The Writers' Group 9,324 members · 56,771 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's been more than a year since the last rules update, so I thought it was a good time to go through doing a bunch of rewriting!

Don't worry, it's not really that different from the old rules. They're probably clearer, tho'. I think I was trying to cram too much under certain rules before, and the examples were probably unnecessary, too. Rule 4, which is new but was kinda implied before, also has a buncha useful links.

You can find the old rules here, if you want to look back at them. And mention it if you spot something strange in this version, and I'll take a look.

The Writer’s Group Rules:

0) Don’t forget your common sense!

There are a lot of things that are common sense, and most of them you could probably catch if you take a moment to think about what you are posting. There is a lot of overlap with the other rules as well, but not everything will be in there.

I’d consider it common sense not to get into fights in the forums or attack other members. You can disagree with others, but you shouldn’t let it get personal. You should also try not to deliberately annoy others, post “me too” type posts, or memes and reaction images.

If you reply to threads no one has posted to in a long time without a good reason or it being one that we direct people to post in, it's going to be looked at closely, and breaking the rules because everyone else is doing it is usually a bad idea, too.

Just think before you post, don’t post when you are angry, and you’ll probably be fine.

1) Keep things on topic.

This group is dedicated to reading, writing, and ponies, so those topics are really what new threads should be about. We’ll also let you talk a bit about the site itself, since this tends to be a bit of the default place for talking on the site.

Games are also allowed, but we’d like them labeled as such with [Game], and we’d prefer not to be overwhelmed with game threads.

Within threads, try to stick to the topic at hand. Things will drift sometimes, and we understand that, but if it gets disruptive or is irritating people, we may step in.

2) Don’t self promote.

This isn't a place for promoting yourself or your stories, so don't post self-promotion here. There are groups for that.

This doesn't mean you can't post anything about your stories, but it should be relevant to the discussion. Even if you are trying to be subtle, if we think it's a promotion, you may be asked to remove it.

If there’s a thread going on about stories involving cuddly bat pony hugs, and you wrote one, you’re probably okay mentioning your story, though.

For purposes of this rule, to be considered a promotion, there has to be something you can point at that’s being promoted. Someone might be acting like Gilderoy Lockheart, but until they actually bring their story up, it’s not a promotion.

3) No spoilers.

Maybe you like spoilers, and want to share them with the world, or at least don’t mind them.

Well, that is good, but not everyone does want to find out these things ahead of time. Some people like to have surprises when they are watching. So if it’s still less than a week after an episode airs, here’s what you do:

First, no spoilers in the thread title. You can't escape 'em if they are right there staring at you!

Second, put spoiler tags around 'em, so they aren't in plain sight. Anything in the first dozen lines of the first post shows up in the feed, where anybody browsing by will see it.

And if it's within a week after a new episode, post in the official thread, rather than making a bunch of new ones.

Remember, we might delete threads with spoilers out in the open!

4) Post in the proper places.

There are some times where we want you to post in certain places, and I’m going to try and list them here.

As mentioned above, there will be an official episode discussion thread every time an episode airs, and we’d like everyone to stick to that thread when discussing it within a week of the official air date. The threads will vary, but they’ll be linked here.

Rather than posting a new thread along the lines of “Has X been done before?” or “Is X a good idea?”,  add it to the official thread.

If you are looking for a story, there’s a thread for that, too.

If you want to recommend someone else's story, or look through what others recommend, there this thread here.

Want to introduce yourself to the group? The thread’s here!

If you want to talk about things that are off-topic for the group or just casually chat, you can post over in the official free for all chat thread.

Of course, if you want to do promotion, the place we’d like you to post is a different group, the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau.

The same, of course, goes for editing and proofreading, with groups like Looking For Editors, Overly Extensive Editors, Editors-R-Us, and The Proofreader Group.

That leads right into our next rule, actually...

5) Don’t ask people to do your work for you.

This group isn't for advertising services or asking for them, so please don't post asking for an editor or prereader or such here. If you can see someone needs help, you can offer, but that should be a side thing, not the main point of the thread.

