//------------------------------// // 26 Can't Go Back // Story: A Balance of Fire and Light // by Stolenalicorn //------------------------------// “I need some pancakes in my belly, right now.” Rainbow Dash complained as she flew behind James. “You heard the technician: Only water until after the procedure.” James reminded her. “But I'm starving!” She continued to mope, “What harm is one little pancake going to do?” “A lot.” James answered simply. “Come on Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said calmly, sipping a glass of ice water. “It's almost time for us to go anyway.” “But I'm so hungry-y-y.” Rainbow Dash moaned. As Twilight was about to comment, a loud rumble commanded everyone's attention. Pinkie lay flat on her back with her legs splayed out in every direction while she blankly stared at the ceiling. As everyone stared at her, her stomach rumbled again. “It ain't so bad Dash.” Applejack said easily. Rainbow Dash rushed over to her and stared her in the eye. “Oh really?” She said accusingly. “Well …” Applejack faltered, “okay, it is that bad. But it's the doctor's orders so we just gotta live with it.” “Ha! So you're miserable too!” Rainbow Dash announced triumphantly. “Darling, we all have to do this, and we're all well aware of how bothersome it is. There's no need to complain about it to everypony.” Rarity said, clearly irritated. “Easier for you, Rarity,” James calmly said, “you got a midnight snack just before the cutoff.” Rarity gasped, “You weren't supposed to tell them.” “It's not like you were the only one.” Starlight added. “Yeah, you both split mine.” James commented. “I am glad you're not eating in front of us, James. But I'll be happier when this is over.” Fluttershy quietly said. “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash said, rushing over to James and staring into his eyes. “You have to eat more than all of us, so why are you so calm?” “I'm used to it.” James calmly answered as Starlight and Twilight winced. “You didn't complain this much the last time we went without food.” Rainbow Dash growled as she remembered their time stuck in the time chamber. “Yeah, because there wasn't any. This time we have the food, and I want it!” “You'll just have to be tough.” James joked as Rainbow Dash huffed. “Good morning.” Airi called in a singsong fashion as she approached “Well, you're part right.” Twilight mumbled before Starlight chuckled quietly. At the lack of enthusiasm Airi shook her head. “Come on girls, there's no harm in skipping a meal or two.” At the comment Rainbow Dash glanced between her and James as her mind tried to work out what she was thinking. “So, are we all ready?” Airi asked as the group approached her. As the ponies agreed James interrupted. “Not quite, Rarity still needs to remove her makeup and eyelashes.” “James!” Rarity gasped. “He's right you know.” Applejack said. “Right,” Twilight said, lost in thought, “I'm just so used to them that I forgot you even wear them.” Airi shook her head as she walked over and slapped James. “At least try some tact.” James stared at her for a moment before nodding. “You're right.” He eventually said before turning to Rarity. “I'm sorry.” Rarity looked to Airi briefly, astonished that she was so fast to strike him. “I appreciate the apology, but was that really necessary, Miss Airi?” Airi waved the comment away, “It's not like I actually hurt him or anything.” Before anything more could be said Starlight shook her head and said, “I feel we're all a bit short right now and the sooner we get this over with the better.” “You can say that again.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Let's get this over with and get something to eat.” Airi smirked at the statement. “Well, I'll have to treat you to some good home cooking.” “Yay.” Pinkie quietly said. “Uh huh,” James said, “If Pinkie's that out of it we need this over with soon.” *** The rooms the ponies had separated into were small with a large tube surrounded by several hoops at the back, a person sitting at a large console, and another person in a lab coat watching over them. After talking with the technicians, James stepped into Rainbow Dash's room, shortly after walking in several disks floated around his head and the sound of the ponies greeting their technicians could be heard from each. Pinkie sounding particularly happy, even if sedate compared to normal. “Alright everyone,” James announced, “as we discussed I'm your modification supervisor. I noticed the introductions, but it's worth pointing out that since you're a new species, the scientific community is very interested in learning how this will go. Clearly any risk is negligible or they would have made a point to tell us. But they will be observing and documenting.” James looked to Rainbow Dash and nodded before continuing. “Now you've gotta take off you're shoes. AJ, your hat and hair ties too, nothing more than yourselves can go those tubes.” James held out his hand as Rainbow Dash gave him four