Anime Crossovers 2,865 members · 1,674 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Contributor

While the main rules are listed on the group's front page, I thought it would make sense to post the rules here too. I don't feel the need to go over the general rules of almost any group, though I will highlight these things:

1) No trolling, flaming, baiting, harassing, whatever. Let's keep this group civil. Someone doesn't like show x? Respect their opinion and agree to disagree. If someone repeatedly causes issues we won't be afraid to use the banhammer. Also, don't go insulting others and such. Please.

2) No linking to illegal content! I'm not calling anyone out but a thread in particular drew my attention to this. No linking to episodes unless they're on the official website or legal. Not only is it, well, illegal, but FIMfiction specifically prohibits this.

3) I probably don't have to point this out, but no discussion of NSFW anime/crossovers at all. Please, just don't.

4) In the forum, threads must either be specifically related to anime or anime crossovers with mlp. Nothing else. I didn't think I'd have to put this here but I will just so everyone knows.

I also want to point out that unless a thread is specifically discussing a certain anime/crossover, please use the spoiler tags or warn about spoilers. You won't be banned over this but your comment could be deleted if we ask for you to do the above and you refuse. I doubt it should be a problem though.

Other than that, I think we're good. That's all, folks.

5714943 Okay, thank you for clearing that up:twilightsmile:

5714943 I have not intention of breaking the rules.

5714943 I try to follow these rules.

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