//------------------------------// // Chapter 57 (Three's a Crowd) // Story: Spike The Brony Dragon // by red4567 //------------------------------// “Do you really think Applejack and Pinkie Pie could be related?” I asked. “It’s possible,” Twilight replied. “We all share a common ancestor after all. Earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns came from an ancient species known as the ‘Hyracotherium’ millions of years ago. Going farther back reveals that ponies and dragons shared a common ancestor once. It was known as...” “I hate to interrupt you at that particular moment, but that’s not what I meant. Are AJ and Pinkie related much closer?” Twilight shrugged. “I doubt it. Aside from being Earth ponies, working on a farm, and living in Ponyville, there’s not enough evidence to prove that the Apples and Pie family are related.” “Huh. So what was that common ancestor that dragons and ponies shared?” “The ‘Ichthyostega.’” Aside from that conversation, there was not much I could change for “Pinkie Apple Pie.” I didn’t know if Pinkie and Applejack were related, but given how the former settled for being an honorary Apple, it was good enough for me. I guess it would have to be one of those mysteries that can’t be solved even when I’m in the pony world. Although I did have some thoughts about investigating. “Rainbow Falls” remained unchanged too due to it being Rainbow’s key episode. After the events of the episode, Rainbow mentioned how she saw a rainbow and how her pin also shined in a rainbow color. Twilight and I told her that Rarity experienced the same thing with her spool of rainbow thread, and that Dash should keep the pin in a safe place just in case. The next episode to come up was “Three’s a Crowd”. In the show, Discord shows up pretending to be sick, and tries to torment Twilight and Cadance, who is also visiting Ponyville. I didn’t know where the old Spike went during all those events, but seeing how I was Spike this time, I knew I could try to change something. I felt like if I told Twilight to research what “Blue flu” really was, she could find out Discord’s plan long before the Tatzlwurm incident. I went to the mailbox as usual and grabbed the mail. It was all a bunch of junk mail except for one letter from the Crystal Empire. Even in Equestria, there’s junk mail. I’m starting to think the only difference between my world and Equestria is the amount of legs the population walks on. “Twilight! Mail!” I shouted.  I quickly released my grip from the letters as soon as Twilight grabbed them. She opened the Crystal Empire letter and skimmed through it. “Yes!” Twilight shouted. She then grabbed me with her magic in delight and galloped in circles. “She can make it, she can make it!” “I guess Cadance said she can visit this weekend, right?!” I asked. Once Twilight put me down, I tumbled to the floor. I couldn’t tell if the library was spinning or my head was. “I'm finally gonna get to spend some quality time with my sister-in-law!” Twilight exclaimed. “This is the best news ever!” Then there was a soft knock on the door. It slowly opened, and Fluttershy peeked in. “Um, so sorry for barging in like this,” said Fluttershy as she walked in. “But I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait to tell somepony!” She pulled out a piece of parchment. “The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria: the Breezies!” “Wow, Fluttershy, that's fantastic!” Twilight and I exclaimed in unison. “Oh, it's not just fantastic. It just might be the best news ever!” Suddenly, the front door slammed wide open. I was lucky I wasn’t standing nearby. Pinkie Pie came pronking in. “I just got the most incredible mail anypony's ever received in all of recorded pony postal history!” Pinkie pulled out a flyer. “It's a flyer about a one-day sale on used patio furniture! Could this day get any better?! Woo-hoo!” The three of us sheepishly smiled after that. “Oh, Spike. Could I, um, ask you something real quick?” Fluttershy whispered. “Uh, sure,” I replied quietly. Fluttershy took me to the other side of the room. “I wanted to know...” Fluttershy rubbed her front hooves together. “...i-if you aren’t busy this weekend...it would be nice if…” I tilted my head. “What are you trying to ask me?” Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Would you like to come with me to see the Breezies?” I raised my eyebrows. Fluttershy asking me to tag along came right out of left field. Was it due to the fact that I was in a relationship with her? I knew that this didn’t happen to the old Spike. But if I went with her, I would miss out on Discord’s antics and helping Twilight. On the other hand, I didn’t want to reject Fluttershy’s offer. “Sure, I guess,” I replied.  “Oh, thank you!” Fluttershy gave me a big hug. “But are you sure it’s a good idea for me to join you? I mean, these Breezies sound very delicate. I don’t want to cause any trouble. For all we know, the Breezies and dragons could be enemies by nature.” “Spike, it’s okay. I don’t think dragons and Breezies are sworn enemies. If it helps, you could read about the Breezies before our trip. After all, you had me do the same for the animals back at the Grand Galloping Gala.” “That is true.” I rubbed the back of my head. “Wait, what about your animals? Who’s going to take care of them while we’re gone?” “I can get Doctor Fauna from the animal clinic to look after them. She’s very good with animals, and she enjoys interacting with my animal friends.” I spent the next few days researching the Breezies. Surprisingly, I was able to find a lot of information about them, such as their diet, their language, their customs, and more. So ponies could do research on a very rare species, but not on the common dragon if their life depended on it. Granted, the Breezies can’t hurt a pony, but still... “Make sure you pack the bare essentials for this trip, Spike,” Twilight reminded me. “And I don’t mean just comic books.” “Don’t worry Twilight,” I said. “I know what to pack.” “I’m surprised Fluttershy asked you to go with her.” “I know. Usually, I would invite her, or ask if I could join her.” “I guess after all you’ve done for her, she wanted to make it up to you besides tea parties.” “I guess...” Though, it can’t be a coincidence that I’ll be away when Discord arrives. “You know, I wonder what Discord’s up to,” I said. “It’s been a while since we’ve seen him. I hope he’s doing well.” “Probably in his own little world,” replied Twilight. “Figuratively and maybe literally knowing him.” “Fluttershy told me that she would write letters to him sometimes. Not to mention they also have their own tea time.” “Huh, I didn’t know that. Maybe she should invite you and Discord together,” Twilight snarked. “Uh...I don’t think so. It might get awkward. After all, two’s company, but three’s a crowd.” Wait...did I just drop the episode title? The day of Fluttershy and my trip came so quickly. We were already at the station with the rest of the girls. Fluttershy and I wore similar hats and bandanas. Rarity handed Fluttershy a rolled up piece of cloth. “Here's a wrap, in case it gets cold.” “And I packed you both a basket of nice fresh apples in case you get hungry,” Applejack said after placing said basket in front of us. “Have a great time, you two,” Twilight said.  “Oh, we will,” Flutters said. “And I hope you have fun with Cadance.” “Too bad I can’t be here to greet her,” I said. “Don’t worry Spike,” Twilight said as she hugged me. “I’ll tell her that you said ‘hi’.” The train gave a loud whistle as the conductor announced everypony to board. Fluttershy and I hopped in. We waved the girls goodbye until the train station was out of view. Fluttershy clapped her hooves. “Oh, isn’t this exciting, Spike? We finally get to see the Breezies!” “Yeah it is. I’ve been reading a lot about them. I even brought the book with me.” I pulled out said book from my bag. Fluttershy giggled. “You’re just like Twilight.” “Well, ‘luck favors the prepared’. I’ve even practiced speaking quietly so I wouldn’t disturb the Breezies. Listen...” Just as I opened my mouth, a loud blaring noise blasted throughout the train car! I slammed my mouth such and smacked both my hands to my lips! “Th-that wasn’t it!” My voice muffled through my scaled palms. “I swear! I didn’t make that—” “Mommy! Mommy, look!” A colt from the other side of the car shouted. “A train made of crystals!” “Huh?” The mother of the child looked out the window. “It’s the Crystal Empire train!” The other riders, including Fluttershy and me, dashed to the other side and pressed our muzzles against the window. The Crystal Empire train came whooshing past us like a bullet. Most of the passengers waved and tried to take pictures of its brief appearance. Once the train vanished as soon as it appeared, we all returned to our seats. Chatter soon followed. “I can’t believe the Crystal Empire’s visiting today!” “You think Princess Cadance is on that train?” “I hope they like our town.” “Wait, did I remember to bring my keys?” “I guess that must’ve been Princess Cadance,” said Fluttershy. “I hope she enjoys her visit with Twilight.” “I hope so, too,” I said. “Say, how are things with you and Discord?” Fluttershy gave me a confused