Used to write a lot more on FimFic some time ago, left for a bit, but want to get into the groove again.
"The world is mad, so we must laugh at it, lest fall we fall further into the madness ourselves." Sadly we're all mad here.
Long time reader and lover of all kinds of literature. Hey I'm hoping to read fun stories. I'm also always open for a message.
I don’t ordinarily write fanfiction, but when I do, it’s My Little Pony fanfiction. Mostly just here to read it, though.
I read that's about all. I also give ideas and... MOLE RAT!!... Sorry kim possible flash back.
I love anime and fanfics and I will try to make fanfics.
I'm just your basic comic book, anime, cartoon, and book fanatic with a lot of unique and creative ideas. I'm always free to chat and would love to make friends and exchange ideas. PS: I'm Muslim
I do not believe that these creatures and lands are all trouble, but this one creature or land has upset our ponies badly and made the princesses very upset
Professional procrastinator and enjoyer of pointy sticks that go BOOM.
I'm just an humble (wanna-be) MLP fanfic author and fanartist. I also love drawing fancomics and worshipping Applejack (as well as Rainbow Dash and Daring Do. In that order).
I may not make the best, but I try the best. I may not be a completionist, but if I like the story I'll read it through to the end. I'll help edit if needed. feel free to pm me if you do need help.
I am not in the writing business for ponies, unfortunately, because I have no motivation. My two stories were cancelled, and I have failed to fulfill a duty for a story given to me.
When you feel you lost the right path start from the beginning and try a different course.
Not a brony yet here I am anyway. I'm just a Doctor Who fan trying to make something worth reading.
A fan of My Little Pony since G1, South African resident. I may post more stories in the future
New Lunar Republican stuck in the heart of the Solar Empire.
A 28 year old Brony with Asperger's syndrome who enjoys ponies, kaiju, video games, history, animals and a few other things.
Just a writer that's head over heels in love. I specialize in violence... currently working on passion.
Been here since: est. 11/16/14 ____ Making Pony Games/Stuff:
I am the highway of infinished ideas. I came, I saw, I wrote myself into writer's block...Damn it.
In my 30s, I'm a big reader of fanfics and sometimes I even write.
Just a writer who loves cartoons. Thorax and Pharynx enthusiast. Also, I love Embrax.