• Member Since 5th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2023


It's been a very long time.

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  • EWhen Darkness falls
    An old evil stirs in the planes of astra. Something wicked and cruel. The unicorn mare Britannia is the only one who can stop it but alas she has been captured and tortured. Will she escape in time to save equestria?
    Akantia · 1k words · 337 views
Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7

I'm really excited see more of it. I haven't seen very many fics that center around Sombra so I look forward to more owo

Thank you so much for adding "Lingering Shadows" to your favorites! I just hope future chapters don't disappoint! :twilightsmile:

746717 You're very welcome, I'm really enjoying it :twilightsmile:

Thank you for favoring Millennium Wake, part II

221229 Oh your very welcome, I loved your story and recommended it to some of my friends ^-^

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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