look. “Why would you ask that?” “I was just curious. I know that you send letters to each other and have tea. I just want to know if he really likes being your friend.” “Discord and I enjoy being friends. After all, I am the first friend he ever made. Wait...are you...jealous of us?” I widened my eyes. “Oh no, I’m not! I just want to know if he’s okay with me being with you. I don't want him to be jealous or anything just because we’re in a relationship.” “You don’t have to worry, Spike. From what his letters and conversations at tea time told me, he doesn’t mind us being together, even if we’re two different species. As long as I can still be his friend, it’s fine by him.” “I sure hope so.” I looked out the window. I prayed that Twilight’s doing well despite Discord’s antics.  I’m sure Discord has arrived out of the blue by now, no pun intended. At least Cadance wanted some excitement for her trip. “Hey, look. There’s our stop.” Fluttershy pointed out the window and at the station approaching us. The train slowed down to a halt. Fluttershy and I grabbed our bags and headed out of the train. “Okay, so we have to travel down this dirt path and through the forest, and we should meet some of the members of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures.” Fluttershy pointed at the forest in front of us. The forest was unlike anything I’ve ever seen, including in the show! The trees were such an immense height that they were practically touching the clouds. Each trunk was twice the width of the Golden Oaks Library. They must have been Giant Redwoods, or at least Equestria’s version of Giant Redwoods. “Oh, my!” Fluttershy gasped. “I didn’t know trees grew that high. And I thought the buildings in Manehattan were tall.” “Amazing,” I said. “Proves that nature can set its own records, too.” I stretched a bit. “Alright, I guess we better get moving.” Fluttershy nodded. We entered the giant forest. As we walked across the barely visible dirt path, we encountered a lot of creatures that were not so different from the ones back at home, like squirrels, birds, mice, and more. Fluttershy and I found them adorable, but we knew that the most adorable creatures were just waiting ahead. “Whew.” Fluttershy removed her hat and wiped the sweat off her forehead. “I didn’t think it would take this long to meet with the members.” She pulled out her canteen and took a sip of water. “I know what you mean,” I said as I drank from my canteen. “You’d think we’d meet one of them at the station.” That’s when Fluttershy’s ears perked up. “Do you hear that?” “Hear what? The wind? The birds?” “No...do you hear music? Like from a musical instrument?” I removed my hat and remained silent. Just like Fluttershy said, I heard the faint sound of music playing. “Sounds like it’s farther down the road,” I said. “Let’s go see what it is.” We both put our hats back on and hurried across the forest. The music got louder and louder. It was then we encountered its source and then some. On the side of the road stood a light-blue, open carriage with big, colorful flowers painted on the side. A group of four ponies sat around it. Two of them were earth ponies, and the other two were pegasi. They all were wearing unusual clothing, from tie-dye t-shirts to beads to bandanas. In front of the cart sat the two earth ponies. One of them, a long-bearded stallion, was playing a sitar while the other, a mare, sang along. What surprised me was that I recognized the mare. She had a lime-green coat, red dreadlocks, purple eyes, and a heart-shaped tree as a cutie mark. Treehugger? Oh, right. Fluttershy met her during her trip to see the Breezies. “‘Cause when you worry, your face will frown,” Treehugger sang. “And it will bring everypony down...don’t worry, be happy.”  Fluttershy and I approached the group. Once they noticed us, the music stopped. “He-hey, another traveling pony comin’ to hear our vibes,” Treehugger said. “That’s a cute pet drake you’ve got there, dude.” I assumed she was referring to me as the pet. “Uh, heh,” I sheepishly chuckled. “I’m not her pet, I’m her special somepony.” “Woah, man,” a female pegasus with rose-colored glasses said from the cart. “Interspecies relationship, I dig that. So what brings you two this way?” “Well, we heard the music and wanted to see where it was coming from,” said Fluttershy. “We were just passing by. We’re meeting with some members of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures on the other side of this forest.” Treehugger raised an eyebrow. “Wait a mo. You’re Fluttershy, aren’t ya?” “How do you know my name?” “My folks at the ESPRC