• Member Since 16th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2018



Comments ( 11 )
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Guy? Y'there?
Just wonderin' cuz, y'know, me myself and a lot of other people are worried about a certain little "human-meets-gryphon" story you got goin' here.
We're wondering if it's dead. Which would suck. Cuz it's awsome.

curiosity has me. why did you cancel the Titanfall: Equestria's Guardians?:twilightoops:

I would like to ask when you are adding on to your titan fall fic. It's good. Very good. I would like to see it's next chapter soon. Please hurry.

Thank you for the fav!

Im kinda sad that when i got grounded from everything fallout hopes and dreams was canceled :fluttercry:

Thanks for the favorite on Rules of Engagement, much appreciated. I'd love to hear any feedback you have, and how you discovered my story in the first place:twilightsmile:

Good luck with your stories.:pinkiehappy:

809736 Considering I have no idea what that acronym means, I'd have to say no.

Are you on FOB Equestria by any chance?

And thanks for faving Victor Squad: New Frontier as well :twilightsmile:!

Hey there, thanks for faving Lyra: Lost and Found :twilightsmile:!

Hmm, a nice clean wall. *messmessmess*

Thank ya kindly for tracking The Incredibly Valuable Contract of a Sellsword Changeling! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

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