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Where I got my ideas
Hello, I've been writing a few stories and I decided it would be a good idea to tell you all where I got my ideas from. I got the idea of Poison Kiss from a song called Blow Me One Last Kiss: by Pink. It just happened to be on the radio and I imagined Rarity singing it to somepony. My Little Pony: Ignorance is Bliss was an idea I got while I was in my forensics class. We were learning about the mystery of Princess Anastasia's disappearance. My Little Pony: Justice is Served was thought of after listening to a song from Little Shop of Horrors. ( I don't know why) How Vegeta Became a Brony came from watching Dragon Ball Z. Twilight Sparkle and the Marey Sue was inspired by a really bad fan fic I read about a perfect alicorn. That's all for now!
2013840 Yes I am :)
Are you known as sprinklejinx on YouTube?
1538919 Thanks
1533319 No problem. I liked the idea of having Jhonny Appleseed at Sweet Apple Acres. And I like how the beginning is like Tarzan when Applejack discovers the baby. Keep up the good work! :)
Thanks for the favorite :)
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