• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2013


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Found 3 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 42,462
Estimated Reading: 2 hours


After a pony falls in Ponyville, Princess Celestia takes it upon herself to find the culprit responsible. But when she enters the Everfree Forest, something is amiss.

From the ashes of the Ecplise Wars that ended near a millennium ago, an ancient evil will rise. They will hunt. They will kill.

Now Luna, still having not forgiven herself for her rebellion against the throne, must fight one more time. But this time, she fights for light and life.

This time, she fights not for a throne of a kingdom, but the throne of love and forgiveness.

But what pony can forgive the sins of a goddess?

Chapters (2)

Twenty years had past since Princess Luna was freed of Nightmare Moon. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, now called the Orsi, grew old and gave birth to foals of their own who were to carry on their legacy in the Elements of Harmony.

The New Bearers. The children who trained under their parents to try and fully understand friendship when it came time for them to protect ponykind.

But then, one of the New Bearers was charged with betrayal and sent into exile. Equestria's faith in the Elements of Harmony dimmed, and with it, their future.

Now, seven years later, a lone unicorn travels to Ponyville in search of his memory only to find the town burning and its population massacred. The unicorn must set out to find the New Bearer that was exiled nearly a decade ago so, together, they can stop an evil that threatens not only Equestria, but the whole planet.

Chapters (1)

30 years have past since Luna was freed of Nightmare Moon, the now Legendary 6 have children meant to carry on their legacy in the Elements Of Harmony, but when one of the New Bearers returns after being exiled for dealing with dark magic and murder, he finds a burning Ponyville, the Legendary 6 and the New Bearers slain, he must seek out what he lost so many years ago and reclaim his honor with vengeance.

Chapters (11)