• Member Since 13th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 10th, 2019


I could be writing, but that would mean moving my fingers... More reading then!

Things I Managed to Write

Please don't comment to thank me for a fave

I'm glad you appreciate it, but it gets annoying. You wrote a story I felt was worth favouring. You don't owe me anything else.

Comments ( 32 )
  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32

You would also like Albert Camus, whose biggest idea was essentially absurdity. Also Beckett if you ain't seen Endgame or Waiting for Godot

Thx for the fav! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for enjoying "Why Me?" and adding it to your favorites!

Thanks for the faves on The Celestia Code and The Luna Cypher! :twilightsmile:

Thanks a lot for the fav! I appreciate it. :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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