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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )

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Official Chapter 127 Submission Announcement! · 12:17pm Sep 26th, 2019

I have just hired someone to stitch the video for Chapter 130, so I think that means I should make the public announcement for CHAPTER 127 of Songs of the Spheres - Different Views of Reality. Some people have already submitted snips, but this serves both as the first official announcement and as a reminder to them that they should get writing!

This will work a lot like Sombra’s Clipshow: You’ll all write stories and send them to me, and those that are accepted will be edited (perhaps run through an editing shredder) and placed on the final version of 127 - Different Views of Reality. Anyone can write one.

However, the theme is a little different. Chapter 127 is supposed to be about the aspects of the War for Existence not covered in the rest of Arc 10: Doom. There has been a lot of stuff in Songs of the Spheres and not all of it got a chance to be shown in the main story. Furthermore, there are other universes and societies Songs of the Spheres never touched on! This chapter will be their chance to shine.

Want to write about a character you believe was shafted during the war? Go ahead! The same goes for a world you think was forgotten about, or an event you think needed to take place earlier in the war because it would be ‘just perfect’. Even write about reacting to Corona’s Message, it doesn’t really matter!

However, writing stories related to Songs of the Spheres directly is not all you’re limited to. You may have a franchise or fanfic (perhaps even your own) that you want to see in the war. You can write about this too! Take that world you were curious about and write about its characters receiving the message, engaging in war, suffering the tragedy of collateral damage, or anything really. The multiverse is huge and there are plenty of big stories out there that had nothing to do with the main plot of SotS - this chapter is your chance to show them. Just remember, if you’re writing something that’s never shown up in Songs of the Spheres before, assume the reader knows nothing. You may know the characters like the back of your hand but whoever reads it isn’t going to have a clue.

Naturally, the overall theme of this collective chapter is different from Sombra’s Clipshow. While you can be funny and comedic and zany, that’s not the main point. I’ll give preference to entries with drama, action, and deep questions. However, remember that even in the darkest times, Songs of the Spheres has had a bit of humor in it, so don’t feel afraid to be funny.

A consequence of this new theme is that snips no longer have to be short. They can be long. In fact, longer is often better. We want time for each snip (or, well, story) to be absorbed. There’s no minimum or maximum length, though if you make one long enough I’ll just say you can post it as a separate sidestory. Each story can also have a title this time, so be creative with that!

So go out end enjoy writing up some war-time multiverse drama!

A few last notes: if you’re writing something relating to one of your own fanfics, you are allowed to insert what you wrote into your original fanfic if you want. That said, do not publish before chapter 127 itself. We’re currently planning on going live November 2019. (We will begin a small hiatus when 127 should go live to give people time to send submissions and to work on rendering 130. Almost all the art is done for 130, but it still has to be stitched together properly.)

Keep within the rating of Songs of the Spheres, which is T. Gore is allowed, but keep the sex to a minimum. And I mean a minimum.

If you know about future events, don’t write about them. No chapter 128 references, nope. Don’t even try it.

DEADLINE: We are going to attempt to release chapter 130 in November. So I can now create a deadline for submissions. Consider *November 16* the last day to submit snips, though this is negotiable.

-GM, master of DEADS.

Comments ( 11 )

I'm not that far yet I can't do anything like that....
I'm at the end of where Sombra gets captured by TSAB I think was the abbreviation...

Oooh, yeah, it'd take some serious reading to get up to speed. I highly recommend it if you want to be part of this, though.

-GM, master of G.

Working on my primary contribution. Shimmy and I apparently have a lot to say to each other. I'm going full exploratory writing on this one. It is weird to create an instance of yourself to use as a character.

Don't I know the feeling...

-GM, master of GM, master of GM, master of AAAAAAAAA

Oh, incidentally, the Fay will want to chime in as well. I'm a bit busy this week but if you can spare time we can see what say can be.

Likewise... My Twilight has been nagging me since the very moment I told her that the version of me typing this (on his phone) and we started using our universe traversing Doors to perv on the SOTS multiverse... so it's going to be nice to voice both her concerns and my reasonings. That without taking into account the versions of the universes on SOTS that I've visited too

Sorry, one of the downsides of having linked my mind to that of most versions of myself, sometimes others use my body to voice their opinions...

when is the due date for submitting?


DEADLINE: We are going to attempt to release chapter 130 in November. So I can now create a deadline for submissions. Consider *November 16* the last day to submit snips, though this is negotiable.

From above.
-GM, master of quoting myself.

So, where or how exactly do we submit our snips?

I'm not picky. PM them to me, use the discord server, use discord PMS, just post a link here (though that'll be public). Do whatever you want, so long as I'll see it!
-GM, master of kipper.

Thanks, I Will start working on a story right away!

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