told me that you were comin’ to see the Breezies. Righteous.” “Your folks? Are you a member, too?” “Right on.” Treehugger pulled out a badge from her bandana. It had the initials of the society’s name stitched in. “Been chillin’ with them for, like, over five years now.” “Are the rest of you members as well?” I asked. “Nah, man,” the sitar pony replied. “Just friends of Treehugger. She invited us to see the Breezies, and we didn’t wanna be downers for missing out.” “We were gonna come pick you and your special somedragon up,” said the male pegasus with the tie-dye shirt. “But we, like, took a short break to mellow out a bit.” Treehugger put the badge back in her bandana. “But since you’re here, would you two like to tag along with us? We can, like, get you there faster, man.” Fluttershy scratched her chin. She then nodded. “I wouldn’t mind that.” “Me neither,” I said. “Count us in.” “Groovy,” the sitar pony said. “Just hop right into our wagon. But be wary of any glass vases. They’re for my collection.” Fluttershy and I climbed onto the colorful carriage as the other ponies made room and packed up. The sitar pony buckled the straps and pulled the carriage around. Soon we were on our way down the dirt path and through the forest. Never thought I would meet a group of hippie ponies while being in Equestria. “So, I got your name, Fluttershy,” said Treehugger. “But I never got your name, lil’ drake. What do the pones call you?” “My name is Spike,” I replied. “‘Spike,’ huh? I knew you had a ‘Spike’ aura around you.” “Uh...yeah.” I never understood hippie lingo. “What about you? What kind of ‘aura’ do you have?” “My name is Treehugger, if that’s what you’re, like, asking.”  “Nice to meet you, Treehugger,” said Fluttershy. “And what about the rest of you?” “I’m Tie Dye,” said the male pegasus. “Soul Flower is me, man,” the female pegasus said. “And I’m Sitar String,” said the sitar pony as he waved at us. “Well, it’s so nice to meet you all,” said Fluttershy. “I hope we will all enjoy seeing the Breezies.” “I hope so, too,” said Treehugger. She then pulled out a big plastic sandwich bag that had a bunch of brown squares inside. “Care for a brownie? I made them myself with, like, my granny’s recipe. Bless her soul.” “No, thank you,” Fluttershy said politely. “We’ve got our own snacks.” Fluttershy pulled out the apples. “Yeah, we’re good for now,” I said as I grabbed one of the apples. “Suite yourself, man.” Treehugger pulled out one of the brownies and took a big bite. She then sighed heavily. “Oh, yeah. That extra butter makes ‘em go down the hatch real smooth.” “So how did you become a member?” Fluttershy asked. “Told the members I had a knack for rare creatures. How I related to them on a spiritual level. Even showed them, like, a few skills I have, like singing a calming sonic bliss. The members liked my flow, so they let me in.” “That sounds very interesting. Maybe someday I could join the society.” Come to think of it, why didn’t Fluttershy join the society in the show? She’d fit right in. I was thankful we were offered a ride. It gave Fluttershy and I more time to admire the scenery. The sound of the forest was like a hidden symphony no orchestra could recreate. The sight of the trees and how the sunlight pierced between each trunk was like a natural painting even Bob Ross would be envious of. I had to admit that it was worth skipping the episode to tag along with Fluttershy. “Okay, we’re approachin’ a river,” Sitar String said. “It’s gonna be bumpy, so hang tight.” We held on to the side of the wagon as it vibrated across the river. It didn’t take long for us to reach the other side. However, just when we thought we were in the clear… SNAP! Crash! The wagon suddenly dipped forward and to the side, nearly throwing all of us off. None of Sitar’s vases broke, thankfully. “Oh, no,” said Sitar. He quickly unbuckled the straps. “You dudes alright up there?” “We’re fine, man,” Tie Dye said. “What happened?” “Aw, bummer! The wheel came off.” “Here, let me help you,” said Fluttershy. “Same with me,” I said. Fluttershy and I hopped off the carriage. Sitar instructed us to lift the cart up while he tried to put the wheel back on. Fluttershy and I got under and hoisted the three-wheeled cart with all our might. Quickly, Sitar rolled the wooden wheel back and secured it onto the axle. “Far out, man,” said Sitar. “You folks are outtasight. Thanks for helpin’ out.” “You’re welcome,” said Fluttershy as we lowered the wagon. “Shouldn’t be, like, too far now,” said Treehugger. “Hop back in.” Fluttershy and I did just that. Once we got on, the wagon took off