If you are having trouble writing something, you can post a thread asking how to deal with your issue, and you can provide specific examples from your story as needed, though we’d prefer you not quote your entire fic.

If you can generalise your issue, and post about it in such a way that the discussion benefits everyone, it’d be preferred, though, and soliciting editors, proofreaders, voice actors, etc, is not allowed.

6) We don’t like spam.

This largely falls under common sense, being on topic, or self promotion, but if we see your post as spam, we will lock it or delete it.

Generally speaking, the biggest factor with spam is that it’s annoying. This could be the same thread being posted multiple times in the same group or across multiple groups, posting things that are off topic or promotions, derailing threads and posting memes and “Me too!” posts…

Sometimes even posting normal threads can fall under spam, if you’ve been posting too many threads in too short of a time.

7) Don’t break site rules.

This is kinda common sense, but not all the site rules necessarily are, so let’s cover a few that might trip you up.

One big one is that posting a link to a mature-rated story isn’t actually allowed in groups that aren’t NSFW, and this one isn’t. You can talk about the story, and you can embed it instead of linking, because the embed doesn’t show up for anyone with Mature off.

You probably already figured this out, but no posting NSFW pictures, or linking to anything off-site that’s nsfw either.

You can’t post full episodes or movies, or anything under copyright that isn’t being shared by the copyright holder, either. It’d be nice to have a link to the episode in the episode thread, but it isn’t allowed, and this is enforced by the site admins.

You can’t actually share unpublished stories other than for purposes of editing or prereading.

Oh, and you can’t sign your posts more than just one line with your name, or at least your username. (and not someone else’s.)

General Notes on Enforcement:
You might sometimes see some of these rules not enforced from time to time. This is normal. The admins can slip up, or not notice rulebreaking occasionally. Then, too, if rulebreaking is minor in a thread, a lot of time we'll judge whether to jump in about it by the reactions of others and if a good conversation is going. Adminning is actually supposed to be for the benefit of the whole group, and we try to keep this in mind when writing the rules and enforcing them.

That said, if you see rulebreaking, you can always report it to one of the active group admins. Just try to make sure they are active on fimfiction. And if you have questions about any of these rules, reply to this thread with them!

--Sweetie Belle

Yeah, this is much easier to understand than the version that was up when I joined. Thanks for the update :pinkiehappy:


Dat plot

Well. This seems okie-doo.

Apart the lack of abridged version, I have no care for any eventual deficiencies.

Still. On number 4's first sentence. "Some time" could take an s?

Seems clear, and informative, if wordy.

Hello Sweetie could you please clear something up for me? When you say and I quote; '' Oh, and you can’t sign your posts more than just one line with your name, or at least your username. (and not someone else’s.)'' does that mean I wouldn't be able to sign my posts in this group with my signature? I'm sorry its a silly question to ask.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Still. On number 4's first sentence. "Some time" could take an s?

Seems clear, and informative, if wordy.

Oops. Took care of it!

Wordy does tend to creep in. Main thing is that you end up trying to cover all your bases, and I'm also keeping in mind all the times I've seen people think certain rules covered more or less than they do...

No problem! I think I was trying to cram too much under certain rules the last time.

Oh, that ones actually a site rule, but one of the group rules is to obey site rules, and I thought it mentioning a couple not everpony's aware of. The rule is no signatures, but I've talked to Meeester in the past and established that you can put one line with your name and just your name at the end of your posts like I do. Don't start adding more lines with quotes, links, pictures, silly titles, etc..., though.

--Sweetie Belle

Thank you for the clearing that up for me.

I have a question. A friend of mine is looking for feedback on his story and I suggested he try to find a group he could share his story on. Is asking for feedback on non-mlp related stories allowed in this group? And if not can you direct me to a group that does please?

Group Admin

6253731 We typically avoid letting people ask for things like pre-readers, editors, or just plain readers on TWG. If your buddy has a general question to ask, however (which he can put in the context of his story if he wants to) we'd be happy to see a thread about it.

