A small family heads to the big market in the town of Cloud Reach to sell their produce and goods.
Day 30 of One Shot-tober's proper story.
I write fetish clopfics and other things. Commissions: Not Open, working on existing commissions.
Found 20 stories in 19ms
Total Words: 32,407
Estimated Reading: 2 hours
A small family heads to the big market in the town of Cloud Reach to sell their produce and goods.
Day 30 of One Shot-tober's proper story.
Princess Luna is the guardian of dreams, each night she works her magic across the dreamscape of Equestria.
Day 24 of One Shot-tober. This time I managed to get it done on time.
A legendary gem rumored to have the properties to cure curses, The Tear of Stars is a long sought after item, but it's price is high.
Day 19 of One shot-tober.
A pair of Applejack Ranger foals head out into the slowly re-covering wasteland, however in their travel they run into a bit too much trouble for them to handle.
Day 18 of one shot-tober.
A request for a friend.
In the Batpony Colony under Canterlot mountain a trio of siblings say goodbye in a rather unusual way.
Day 15 of one shot-tober.
There are times when you feel like you can take on anything, times when you want to push the limits and do the impossible. There are also times when this backfires horribly and you pay a hefty price.
Day 14 of One Shot-tober.
For years I have been visiting the Castle of the Two Sisters on Nightmare Night, each time I get to see my beautiful lover, Nightmare Moon. Tonight though, is special, after tonight everything will change.
Day 13 of One Shot-tober
Inspired in part by Dance With My Nightmare by Vylet Pony.
Crimson Dawn, a young pegasus-batpony hybrid, learns an important, if unexpected, lesson from his dad about the nature of being a batpony.
Day 11 of One Shot-tober