• Member Since 19th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen May 1st, 2013



The solution stupifier thingy · 6:32am Feb 23rd, 2013

I realized something about myself today. I really get attached to solutions to problems I come up with and when it turns out they don’t work I get really discouraged and forget that the entire reason for the solutions existence is to solve the problem and as a result stop attempting to solve the problem.
This brings me to have a question on what to do about this nonsense reaction that remains unanswered by the time i finished this blog post.

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The Foot in the Door · 10:02pm Feb 20th, 2013

One thing I would like to point out is that I am not writing this for whoever happens to be reading my blog. I am writing this for my future self to have a reference of progress. Some of the methods I use to attain super powers will only work for me or people “similar” to me if that even exists. (It doesn't) For those that just thinks it's impossible (I feel sorry for you) my reasoning is as follows.

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The Quest and the Journey. · 3:58pm Feb 19th, 2013

This is my first blog post. It’s purpose: to state what I want to do with this blog and why.

The goal is simple: to attain super powers!

The why? well i suppose it might have something to do with the basic human need to feel important.
which looking back a few seconds must mean that this blog's purpose is pretty much to fill my own ego. To be honest, there ain't no one more worthy of an ego than me anyway so the me that wrote the previous sentence can go shove it.

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