Status Update: Colors of the Heart and General State of Writing. · 12:58pm Feb 13th, 2016
Hey everyone! Just wanted to give everyone an update on to what I've been up to late, as it's been a while.
I bring good news, and lots of it for my Colors of the Heart readers. As I had mentioned before, With my recent influx of inspiration, I decided to approach Colors of the Heart's ending in a different way. Though with this decision, it ended up with me throwing away over 20,000 words of material I could no longer use. Which sucked pretty bad.
You’re Cool.
Hey azu how are you doing? hey do you know anything about Max? he hasn't come in two months and I speak for a lot of the guys here that follow you both that we're getting worried, if you know anything please let us know
Hey Azu, it's been awhile. How have you been?
This. Maybe it's just because it's been a while but Colors is easily one of my favorites.
2368561 If your not going to finish it could you atleast make it visible again so people can read what there is of it.