Might as well join the endorsment bandwagon · 6:04am Jun 20th, 2012
Hey you! You enjoy dark and post-apocalyptic Equestria? Ever heard of a story called The End of Ponies? No? Well kiddo, you are missing out and should feel ashamed.
With enough momentum, pigs fly just fine.
Hey you! You enjoy dark and post-apocalyptic Equestria? Ever heard of a story called The End of Ponies? No? Well kiddo, you are missing out and should feel ashamed.
Family's on vacation in Vegas. I'm home. Alone. Doing homework because my grades need improvement, and when you're a junior, school is not something you want to be missing.
And my homework's practically done right now. So I bring good news. Writer's Block is over! Rejoice! As it sits, I've got 5,683 of an estimated 7000 words written. However, that estimate is likely a drastic understatement. I wouldn't be surprised if this chapter is over 10k words long when finished.
Well hello there, friends and acquaintances (mostly acquaintances). I'm kind of dealing with PTSD here after getting Finding Your Elements featured on Equestria Daily. I must say I was fully not expecting that, nor was I expecting to open up my email and see I got 100+ new messages saying someone favorited my story. Not that I'm complaining, but holy sheet. I have some serious expectations to live up to now, I guess.