//------------------------------// // Abnormal Day // Story: Why I Hate Loving a Rainbow // by FailWhale //------------------------------// Pinkie put down her pencil and closed the cover of her journal. She thought for a moment. "Hm...journal. Yeah!" She replaced the journal in its spot underneath her bed. "Okay Pinkie, start of a new day. It's time to smile!" she said, with a large grin on her face. She walked downstairs from her room and she noticed a sign on the front door. It was labeled, "Pinkie Pie." Pinkie wondered for a moment who it was from. Then she shrugged and took the note. She unfolded it and set it down on the table. Pinkie Pie, I left this note to tell you that Mr. Cake and I need to go out of town to get some ingredients for our goods. It seems that we ran out of them last night, strangely enough. So, there's no need to watch the shop today, since there's no point in keeping it open when we have nothing to sell. Maybe you should go and spend time with some of your friends today! Mrs. Cake. Pinkie frowned as she read the note. "No cupcakes today? Aw, phooey! I really wanted to eat some! Oh well..." she said, throwing the note behind her. As she walked out the front door of Sugarcube corner, she looked around. "Hm, since I said I would at least TRY reading one of those cheesy peasy squeezy romance books, I guess I should go talk to Twilight, even if the book makes me queasy!" rhymed Pinkie as she bounced along the path. She didn't see anypony who was sad on her way to Twilight's library, which filled her with joy from all of the smiles. When Pinkie arrived at Twilight's library, she knocked on the door with her head. As usual. Pinkie waited for a couple of seconds, and then she knocked again. She didn't know that Twilight had already opened the door, and thus, she headbutted Twilight's face multiple times before she realized. "Oh, sorry Twilight!" said Pinkie embarrassedly. She grinned nervously while Twilight rubbed her face. "It's okay, Pinkie," replied Twilight, giving Pinkie a smile. "What can I do for you?" "Well, I wanted to try reading one of those really cheesy romance novels that Rarity seems to eat up to see what it's all about!" answered Pinkie happily. "Well, come on in!" said Twilight, opening the door fully so Pinkie could enter. Pinkie bounced inside, then froze. Rainbow Dash was sitting on the stairs, reading a Daring Doo book. "Hey Pinkie!" said Rainbow Dash, waving a hoof. "Hi Rainbow Dash!" replied Pinkie happily. Rainbow Dash smiled at her, and Pinkie Pie felt like she was melting. Happiness began to fill her, and it took her a couple of seconds to realize that Twilight was talking to her. "Pinkie, what kind of book did you say you were looking for again?" asked Twilight for the third time. "What?" asked Pinkie absentmindedly. "Oh! I was looking for one of those romance novels. Like the ones that Rarity reads all the time!" she said. She continued to watch Rainbow Dash. The way her eyes moved excitedly across the page, how her mane moved every time she reached over to turn the page, how those rose irises seemed to widen when she reached an intense scene, how her wings would flutter when something excited happened. "Pinkie!" yelled Twilight. Pinkie snapped out of her stupor and turned around. Twilight was holding the book in the air with her magic. Pinkie grabbed the book out of the air. "Fworry Fwilie!" said Pinkie in a muffled but embarassed tone. She zoomed out of the library with the book in mouth, and she stopped once she arrived at Sugarcube Corner once again. She opened the door and dropped the book on the table. She ascended the stairs that led up to her room, and she slumped into her bed. "Oh boy..." said Pinkie as she lay on her bed. She was really out of it in the library. Rainbow Dash just had that effect on her. That was one of the things she hated about loving Rainbow Dash. It was hard to focus on anything else. She took a deep breath and sighed. Then, she realized what she had forgotten to do. "Oh, I was supposed to try and tell Rainbow Dash that I..." she trailed off. "Well, I'll just stay here for a couple of minutes to try and get brave..." Pinkie, as she said she would, stayed on her bed for a couple of minutes, trying to build up her courage. She ended up building up what felt like a stomach ache. "Oh, my tummy feels weird now..." said Pinkie, putting a hoof on her belly. "I guess I'm really really really nervous," said Pinkie. She jumped off of her bed, and she walked downstairs. She took an unnecessarily deep breath before leaving Sugarcube Corner. As she began walking towards Twilight's library again, she was trying to calm down. Every step she took was another beat per minute added to her heart rate. ~You know this is a bad idea... -I at least have to try, don't I? ~No, you don't! You can just turn around and walk back home. You know this is going to end badly. Just like every other time. Just turn around. Pinkie stopped walking and stood there. She stood there, internally warring with herself. -Well, today might be different. And that's enough for me. Pinkie took a deep breath, and she continued walking, finally succeeding in tuning out the voice inside. She grew more and more excited as she walked towards the library. And, a new feeling began brewing inside of her. Was it...confidence? Pinkie finally made it to the library. The trip took roughly about two minutes, but it felt like much longer. She knocked on the door(with her head, of course) and waited. Twilight didn't take very long to answer. "Oh, hi Pinkie," said Twilight. "Did you need another book?" she asked. -Here we go... "No, Twilight. I actually wanted to talk to Rainbow Dash!" she responded happily. "Oh," replied Twilight. "You actually just missed her..." "O-oh..." said Pinkie, sadness flashing across her face for a split second, before continuing. "Do