• Member Since 13th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2021


An online test told me I had met myself once but that we're not very close.

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Found 4 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 35,014
Estimated Reading: 2 hours

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She was just trying to do her job: sell some tomatoes and get enough bits to meet her deadlines. But after being cheated into selling her tomatoes at a lower price by a certain pink pony, Roma's afternoon does nothing but go downhill.

How can a mare cope when her life is falling apart around her ears?

Winner of the June contest in The School for New Writers

Chapters (1)

Featured on EQD and FimFiction on June 30th, 2013

For generations the port town of Oatsmill has sat quietly wedged between the Sunset Ocean and the Black Silt River. Recently, though, a plague of villainy has descended on the citizens. Two ponies, forced together by a mysterious benefactor, must try to set things right.

The CMC control the action as Apple Bloom leads her friends on their very first quest in Quetzals and Caves. Will Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo be able to work together to overcome the challenges Apple Bloom has set before them?

Get your dice, it's game time.

Chapters (3)

The apple trees are beginning to bloom and the air is ripe with adventure! Or dirt, depending on your particular perspective.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, at the end of a weekend long crusading binge, manage to uncover something that leads them on a romp through the farm. For their marks! For adventure! For -- not ending up covered in tree sap!

Follow along as they piece together a little mystery.

Chapters (1)

The tradition of sky mining stretches back to the pre-unification days of history. In ages past the ultra-light metal was used to clad mighty pegasai warriors. These days it's used more for weather machines, blenders, and other such modern applications. Still, even with safety innovations, the harsh conditions of the mesosphere are dangers best left to professionals.

For generations the mesosphere has attracted every shade of pony: the ones just looking for a rush, the ones looking to make their fortune, and those seeking to burn out up where the stars tear themselves apart.

One group, stationed in a dusty office in Ponyville, harvests the local skies while trying to balance their lives and team cohesion.

Chapters (4)