You know you have Swag when... · 3:52am Oct 19th, 2014
Everything bad that happens on the site is instantly blamed by you and all evidence is ignored. I feel so euphoric knowing that I have gained enough hate to be blamed on more shit than Obama.
Everything bad that happens on the site is instantly blamed by you and all evidence is ignored. I feel so euphoric knowing that I have gained enough hate to be blamed on more shit than Obama.
IGN has three letters in its name?
the first letter in it is "I"
"I" is pronounced "Eye"
IGN = 3 + EYE
Illuminati has 3 sides and an eye
Zoe Quinn fucked people at IGN for good reviews
Zoe Quinn's game is called "Depression Quest"
Again look, THREE "S"s and ONE "eye"
You know what word starts with the letter "S"?
SIDE Put them together now
THREE Sides and ONE eye!
Also I would like to point out that the name "Zoe" has THREE letters in it.
And still a raging faggot lel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Did I miss anything in my year long hiatus?
Well. I got some free time and figured I would Let you all know why I'm leaving.
1) Starting a Collab account with my friends to make highly graphic gore/dark fics.
2) Guitar Lessons.
3) School
4) "Personal" reasons
5) Hate 90% of the shit I got myself into on this account.
Well, there is some of the reasoning. I got to go now.
Hey guys. I'm taking a break from trolling/faggotry and the likes for a little while. And by a while I mean a VERY long while. I'll be around eventually, just not for awhile. To the friends I have made on this site, you are all awesome. Thanks for putting up with my faggotry and retardery for as long as you have. To the haters, I love you guys just as much. Your hate messages, PMs, and comments brightened up my day more than a few times.
JOIN US ALL TRUE FAGGOTS We are the faggots guild. Are you a faggot? Are you a Troll? The join us as we are a group dedicated to all forms of faggotry! Weather it be being a retarded, autistic faggot to piss all the non-faggots off, or because your life is dull, meaning less, and boring and you have nothing better to do. Join us today!
Well? What would you do?
2x points if you also have what you would do for it's thicker, more chocolaty shell.
Who fapped to Sweet Apple Massacre, Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, Salo, and the Serbian film?
inb4 I have to label this as NSFW due to comments.
I have developed a mathematical formula that has bestowed upon me the meaning of life and proof that Twilight Sparkle is the best pony, for the ease of your simple, simple minds I shall post it in green text format, because you are all faggots.
> Meaning of life is 42.
> The big star in Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark has approx. 12 points (It also resembles the star out of many folklore, legends, religions, etc. Specifically the bible.)