• Member Since 12th May, 2013
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Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

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  • 5 weeks
    If you were looking at the shirts I sell...

    ... they're about to go away. My shirt printer is retiring, and I have no replacement.

    After May 5 I'm going to take down the online order links on my little business's online store, and after this summer I'll clear out of whatever shirts I have left.

    So if you'd noticed any of these before, now's effectively the last chance.

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  • 10 weeks
    Not back to KSP yet, but I did do some space stuff.

    I haven't touched KSP since my early experience with KSP2 was a combination of glitchy game and impossible-to-read UI. I've been thinking about it here and there, but I've had other things to do.

    But that doesn't mean I'm not doing space stuff, and yesterday I finally edited and posted a video of such.

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  • 12 weeks
    My muse is nagging me.

    I've done very little writing the past five months, partly due to being busy, but mostly due to recurring headaches when it's writing time.

    I have a couple weeks off, and I'm going to try to make time to get back on my projects (the Octavia story and novelizing Peter is the Wolf). But my mind... well... it's trying to jump ahead, or possibly back.

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  • 13 weeks
    Life imitates art...

    So, a privately built and operated space probe became the first US lander to soft-land on the Moon last week- Odysseus.

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  • 16 weeks

    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
    --- probably not Mark Twain

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The promised art, at last... · 9:40pm Apr 25th, 2018

If you read The Maretian, you can recognize everyone, or at least guess.

Artwork by Jason "TexasUberAlles" Meador. EDIT: Go comment and fave on deviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/art/The-Maretian-742144602

Thing is, I didn't make it clear when I commissioned the work that I was working from the novel and explicitly not the movie. Transparent Hab canvas, for example, simply doesn't work. But artists need visuals, so I didn't ask him to redo things for which there are no visuals.

So... should this be the cover art, or should I stick with the NASA public domain pic?

Comments ( 56 )

This needs to be the cover art

Dragonfly is much more huggable then I expected
Fireball is taller then I was thinking and I like the colouring

Definitely the new cover art; it looks amazing

I love this, but I'm so used to the other one already. But it's a win no matter which you put as cover art.

Also Spitfire reminds me of that animation "spitfire's day off".

My first impression is that he needs to look scruffier, but with the rush that the girls did to get 'presentable' for the photo, I can see them dragging Watney behind a divider and forcefully de-scruffifying him with extreme prejudice before the picture was shot.

"You are not getting your picture taken in that shirt! Here! And change your pants into something that doesn't have dirt all over the knees. Then, we have a date with the scissors.... "

Fireball is totally Steve Zodiac from "Fireball XL5" isn't he?

I particularly like the coloration on Fireball; it's better than I had pictured in my head. I also feel like the slight difference in style between Watney and the others is appropriate... conveying their different universal origins. Buuut I may just be imagining that.

I think this as cover art conveys the story synopsis quite well. Not that the old one didn't, but this definitely hits the feels harder.

4847349 Fireball's suit matches his natural colors. He's not wearing it in this pic.

4847350 Where did you think the name came from?

4847352 Jason told me his biggest worry was getting a Matt Damon-esque figure right. Ponies are easy; people are difficult (as Rich Purnell would agree).

Fireball is a lot skinnier than I imagined. A great image, should be the new cover.

I love that animation! (This is going to be stuck in my head the rest of the day now)

dragonfly is a lot more... toothy than imagined.


Jeez, Dragonfly looks a bit creepy... but this should totally be the cover art, dude. Freaking legit

You ask a changeling to smile for the camera, that's what you get.

This needs to be the cover.

This is amazing! Make this the new cover art! Also, I'm really glad to see Fireball, as I had been imagining him completely different. In my head, he was shorter, because I don't recall you describing his height, just that he was taller than the ponies.

This art is a great way to advertise/sell the story.

Off topic, but is that news person going to get to interview Cherry? 🍒

Yeah I imagined Fireball completely different.

Let's just copy paste that for everyone's future comments.

Well i can understand why Mark perceived Dragonfly as creepy first.
Turning it into the cover art also sounds like a good idea.

4847461 That's been postponed while the castaways deal with their crisis.

This should not be the cover art. This should be in the story summary.

