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Deadpool is, in a word, disgusting.

It is a vulgar, tasteless affair, where child molestation, brutal murder, sexual abuse, drug addiction, and cancer all treated as a target for a relentless seep of sewage, and, like puss oozing from a wound, infects everything around it, creating a septic, morally desolate wasteland of a film. It is a fool that thinks itself wise, posing as a deconstructive parody of the superhero and action movie genres, only to end up indulging in the very same tropes and story beats as other, far superior films of the genres.

Whatever spark director Tim Miller brings to the proceedings is also drowned out by his obsessive compulsive desire to constantly wink at the audience. The jokes, or the horrible puss that calls itself jokes, are all of the most vulgar and lowbrow nature. The best way to describe it is as if the most stereotypical, basement dwelling reprobate slob comic fan wrote a screenplay while out on a two week bender. There is no charm, there is no wit. Only vulgarity atop vulgarity, wrapped up in a package that tries to present itself as something new and innovate, when it's merely rehashing the same tropes that oh so many a deconstructive comedy has used before.

Take the fourth wall breaking for example. The film is dominated by a relentless stream of winks and lampshade hanging. The film tries to make this look as if no other film has ever done. Apparently, nobody here saw Goodfellas, which has a snarky narration by the protagonist. Apparently, nobody here saw The Wolf of Wall Street, which focused on a selfish jerk who hedonistically indulges in his vices. And nobody apparently saw The Big Short, which had rapid fire pop culture references and aggressive fourth wall breaking. Even the non-liniar narrative has been done many, MANY times before, from films as varied as to Annie Hall to Fight Club. Even then, this film doesn't exactly break the fourth wall in any really groundbreaking ways. It's the standard "character acknowledges he's in a film" stuff that's been done before, and frankly, far, far better in other films.

The other aspect of the humor, and one that dominated the proceedings, is an almost fetish level obsession with the most disgusting sex jokes. There are at least eight jokes about child molestation. That's right. Children being sexually abused is treated as a valid subject to make light of in this film. Eight times. And those are the eight times I was aware of. Also, cancer is treated as a joke, or, if the film did treat it seriously, I was made so numb by the pedophile and child molestation jokes that I no longer cared. By that measure alone, the film flies far past any semblance of taste.

The acting performances are random, since I don't care about any of the characters. Pretty much every character (except Nega Sonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus) is an unrepentant pervert/sociopath/murderer/asshole, and since nobody here takes even the smallest step to improve themselves, or perhaps try to change their lives for the better, the film is simply a festering mess of unlikable characters, of whom I couldn't care less if they live or die. In fact, most of the time, I spent the movie wanting to see these characters suffer (the closest I came to enjoying the film were the sequences where Wade Wilson is tortured horribly by Francis, who at least was I could empathize with because he was heaping pain and suffering upon Wilson).

Ryan Reynolds continues to be anathema to me. He is a smug, pompous bastard, and Wade Wilson is simply one of the most disgusting human beings ever to walk the face of the earth. It's quite fitting that he ends up looking so disfigured. I suppose it really is what's inside that matters. Wilson is a character who indulges in sex, violence and masturbating to My Little Pony rip-offs, while joking that the X-Men are all a bunch of closet child molesters. This is a man who encourages other people to murder their rivals. This is a man who's only semblance of a human relationship is founded exclusively on how much perverted and deviant sex the duo can have with each other (as illustrated in a needlessly graphic montage of him and his girlfriend celebrating each holiday by indulging in increasingly perverted and disgusting fetishes and sex acts). And since the relationship is purely sexual, I have no real investment in the relationship. So what that Wilson is dying of cancer? So what that he's disfigured and now fears he won't be able to have sex with his hot girlfriend? I don't care, because the film obviously doesn't think a human relationship requires anything more then raw sexual gratification and indulgence.

The violence is so over the top that it merely makes you numb. One can only see people get their heads/legs/arms/hands/testicles mutilated graphically so many times before it's just merely a barrage of senseless violence with no plot relevancy beyond the purely indulgent.

Colossus and Nega Sonic, who are probably the closest this film comes to "likable characters", are sorely underused. The extent of their relevancy to the film is for Colossus to stand as a point of mockery and ridicule for his dedication to altruism and goodness, and Nega Sonic is the subject of a prom sex joke from Deadpool. Also, she kinda smashes stuff with her powers.

The villains have no motivations beyond simply being villains and because the plot demands that someone be somehow more morally repugnant then Wilson is, which, of course, they fail at. Very rarely have I so actively rooted for the bad guys then in this film.

The score by Junkie XL is passable. I'm not sure if it's trying to play the standard action movie soundtrack sound straight, or if it's some sort of subversion. Whatever the case, it's nowhere near the scope or impact that Junkie's masterful score for Fury Road was. The rest of the soundtrack is a random bunch of songs, from rap to George Michael to "Angel of the Morning". They're withstandable because they're catchy hooks, but even that is brought down by "The Deadpool Rap", which is basically some random rappers boasting about Deadpool's killing and sexual prowess.

In the end, Deadpool is, by far, the most disgusting film I've ever seen. It is a perverted, graphically violent and morally debased film that revels in how many different ways it can offend or reach new depths of depravity. It is the physical personification of everything I loathe in comedies of late, and, while it's typically bad form to personally pass judgement on those in the audience, I must state categorically that only the most perverted, or debased and morally backwards people can enjoy a film like this.

If you think child molestation and people masturbating to children's toys is funny, then God help you.

Half a star. A complete waste of film, and of your time. I'd rather watch Dawn of Justice again. At least that didn't make jokes about child rape.

Comment posted by Dusty Old Qrow deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by Avenging-Hobbits deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by Dusty Old Qrow deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by Avenging-Hobbits deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by cornholio4 deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by Avenging-Hobbits deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by cornholio4 deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by Avenging-Hobbits deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by cornholio4 deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by StrigidaeFan deleted Apr 27th, 2016
Comment posted by Plain Hunter deleted Apr 27th, 2016
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