For example:

'Please can someone read my story and provide feedback' would get locked. 'I have a question about a problem I've encountered whilst writing my story, any advice' would likely be fine so long as it didn't direct gents to read the story. This is to avoid us getting drowned in lots of threads requesting views and feedback.

There are groups that involve stuff like editors and pre-readers, a few of which can be found on our groups' front page. I have no idea where to go for non-mlp stuff, however, and you may even find more luck off-site. Feel free to ask around in other places, though. I'm not an authority on groups. Try searching for 'original fiction' and related stuff in the group search bar, see what comes up.

Sorry for taking a while to get to this, I was travelling.

Well thank you for replying. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

6255482 Np bro. If you've got any more questions, feel free to ask.

Hmmm...seems like rules that I can follow! I'm joinin'!:pinkiehappy:

Can I post a poll thread on deciding what story to start next? Like give a list of future stories and ask what others would like to see first.

Group Admin

6299281 I'll go out on a limb and say no, because I'd see that as 50% self-promotion and 50% asking gents to tell you what to write, and would probably lock it whilst staying something suitably faux-witty.

If you want to start a thread about how people choose what story they want to write, that'd be kosher, though.

Group Admin

6299394 Anytime bro.

I need some help editing a book if any of you are willing to help


(What's promoting look like?)

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


(What's promoting look like?)

Something like this.

Did you ever think that not everything really needs 1000 words, and might be complete in, say, 150? Would you be interested in reading a collection of short stories with an a framework of Sweetie Belle as a beginning writer? Have you ever wondered what Twilight Sparkle would be like as a purple rhinoceros? Do you like saying nice things about stories written by one of the groups admins? Then read "Sweetie Belle's Short Stories"!

ESweetie Belle's Short Stories
A small collection of drabbles, flash fics, and short stories.
SweetAI Belle · 4.7k words  ·  33  3 · 780 views

Though that's blatant promotion. If you're more subtle about it, but we think it's promotion, we'll step in, but if it's subtle enough we don't notice, then we won't. Context is important, too. If you're bringing up your story involving fluff and kittens in a thread about fluff and kittens, and you aren't really pushing it, you're probably fine.

It does have grey areas, and can be subjective, of course.

--Sweetie Belle

Huh, I get it a little now

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


And if you were over in the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau, that would have been more of a how to example, since that's all you're supposed to post over there.

A lot of it's just that this group's supposed to be for discussion of writing, or "reading, writing, and ponies", technically, and having a bunch of threads where people are promoting their stories or asking for editors and prewriters clutters things up, and there are generally other places you can go for those things.

I'm probably being a little shameless using my own story as an example, of course, but then, I also run the shameless self-promotion bureau. (And that collection is pretty niche. It's not going to get many readers regardless, being mostly a collection of stories I wrote for the monthly Flashfic contest.)

--Sweetie Belle


5) Don’t ask people to do your work for you.

So does that mean I can't post story ideas for others tow write?

Group Admin

6441779 In most scenarios, yes. That would be essentially you commissioning stories. Some idea discussion is fine, but nothing like 'I have this idea, write it!', basically.

If you're unsure about a thread you want to post, feel free to run your thread by an active admin first via PM and we'll be happy to take a look. Saves it from being locked later if it's not kosher and stuff.

Okay thanks. I'm always coming up with ideas but don't have the time or mental focus to do all of them. I like to post ideas for people who can't think of anything to write. Basically help my self by helping others. I'll keep this in mind in the future.

Group Admin

6442703 Cheers. If you have any other questions, do let me know.

5) Don’t ask people to do your work for you.

Does this include asking people for ideas for characters. I have a story idea that has like 14 named characters, but I have no creativity when it comes to character creation like that, so I was thinking of asking for peoples ideas. If not I can go to one of the other groups.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That rule tends to be a bit subjective depending on how the actual post (and thread) goes, honestly. I'd say if you were talking about your story and asking for help in how to come up with characters for it and flesh them out, that'd be alright. If you were asking people to write you 14 characters, that'd be rather iffier. I'm basically looking for things to be of general interest, helpful to the whole group, and to generate good discussions. How to come up with characters and make them come to life is the type of discussion everyone can benefit from.

