Providing an identity · 1:55am Feb 17th, 2018
I've meant to build an identity for a while, and have finally gotten around to setting up PGP on my systems. Now for spreading my "name" around. If anyone wants a second factor of identification for establishing trust, let me know; I'm thinking an email from the address on the key could do well for verifying that, but if you'd rather something more real-time and harder to forge, we can work that out as well.
Thank you for your kind comments about my chapter in the Clocktower Society fic. It means a lot to me!
Thank you so very much for the fave on Wolf in Pony's Clothing. I hope you enjoy my other stories too.
Hiya, thanks for the fave
I notice three Estee stories on the same page of that list, have you read Anchor Foal, by any chance?
Thanks so much for the fave!
Thanks for

stalkingfollowing meHappy you're still finding me somebunny worth keeping an eye on