again. “Love the kindness and helpful vibe you two are pulling off,” said Soul. Fluttershy blushed. “Well, we were just glad to help. You remind me of a family I once knew back when I was a filly.” “Really?” I asked. “I didn’t know that. When did this happen exactly?” “It was when I had my cutie mark. I met a nice traveling family down on the ground. Since I was too weak to fly back to my home in Cloudsdale, I stayed with them for a few days. They were kind, laid-back, and loved animals just as much as me.” “How did you get back to Cloudsdale?” I asked. “I remembered one of the CMC telling me that you fell during Rainbow Dash’s race and a group of butterflies saved you, but I don’t remember them saying how you got back.” “Well, my parents told me that the flight instructor told them about the incident, and she sent some staff ponies down looking for me. My parents went with them as well. My father found me with the traveling family. After he thanked them for taking care of me, we both flew back to Cloudsdale.” “And since you loved animals so much, you decided to move to Ponyville many years later, right?” Fluttershy nodded. “It was then I met some of my animal friends.” She sighed. “I wish I could meet that traveling family again.” “Radical,” said Treehugger. As we continued on the path, I noticed the forest becoming less dense. I assumed that meant we were leaving the woods. “Hey, Treehugger,” Sitar String called out. “I think I can see the other members.” Treehugger and the rest of us peeked from the wagon. I could see a half dozen ponies sitting just outside the forest grounds. Unlike the relaxed group we were riding with, the other members were dressed like upper middle class ponies. Sitar stopped in front of them, and Fluttershy, Treehugger and I hopped off. “What’s up, Ms. Care Giver?” Treehugger greeted. “We fetched Fluttershy for you all, and, like, her plus-half as well.” Ms. Giver looked at me. “A dragon? I don’t recall dragons being rare creatures.” “I’m just tagging along with Fluttershy, ma’am,” I said. “She invited me. My name is Spike.” “Well, Miss Fluttershy and Mr. Spike, as honorary members of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures, we welcome you to this Breezie sighting. I hope there wasn’t too much trouble getting here.” “Oh, none at all. I got to talk with one of the members and her friends.” The rest of Treehugger's friends got off the wagon and stood next to Fluttershy and me. Ms. Giver cleared her throat. “Now all of you listen closely now. While we’re all going to be a safe distance away from the Breezies, we need to be as quiet as possible. The Breezies rely on the wind to control their magic and help them carry certain items such as pollen, so any disturbance could throw them off significantly. Whisper if you need to talk, and warn us if you have to sneeze. Oh, and please refrain from eating crunchy snacks. I’m speaking from experience.” Ms. Giver checked her watch. “It’s almost time. Follow us.” We followed the group up to the top of a hill. On the other side was a forest next to a ravine. Ms. Giver signaled us to lie down on our stomachs, and the other staff ponies handed each of us some binoculars. “This is so exciting,” Fluttershy whispered. “We’re going to see the Breezies for the first time!” “I know,” I whispered back. “I can’t wait to see them!” We waited silently but surely for the Breezies to appear. My eyes remained fixated on the eyepieces like I was a victim of a glue prank. The air was silent. It was hard to tell if the others were still lying next to me. I hope I don’t forget how to move after this. Ms. Giver gasped. “TH...there they are. Look to your left. Your other left, Miss Flower.” I slightly turned my head to the left. I saw tiny white dots fluttering by. I readjusted my focus and zoomed in to see what Fluttershy and I have been waiting for. Each Breezie was like a ponified dragonfly, flying gracefully in the gentle wind. I could hear Fluttershy squeaking in excitement. “They’re. So. Adorable!” I continued observing the Breezies. I checked to see if there were any that were familiar to me, such as Seabreeze. That’s when the realization struck me. When Fluttershy’s key episode (“It Ain't Easy Being Breezies”) comes up, I would have to repeat what the old Spike did. I had to climb up a tree, hop on a branch, and let a leaf disturb the path of some of the Breezies’ migration. The problem was that I needed to make sure it wasn’t intentional. Given what I’ve done in the past, Twilight might get suspicious if I try to force it too much. Discord said that I couldn’t change fate, but