"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." ~ Marcus Aurelius
TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous
Cynically Pretentious Hedonistic Nihilist...and those are my nicer qualities!
I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )
Well, there's not much to say about me. I'm an Otaku-Brony hybrid, a smudge crazy, and I like gushers fruit snacks. Anyway, I mostly write human fics and I hope to make friends as I venture on.
I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.
"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.
Wanted for writing and crimes against humanity. Mostly writing...
The most profound self-loathing on FIMFiction found only here. Profile picture done by Soulless_76 on furaffinity.
an amazing balance between feelings and emotions and incredibly hot M-scenes
I come from the land of the green and unknown, from tenth page drop, where the horse words flow.
I write about cute horses doing cute things. Also known as Ephemeral on /mlp/
Maltrazz the Plotsmith. Writer, reader, gamer, and connoisseur of Villains. "A Hero, pony or otherwise, is nothing without an excellent Villain."
Write stories. Acquire followers and moderate horsefame.
I like to write short comedy things in my spare time. One day I'll write a proper story, I swear. Also lol I'm a bitch yolo
A lot has happened, and I mean A LOT. But... I'm slowly coming back. May need help with that.
If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have." ~ Margaret Mead
"From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it." Groucho Marx
Smile why you can, no one truly makes it out alive.
I sails the Seven Salty Seas on a ship made out o' rubbers! I writes porn and porn alone, but only when 'tis funny! Avast and ahoy, mateys, watch yer backsides, we've stormy waters ahead! ARRRRR!
Q(^_^Q). The friendliest misanthrope you'll ever meet.
Give me an eternity, I'll give you an update!
Mares are cute. They are also fluffy. I want to pet the pretty mares and give them snuggles.
I love anime. Hahaha. No real point in sharing anything else.
Dunno what to say. I almost exclusively read and write AiE romance.
I write commissions and sometimes write stuff I come up with too. Nuff said.