aged up Twist. :twistnerd:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2333696 I've always liked a good Twist Plot--err, uh, Plot Twist. :twilightsheepish:

2333419 I'm tempted to just write it myself, honestly. Though it would have to be a bit further back in my que. Gotta get ch5 of Bird Feeder done so I can get started on an idea I had for a sequel to Apprentice Ship. So a twilunestia would need to be after that. Which is good since I'd need some time to actually plan the thing anyway.

I'll have to run it by my one editor when I get home later.

Group Admin

I like rules.


Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2335670>>2335427 Excellent. Now begins the iron-pawed rule of Kyubey! Yez! :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

Sure. Get to that.

I'm drinking jack and coke and writing pony words.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin


My first decree as your new God is to start Third Impact.

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