--Sweetie Belle

um i have a question of what rule Lyra133 broke??

and also i translated the message Lyra133 posted (japanese to english) and it was really dark

Group Admin

6690235 Spam, plus a site rule related to RP-ing. More importantly, posting a second thread like the first after being told not to by another admin.

I'm actually awake now and more or less confident they're not going to do it again so I'm quite happy to unban them now.

ok thx for answering mate

Here is a question: can I post a link to a write-off I'm running?

Group Admin

6821801 Funnily enough, even before I was an admin, contests were considered to be an exception to the usual 'don't self-promote', and until such a time as everyone sits down and says that they want this to change, I'm quite comfortable sticking by the way the old guard did things.

That said, I would kindly ask that you run the details of the contest by us first though; this is because we don't want people effectively just commissioning stories in a roundabout way by posting a contest that goes along the lines of 'here's a story idea; the person who writes it best gets a prize'.

Feel free to send details via PM to myself or one of the other admins and we'll get back to you relatively quickly, personal timetables willing.

Is it ok to post a thread asking people to help you with your fic, or if they’d like to work together on your fic with you, including stating your idea for your story? As someone who hasn’t written a fic in ages, I’m pretty rusty.

Group Admin

6839334 Very likely it'd be a rule 5 thing.

5) Don’t ask people to do your work for you.

This group isn't for advertising services or asking for them, so please don't post asking for an editor or prereader or such here. If you can see someone needs help, you can offer, but that should be a side thing, not the main point of the thread.

There are groups relating to editors that you can find. Less certain about co-writer groups, but a group search might reveal results. If you're looking for a general discussion on writing, such as a question regarding a specific problem you might be having whilst writing, then we'd be happy to see a thread for it here, though.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

There are some groups listed in the important threads and groups list in the first post...

--Sweetie Belle



Let’s be clear. I’m not asking anyone to do my work for me. I’m simply asking for help writing it and getting past a bit of writer’s block. I don’t think asking if someone wants to write it with you is the same as asking them to do all the work. A lot of people work together on stories, and on projects in general. Btw, a lot of those groups haven’t been active in a good couple weeks. I don’t see any specific rule in this thread that disallows what I’m requesting, but I just wanted to be sure.

Rule No. 5 doesn't apply to the Very Officlal, Free For All Chat Thread that's pinned. It won't attract the attention (positive or negative, because posting a thread that breaks the rules presets many people negatively) of as many as a thread made-to-purpose, but you could give it a shot along trying the other groups. Just because they haven't been active doesn't mean that if there's some activity (i.e. you) people won't take a look.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

A cowriter really does fall under the same category as an editor for these purposes, since they are helping you write it. It's a collaborative process, but a good editor's going to be at least somewhat a collaborator too. As mentioned, you could post about it in the free for all thread.

If the groups in the thread were too inactive, how about these?

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin


or if they’d like to work together on your fic with you

Key word being work.

If you'd like to post a thread about getting over writers block, by all means add it to the pile, and idea discussion is perfectly fine (although if it's of the vein of 'has this idea been done before' or 'i have an idea, is it a good one?', it should go to the dedicated stickied thread, since we tend to get a lot of those).

Basically, this group is dedicated to general discussions about writing, ponies, and reading. Discussing problems you might find whilst writing is fine; asking for people to co-write stuff or brainstorm ideas with you is less so.

If you're at all unsure whether something is suitable to be posted, by all means feel free to run the thread by one of the admins via PM first, and we'll let you know as soon as we have a second free.

Yeah I try not to get into fights with others. Someone tried to argue with me back in October, though I may have been mistaken in assuming they were trying to pick a fight with me. I know how there can be a difference between arguing and fighting, it can quickly become one in the same.

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