Collections of People who Put Together Collections of Words14
The Creep Box
18 users follow FruitMaster
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Stuff You Best Be Readin'
Anthropology Lyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of humans. by JasonTheHuman 130,415 words · 8,531 · 176
I Did Not Want To Die The final thoughts of a fallen soldier. Dedicated to all who serve, all who survived, and all the fallen. by kalash93 4,631 words · 152 · 19
Background Pony "My name's Lyra Heartstrings, but you won't remember anything. Listen to my symphony, for it by shortskirtsandexplosions 432,377 words · 6,862 · 248
Collections of Words
- FruitMaster · 1.1k words · 31 1 · 1.2k views
Thanks for the watch
Sorry about that.
I learned that there are a number of girls who write clopfics. Its just that the more prolific and famous clop writers seem to be men.
Nope, sorry, mate. Last I checked, I'm a male. Good luck with your search. I hope you learn many a pointless things in your quest.
Clopfics thread. I'm trying to make a list of the girls on this site who write clop. You have a female avatar, which seemed like enough of a lead to be worth investigating.