heavily scuffed and beaten horseshoes. Along invisible seams an aperture opened in the tube, allowing the ponies inside before sealing once more. “The tube will fill with a breathable fluid, and I'm not going to lie, it's going to feel really weird when your lungs fill up.” “Okay, that's starting to scare me.” Starlight's voice said from one of the discs. “It won't be easy, every instinct you have will tell you to hold your breath, but try to breath normally. If you think you might lose control of your horn, tell me and I can ensure that won't happen.” “I'll be fine.” Twilight said calmly. “As if I would lose control of my horn.” Rarity confidently claimed. Starlight swallowed before speaking up. “Maybe you should help me.” She quietly said. “I've been dealing with some anxiety, and I'm not one hundred percent sure nothing will happen.” “Be right there.” James easily said before looking down to Rainbow Dash, “You good for me to go?” With a smile Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, this is nothing. See you on the other side.” James smirked and offered a wave before exiting and walking down the hall to Starlight's room. “Sorry.” Starlight quietly said as James walked in, light disks still orbiting his head. The disks changed color and James knelt and put his hand on her shoulder. “Nothing to be sorry about, it's stressful. If you're comfortable, I'll stay in here while monitoring, is that okay?” “Yeah.” “And one last thing. Are you sure about this? Once the program starts, it's too late. This is completely irreversible.” With a faint smile Starlight nodded once more. James closed his eyes and quietly said something under his breath. “Okay, you're ready.” He eventually said as the disks changed back to their regular color. Starlight tried to say “thank you,” however as she spoke she didn't make any noise at all. “Yeah, unfortunately, that's how.” James calmly said as Starlight silently took a deep breath and walked into the tube. The aperture sealing behind her “Alright, let's do this.” James said. From each disk he heard a voices saying that the containment fluid was being pumped in. At the announcement James twitched his hand and the discs rearranged themselves in front of him before becoming miniature screens with readouts and video of each room. Confirmation that everything was proceeding as expected soon followed and James confirmed it back to each of them. “Load the enhancement programs.” “Inputting program: Level one at specified enhancement parameters.” Came the confirmation from the technicians. “Beginning induced sleep.” The countdown for each came at different intervals but soon they were all unconscious. *** Pinkie Pie bounced though a landscape of cakes of all kinds, her friends enjoying the confections in the background as she excitedly laughed. *** Applejack watched as Sweet Apple Acres grew, with more Apples working alongside her. Her family, close and dear, spending endless days happily working the land as more homes sprang up around her. *** Fluttershy giggled as Discord told her a humorous story, stopping only briefly to sip some calming tea. *** Starlight looked around the town as she walked, distantly in her mind she recalled the place, a familiar name long removed from her thoughts. “Sire's Hollow.” She reminded herself, wondering how she could have not recognized her home town, even having trouble with the name. But then it had been so long since she last visited … for some reason. Why was she here anyway? As quickly as she asked the question, she found herself elsewhere. The place felt closer, and painful, but the memories were just as distant and hard to recall. As she looked to the end of the street she felt that something was missing, but was glad it was gone. She could barely believe that her town had grown so much in her absence. Multiple streets radiated out from the tree at the center, and every creature looked so happy. Again, she asked herself why she was here? She always avoided the place, and it had clearly outgrown her long ago. Everything looked so different than she remembered. And while she'd never try to preserve the past as her father had done, or at least in the way he had done, she did wonder about the changes. The thought of her father reminded her with a pang of guilt and pain that she had went to visit him. And with the same pain, she rationalized that her timing doesn't really make a difference now. She'd be back soon and this time she'd remember. It was Twilight's school that surprised her the most. While well tended, the plants had managed to conquer most of the walls. Smaller buildings on the grounds appeared to accommodate students and teachers as the school expanded. It was in Rarity's class she found what she had wanted. A flower, unchanged over generations, just the kind her father would have loved. Just the thing she wanted as she apologized for being late another year in a row. “I know I say it each year, dad, but I'll be sure to get it right next