• Member Since 28th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2019


Used to write a lot more on FimFic some time ago, left for a bit, but want to get into the groove again.


Why I remove stories. · 12:15am Apr 12th, 2015

Hey guys, just to give a heads up on why I tend to remove some stories that are new sometimes,

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Report Edensola · 679 views ·

A Home for a Mary Sue (Revamp) · 4:22am Nov 3rd, 2014

So just saying, I'll be restarting from chapter 3. I've never done this for a story before but I believe this one could use a lot of work with the plot to make it less...well, random. Although that's what it's meant to be, I think I could do a lot better with it than I have seeing as almost everything in it consists of just random daily things I wrote down due to boredom. So yea, I'll be leaving only the first three chapters up and getting back to it, except it'll be more organized and actually

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