So, all aboard the "Hugs for Bugs" train! Who's with me?

Also, Fireball looks way cooler than I'd imagined.

Absolutely use this for cover art

Isn't that the same thing?

Also, on another thought, I think Spitfire wore this jacket in an episode once, right?
Edit: Yes, she did.

I love Fireball's coloration! It looks like he's wearing a superhero costume. :rainbowlaugh:

the cover art and story summary are two different segments of the fic's title page.

Dragonfly is a saber-toothed changeling! :rainbowlaugh:

Now I have only one question. How much money would we have to throw at this guy to get the pictures that were shown on the news?

4847563 Others have suggested pooling money to have the art done. I'd love to see it happen, but I haven't got the time or the spoons to arrange it. The artist goes by TexasUberAlles on deviantArt and is often available for commissions. Other artists can also be commissioned, too; message them and ask, or check their artist page for terms.

Perhaps one of us, maybe me, could organize a funds-gathering to commission more art for this story. What site would be good to use?

We should collectively decide on an artist, and then individually give them portions of the money, perhaps.

Personally, I have to admit the NASA public domain image is the better cover in my view.

It causes little to no automatic bias in the visual, yet calls to the setting in full at the same time. The art is great, but more due to knowing the story than the piece telling of all the meaning and the personalities at once.

Well at least i have an idea oh what fireball looks like xD i thought he looked way different xD

Dude, that is AWESOME! I never realized how big Fireball is. Mad props to the artist, and to you for the concept.

Dragonfly is without doubt the cutest little alien abomination!

I basically imagined him as a cross between Garble and Fizzle.

Re: cover art,
I'm personally way too accustomed to the current cover to want it changed. That and to me the story is about the grim and daunting task of surviving on Mars, and I'm not sure this picture represent that very well.

Hm. Since the balance of preferences doesn't seem as one-sided as I recall my impression of it earlier being, I think I will voice that I kind of prefer the current cover art. What Marker said in 4847621. I don't think this would be bad as cover art, and as someone else said, maybe link it in the description and/or put it in a relevant chapter (it would be a shame for it to go unused and just eventually buried in a blog post). Just not sure it's better for the story cover than the current image.

Yeeees! I was JUST thinking literally today that id like a picture of Fireball so I can be sure what he looks like. I keep imagining him as red even though I knew he was white. XD Dang thr ponies are bigger in relation to mark than I expected! Looks neat though!

I've tried combining the two, but it really doesn't work.

wlpcomics.com/CSP_Pics/The Maretian2.jpg

I was under the impression NASA had included a set of battery powered clippers or something similar for personal care...?

I love how horrifying Dragonfly's smile is. I would like to place an order for four, next day air please.

For the cover image, perhaps the NASA public domain image, with Amicatas entering Mars' atmosphere instead of the generic capsule? I'd try to make it in photoshop free of charge if that sounds good.

So, Fireball is white and gold? I expected him to be dark-colored.

Im currently trying to commission a picture for when they leave in the MAV so far been running into issues with the artist i want to have the picture drawn by.

That hasn't happened yet in the story, so you have no prose to reference.

That picture is AWESOME!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I can't decide to be honest, the new picture shows all the characters in it while the old was has this real like awe to it. So in the end I love them both, and am split 50/50 over them. Xp

I like it.

As much as I like the image I don't like it for the story cover.


Also, i almost never notice certain details, like say that FIREBALL is white-yellow-red. Also differently shaped than I expected.

Fundamentally awesome...

She probably figures maybe she should have dressed for the picture like the other two ponies, instead of being buck naked for all the strangers on Earth to see. :trollestia: She doesn't know what weird person could end up viewing the photo.:pinkiecrazy:

True, but the point is, it's my choice to spend my money how I like towards fan art. The writer already knows I'm look to have fan art done. Unless he says another wise im not changing my mind. Though considering the artist is busy it might not turn out anyways.

I'm just saying that whatever you dictate to be drawn could end up being significantly different from what Kris writes.

I understand that just felt I was being criticized over something that would be a gift even if it's not 100% accurate. If its not could just be tossed to the what if side of things.

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