• Member Since 24th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 30th, 2013

The Equestrian Tour


Younger Women · 2:14pm Apr 27th, 2013

So I'm in this musical that involves: high schoolers, middle schoolers, and elementary kids. I've had a beard for the longest time, that I had to shave, and it appears that everyone has taken a shine to that, the sheared sheep. Now I don't have a girlfriend, but I am very interested in this one girl... But it's hard to get to know her more, mostly because I am completely awkward around women, but also because of the elementary kids who constantly bother me, and touch me. It's really

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Tech Week · 3:16am Apr 23rd, 2013

A blog is when you talk about stuff that's going on in your everyday life right? I have no idea... But if it is, I may not be able to write much of my stories this week, due to the fact that I am in a musical this weekend and practice runs from 5 to 9. But hopefully next week, I'll be able to give you guys what you want... Oh, and if you have any ideas, or just want to send a friendly word, just shoot me an email.

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