I doubted the leaf would fall regardless. Once the last Breezie left my sight, I heard Ms. Giver clearing her throat again. “Okay that’s all of them,” she said in a normal volume. “You are all free to stand up now.” We all stood up and stretched. There were so many groans and cracks; it sounded like I was at a chiropractor’s office. “So how did you like seeing the Breezies, Miss Fluttershy?” Ms. Giver asked. Fluttershy inhaled deeply and said rapidly, “It was so exciting, I never saw any creature so cute, they were so adorable, I couldn't contain myself, I wanted to reach out and let one of them land on my hoof, I hope to see them again...” Who are you and what have you done with Fluttershy who talks slow? After Fluttershy controlled her breathing, Ms. Giver asked the rest of us if we enjoyed the sights as well. We all agreed. It was then I noticed Tie Dye was still lying on the grass looking through the binoculars. “Uh, Tie Dye? The Breezies are gone now,” I said. “Tie Dye?” Treehugger walked up to him. “Hey, man. The viewing’s over. The little breezy dudes aren’t, like, there anymore.” I was initially confused, but I realized what might’ve happened. I removed the binoculars from his hoofs, and his closed eyes confirmed my suspicions. “He fell asleep,” I said. Treehugger gently shook his back. “Yo, Tie Dye. Wake up.” Tie Dye woke up and stretched like a giant cat. “Aw man, I must’ve spaced out. The Breezies are gone already?” Treehugger and I nodded. “Sorry, man.” “S’alright. That’ll teach me to not, like, stay up making threads.” “Oh, you make threads?” asked Fluttershy. “I have a friend back in Ponyville who would love to use them. She can make all sorts of clothing with just one spool of thread.” “He meant ‘threads’ as in clothing,” whispered Treehugger. “He makes colorful shirts.” “Oh.” Fluttershy blushed. After we had a brief chat with the members, Treehugger and her friends escorted us back to the train station. “Say, do either of you, like, know about this upcoming Gala?” Treehugger asked. “One of the other members is from the big city of Canterlot, and before we left for you two dudes she said that the Grand Galloping Gala was, like, right around the corner.” “We’ve heard of it,” replied Fluttershy, “but we haven’t gotten our tickets yet. We went there last year. I didn’t think it would come up again so soon.” Neither did I. “Oh, you hung out at the Gala before?” Treehugger asked. “Righteous. What was it like?” “Well, there were a lot of high class ponies. There’s music, dance, food. Spike and I got a chance to interact with some of the animals there. Why do you ask? Are you planning to visit?” “Right on. It would be radical to feel the Canterlot vibe.” “Do the rest of you want to see the Gala as well?” The rest of Treehugger’s friends shook their heads. “Nah, man,” said Tie. “Unlike Treehugger, we’re not interested.” “So you’ll be attending by yourself, Treehugger?” I asked. Treehugger shrugged. “I can flow by my lonesome.” I scratched my chin. I noticed Fluttershy biting her lip worryingly. That’s when she widened her eyes. “I know,” she said. “How about you come with me to the Gala? We can go together as friends.” “What about your drake friend?” Treehugger asked. “Thought you two had, like, a thing goin’ on.” “That’s fine by me,” I said. “If you two want to go to the gala together, then by all means, go ahead. It’ll be better than going by yourself. I’m not the possessive type. Like what Fluttershy said, we both went together last year. Just because Fluttershy and I are in a relationship doesn’t mean we can’t hang out with others. I’ll just go with one of my other friends to the Gala. No big deal.” I knew that Fluttershy would ask Treehugger to the Gala. I didn’t need to change anything, though I wondered what Discord would do. Knowing him, he would probably do the same thing as in “Make New Friends But Keep Discord.”   In no time, we arrived back at the station. Suddenly, right after Fluttershy and I hopped off the wagon, my stomach squeezed hard. “Woah, man. You alright?” Treehugger asked. “You didn’t tell me you were wagon-sick.” With a loud belch, I burped out a scroll. Treehugger and her friends shifted backwards. Sitar rubbed his eyes. “Am I hallucinating, or did that drake just puked paper?” I coughed. “Excuse me. Sorry about that. I forgot to mention one of my friends has a close relation to Princess Celestia, so I was enchanted with this spell to help me send her letters back and forth.” I rubbed my throat. “Though this one felt different for some reason.” Fluttershy picked it up and read it.  “Dear Fluttershy, Look, I don’t want to bore you with the details. Long story short, Discord’s here, and he got sick from a Tazlewurm. Hurry back as soon as you can. Signed,  Twilight” “Oh, no!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “We need to take the next train back!” Fluttershy turned to Treehugger and her friends. “Thank you for the ride.” “Don’t mention it, dudes,” said Tie. “Oh, hey. Let me give you something.” He reached into his sack and pulled out two tie-dyed shirts with different sizes. “Made these myself, but one, like, shrunk in the wash. All yours.” Tie tossed them to us, and I caught them. We thanked the group once again as they left. After a few minutes of waiting, we hopped on the first train that came to the station. “This goes to Ponyville, right?” Fluttershy asked the conductor. “Of course,” the conductor replied. “Great! We’re in a hurry!” We took our seats and the train took off. “Oh, I hope Discord’s alright!” Fluttershy said as she tapped her hoof impatiently. “I hope so, too.” I took off my hat and bag and tried the small shirt on. “Oh, hey. It fits. Maybe the next time you girls have a laundry accident, you can donate the small clothes to me.” Fluttershy giggled a little, but it wasn’t enough to distract her from the situation. I thought about what I could’ve done had I turned down Fluttershy’s offer. Maybe I could've gone with my initial plan for researching “Blue flu,” or have Twilight and Cadance give Discord a taste of his own medicine by trying some fake procedures. I sighed and leaned back. Well, it’s in the past now. It’s best not to worry about it anymore. Once the train stopped in front of Ponyville, Fluttershy and I hopped out to see Twilight and Applejack standing nearby. “Fluttershy! Spike!” Twilight called out. “Oh, thank goodness you’re here!” “We got your letter,” said Fluttershy. “Where’s Discord?” “We put him in one of them plastic bubbles so he wouldn’t spread his sickness,” Applejack replied. “We brung him to your cottage and shooed some of the animals away.” “That’s good. It should reduce the risk of spreading. I’ll head there right now.” “I’ll come with you,” said Twilight. “Spike, go get the Friendship Journal.” I saluted without question. I hopped on Applejack’s back and we headed for the library. “So how did your trip to the Breezies go?” asked Applejack. “Oh, it was great,” I replied. “I met new friends, explored a forest, and experienced seeing the cutest creature ever. Oh, and I got to view the Breezies.” “Sounds like ya had a good time. I’m guessin’ this cutest creature was the same one who invited you to the trip. By the way, where did ya get that shirt? It looks more colorful than a jar of zap apple jam dipped in liquid rainbow.” “Oh, we met some hippie ponies on our trip and they gave Fluttershy and me matching shirts. One of them was actually a member of Equestria’s rare creature society.” “Just be careful showin’ that to Rarity.” Once we got to the library, I went inside, took off my shirt, grabbed the journal, and hopped back on Applejack. She then galloped to Fluttershy’s cottage. By the time we got there, the rest of the girls, including Princess Cadance, were inside. Discord was in the plastic bubble Applejack mentioned. Thanks to his illness, he looked as yellow as a kitchen sponge. I didn’t have to guess how that happened. Discord faked having the Blue flu in order to test if Twilight was really his friend. During that test, however, a Tazlewurm sneezed on Discord and gave him a real flu. After I wrote down Twilight's entry, Applejack said, “I don't wanna go sayin' ya got what you deserved...” Rarity said, “Well, I have no trouble saying it. You got what you deserved!” “Now, now,” said Fluttershy. “He's learned his lesson. Isn't that right, my little patient?” “I'm so glad that you're back from your trip, Fluttershy,” Discord said through the thick plastic. “Just your presence here is making me feel so much better. I was just wondering, could I trouble you for just one more thing?” “NO!” Twilight shouted. “What? I was simply going to ask for a teeny, tiny glass of water.” “You had to be there,” Cadance whispered to me. I sighed. Even though I missed the episode, I really enjoyed my trip with Fluttershy. It was then I decided to write something in the journal. I grabbed the quill and wrote my own entry. “’Fluttershy and I took a trip to see the Breezies, and we’ve met many peculiar friends along the way. While we are both in a relationship, that should not prohibit us from making new friends wherever we go.’ I hope others can learn from this lesson, too.” Like a certain draconequus for example...