you know where she went?" she asked. "Um, I think she went over to Fluttershy's. Said something about helping." "Okay, thanks Twilight!" said Pinkie happily as she bounced away. Once she was out of sight, she stopped bouncing and gave a large sigh. -I can't believe this... ~I did not expect that. Even with all the things that can go wrong, that didn't even occur to me. -Was that supposed to make me feel better...? ~Did it? -Not really... ~Well, then I guess it wasn't. I would say I told you so, but I never thought this would be one of the reasons why. Pinkie sighed again. "Well, time to hop on over to Fluttershy's place!" she said to herself. She resumed her bouncing to the cottage in question. ~Why do you even bother...? -Because there's a chance that she'll accept me. No matter how slim it is, it's still there. Pinkie soon reached Fluttershy's cottage, and she heard a lot of ruckus inside. "Hello? Flutters? Dashie? Are you in there?" asked Pinkie. "Pinkie?" asked a very quiet voice from inside. "Fluttershy? Yeah, it's me!" replied Pinkie happily. The door opened. "Oh, hi Pinkie," said Fluttershy, smiling at Pinkie. "Is something wrong?" she asked. "Oh, no, everything's alright, Fluttershy!" replied Pinkie happily. "I just wanted to know if Rainbow Dash was here, I need to talk to her about something," she continued. "Oh, yes, she's here. She was just about to leave. Come on in," said Fluttershy, opening the door to let Pinkie inside. She bounced into the cottage, peering around for Rainbow Dash. She didn't have to look long. "Oh, hey Pinkie!" said Rainbow Dash. "Fancy meeting you here!" "Well, I was actually looking for you, Dashie!" replied Pinkie happily. "I went over to Twilight's, but she told me that you had already left!" "Oh, yeah, I had to help Fluttershy gather some flowers." "Flowers?" asked Pinkie, slightly confused as to why Fluttershy would need help gathering flowers. "She needed a lot, and they were in the Everfree Forest," cleared up Rainbow Dash. "Oh, okay." "So, why were you looking for me?" asked Rainbow Dash curiously. -Here we go... Pinkie was very glad that her newfound confidence hadn't deserted her, and that she still couldn't hear the voice inside. "I wanted to ask you something!" replied Pinkie. "Really? What did you want to ask?" responded Rainbow Dash. -Oh no, I don't know what I was going to ask her! So much for confidence if I didn't even plan anything out!, she thought in despair. She would have to improvise. "I wanted to know if you...uh...if...um...you wanted to...go to a...prank planning picnic with me!" said Pinkie alliteratively. "A prank planning...picnic?" asked Rainbow Dash for clarification. "Yes. A prank planning picnic. You know, a picnic where we can eat and plan pranks together! Doesn't it sound like fun?!" demanded Pinkie, slightly louder than usual due to her nervousness. "Yeah, it kinda does! So, is tomorrow good? I have to get to work right now. The weather doesn't clear itself, you know," said Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, tomorrow's perfect! Just meet me at the entrance to Ponyville, I'll take care of the food!" said Pinkie happily. If her mood had any physical form, it would've penetrated the atmosphere and drilled a hole through the moon at this point. "Well, I gotta dash now. Looking forward to it, Pinkie! See you later, Pinkie and Fluttershy!" called out Rainbow Dash as she flew out of Fluttershy's front door. Fluttershy waved goodbye to her. "Is that all you wanted to do, Pinkie?" she asked, smiling at her. "Heehee..." Pinkie nodded while beaming. "I'm happy for you, Pinkie," said Fluttershy. She leaned in close as she continued to speak. "I hope your date with Rainbow Dash goes well tomorrow," she said as she gave Pinkie a knowing smile. "Wh-what?!" demanded Pinkie, shocked. "H-how did you..." she said in confusion, then she gathered herself. "Thanks, Fluttershy! I hope it goes well too!" she said, smiling. "See you later!" she said as she walked out the door. Fluttershy waved goodbye. As soon as Pinkie left the cottage, she jumped 20 feet into the air. "YES! YES YES YES YES YES!" she exclaimed as she leapt into the sky. She was ecstatic beyond all belief. She had never felt so happy in her life. -I actually have a chance now! It looks like I'll be able to tell her really soon! I can't believe this!, thought Pinkie as she landed on the ground. What do you have to say about THAT, huh?, she asked the voice inside. It was completely silent as she bounced to Sugarcube Corner, much to Pinkie's delight. As she slammed open the door, she galloped upstairs and began planning for the picnic. She tried to work everything out into a schedule which read like this: Pinkie Pie's Prank Planning Picnic Plan! 1. Make the munchies! 2. Meet with Rainbow Dash at...whenever you see her! 3. Eat the food and plan some pranks. 4. Start up some other conversation. 5. Tell her about how you feel. 6. Hope. Pinkie Pie looked at her list with satisfaction, and she set off to make the food she and Rainbow Dash would eat at the picnic. She bought enough ingredients for the items she was making, and she proceeded to prepare them. This task lasted the whole day. Before she went to bed that night, Pinkie reviewed her plan several times and she made sure that the food would be perfect for the next day. Once she believed she was prepared, she lay down in her bed. She smiled broadly. "Tomorrow's going to be a great day..." she said as she drifted off. It was the first time in a long time that Pinkie Pie didn't cry herself to sleep. Yeah, I've actually been writing this chapter since I last updated, but I ran out of ideas at the middle. Listening to Portal 2 music somehow increases the flow of creativity in my brain, so I actually have a plan for this story. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll update soon. Hopefully.