I'm nothing special, but I am trying.
Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"
Try again. Fail again. Fail better. (Ko-Fi / Tip Jar)
Im just an ordinary guy, who enjoys reading fun stories. Sic Nos Sic Sacra Tuemur
"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"
I don't write much but I guess I should, it doesn't matter anyway does it?
Not being the best? That's a decimating. Not wearing Chevrons? That's a decimating. Fighting for the Emperor? That's a decimating. Liking Imperial Fists? Oh...you better believe that's a decimating.
Beginning author for a line of fanfictions, an ametuer music producer, and a very sloppy artist. Is hoping to strive in all three areas.
I run a youtube channel and like to read MLP fanfics. I'm hoping on writing some and posting them to my youtube channel or interviewing some of the writers on the site for new videos
Once upon a time, in a forsaken land covered in ruin, there lived a curious digital archaeologist... who kept his eyes peeled for treasures of various kinds.
An author that is no longer writing. I loved and learned a lot from being here. Thank you for appreciating my words!