time. Time just seems to slip away faster and faster.” She quietly said. “Anyway, I'm glad I got out here.” As she turned, she saw the first thing that looked comfortably familiar. Truce's busy cobbled streets rose to meet her as she walked, leading her to familiar haunts. She could lose days at any one place, just enjoying the atmosphere let alone should she find good company to keep as she did. She smiled as she stepped into the cafe, her regular tea fresh and waiting for her. She took a sip, feeling as though there was something she needed to be doing. Everything was quiet and peaceful, and life continued forward as it always had … and always would. *** “Please, Miss Rarity,” The interviewer practically pleaded, “You absolutely must share your beauty routine with all of Equestria.” Rarity tittered “Miss Balm, I've shared all there is to share. Any more and I'll start to think you're prying into my age, which would be very rude of you.” “Yes, of course Miss Rarity.” Balm was quick to say. “I do thank you for your time, but I'm afraid I must cut the interview short. I have Mr. Inkhorn's party to attend shortly, and of course my fashion show later. Do stop by for that, I'll be unveiling my greatest line yet.” *** The squeeze was tight as Rainbow Dash pulled the rest of her body from the crack beneath the wall, but the sound of the monsters hitting the wall on the other side was satisfying. She'd out maneuvered and out flown them, and now that she was free of them she could look for signs of treasure once more. Much to her surprise, a treasure chest was sitting right in front of her. With a wide grin she trotted over to the chest and examined the lock. As she did, the lid lifted, revealing a gigantic maw filled with teeth and an over sized tongue. “Mimic.” She growled as she jumped back. The creature stood up on spindly legs as two long thin arms rose from it's mouth, growling as it ran towards Rainbow Dash. With a smirk, Rainbow Dash flew up and over the mimic. Now behind it she kicked up at the lid, forcing it's mouth closed on the arms and tongue. The Mimic screamed in pain as it turned to face Rainbow Dash. “No pathetic Mimic is getting me.” Rainbow Dash taunted as she flew up out of reach of the monster. *** A thin wind blew along the waves of the black ocean. Twilight struggled to keep her head above the water, desperately searching for anything to hold on to. Again and again her head slipped beneath the chaotic waves, throwing her about and threatening to swallow her. With a cough and a gasp Twilight surfaced once more, she had to find something, anything, stable for refuge. Without warning another wave crashed over her, pulling her under once more. Twilight struggled, thrashing with her wings to fight to the surface, kicking with all her strength, desperate to get even a moment to breathe. With a start, Twilight felt something wrap around her hind hoof and drag her beneath the waves. Her chest burned as she felt herself drop deeper and deeper. Then, just as suddenly, she broke the surface and flew backwards, landing hard on a quiet golden beach. Twilight took stock of everything she could see, the golden sands, the black ocean, and the sun beating down on her from a dark sky. The sky was barely distinguishable from the ocean. Only when she looked at her hind hoof did she realize that whatever had pulled her from the water no longer held her. Twilight took what time she had at the moment to catch her breath and bask in the sun, pondering her situation. The air grew noticeably colder as she lay on the beach. She reasoned that the sun was simply going down, and opened her eyes to find some way to stay warm at night. What she found on opening her eyes was not dusk, but a dark sun that continued to dim as she watched. “No no no no no no.” Twilight repeated desperately as she continued to watch the vanishing sun. Without even the company of the sun, she was completely alone. Her only light to even see was the radiance of her own horn. Twilight sighed and slowly started to dig at the still warm sand. She could loosely cover herself to keep warm, but if that would help in the long run she had no idea. “Sorry, I'm still new this whole friend thing. Do you want to talk?” Came a familiar voice from behind Twilight. Twilight turned to see a fair young woman wearing a flowing golden dress that seemed to blend seamlessly into the sand. *** Rainbow Dash groaned as she rolled over, trying to get more comfortable. “Can't sleep the rest of the day, Rainbow Dash,” James said with a pleased lilt to his voice, “or rather, if you do you'll miss dinner.” Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes, “You promise there's food?” she asked, only partially joking. “Airi will be putting the finishing touches on dinner any minute now.” James assured her. “Of course, there's the matter of your modified body to address first.” As he spoke he tapped out a brief command on his omnitool. Rainbow Dash took in her surroundings, noting that the room was generally spherical with panels of something along the walls all the way to the top. “Try standing up.” James suggested. With a confused glance his way Rainbow Dash got her hooves beneath her and tried to stand. Instead, however, she shot towards the ceiling, colliding with it hard before ricocheting out of control into the wall only to do the same with another wall. She bounced only a couple more times before coming to a stop. “Sweet Celestia, what was that?!” Rainbow Dash practically shouted in shock before attempting to stand once more only to ricochet wildly again. “That's your own strength.” James commented, tapping his omnitool once more. “There, I've got the restriction active, you should be able to move normally now.” Cautiously, Rainbow Dash finally stood, only slightly disappointed that she didn't go flying off. “That was insane!” She happily said. “I'm even more awesome now!” “Hold on a second. The procedure is the easy part. You have to train to get used to your new strength, otherwise that inhibitor suit isn't coming off.” Rainbow Dash brushed off the comment and shook her head. “Please, I train all the time with the Bolts, I'll be out of this in no time.” “I thought the same myself when I was augmented.” James commented, “But this is training to hold back, not go all out. And it's a lot harder than it sounds.” Once again, Rainbow Dash waved him off. “Explain later, I need some food now.” “Alright,” James chuckled, “let's get to the ship and I'll explain on the way back.” “What part of “I need food now” are you not getting?” Rainbow Dash asked as she waited for James to let them out. *** “That was amazing Airi.” Twilight happily said as she sat on a nearby couch. “I think I ate too much.” Rainbow Dash moaned. Airi laughed at Rainbow Dash's comment. “Quite the compliments. I'm glad.” As she spoke she got comfortable on the couch herself. “Cooking's been a passion of mine for a long time. I remember being told that you can live anywhere if you can cook for yourself.” “Huh,” Applejack said, looking to the woman. “Granny Smith used to say the same thing.” “Smart woman.” Airi smirked, picking up a glass of wine as James poured out several. Taking a sip she smiled and reminisced. “It was actually Seto who encouraged me to start cooking.” “And I bet she was more than happy to follow your progress.” James joked, taking a drink of water for himself. “Come to think of it.” Airi idly commented, turning to Twilight. “You've spoken with her a few times, what do you think?” “She's a very nice woman,” Twilight uncomfortably said as she considered the question, “who teaches by throwing you in the deep end.” James laughed hard at the statement. “You can say that again.” As he finished laughing he shook his head. “The first trade agreement I made was basically under threat from her. I had no idea what I was working with, or the kind of people I was dealing with. Just told to close the deal with them or my deal was off.” “Clearly you made the deal, but what happened.” Rarity asked, taking a sip of her own wine. “Well, I panicked and started talking faster and faster until they were ready to sign anything just to get me to shut up.” James laughed. “That trade deal actually paved the way for that world to join the federation.” Airi said with a smile. “I just wish I had known what I had to work with.” James lamented. “She has a good feel for people.” Airi said, “Knew right away how to get you in line and set you up for success.” “Yeah, lucky me.” James said flatly, before letting his characteristic half smile show up. “It led you to this, so you can't really complain.” Airi said with a smirk. The idle conversation continued, turning to all manner of subjects as the evening turned to night. While drunkenness didn't rule the gathering, the wine continued to find it's way to those drinking, and in the morning everyone was slow to rise. While Rarity and Fluttershy had gone to their rooms (and Airi claiming James' bed,) the rest had stayed in the living room, sleeping where they had been talking only hours earlier. James sat on the couch, slumped over as Rainbow Dash lay with her head on his lap, a blanket bundled up beside them. Applejack slept on an armchair, her head on one arm rest, her legs over the other as her hat covered her face. Twilight lay on a small chaise lounge, her wings hanging limp over the side. And Pinkie lay flat on her back on the coffee table, the glasses having been long ago moved to safety. “All that, and they still couldn't handle hangovers.” Rainbow Dash complained as she slowly opened her eyes. “You didn't have that much.” James commented, gently stroking her mane. “Maybe you're just sensitive to red wine and it caused a migraine.” “Either way, it sucks.” She moaned as the blanket next to them moved. “Morning.” Starlight groggily said as she poked her head out from under the blanket. “How are you doing?” James asked, turning to her. “Let me get some tea and wake up. Then you can ask me.”