• Member Since 24th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 24th, 2016


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Found 4 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 47,104
Estimated Reading: 3 hours


Trixie's life has hit rock botom ever since the Ponyville incident. She's been blacklisted by the nobility, and now no town with aristocracy will allow her to perform, or even stay. Luckily fo her, there is a town where she can get a fresh start, and now she's found it.

The picture belongs to TheShadowBrony on deviantart.

P.S. In regard to the name change, I feel this new name is more fitting for the direction this story is going.

Chapters (3)

After being brutally rejected by Rainbow Dash once again, Scootaloo is left distraught. that is until a kinder pegasus comes into her life and shows her some compassion.

Picture by Kloudmutt http://kloudmutt.deviantart.com/

Chapters (9)

On her deathbed Princess Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle the story of the country that came before Equestria, Athelta, the land of the Alicorns

Author note: Okay, so i missed the deadline for NaPoWriMonth, but i'm still going to finish the story. To the couple of people who care, don't worry, it'll get done.

Chapter One has been edited for both Grammer problems, and a couple story points that i didnt like and thought needed changing.

Edits are done on Chapter Three, i feel much better about it now.

Chapters (12)

On a moonless night, a strange Pony explores Ponyville. She gains a glimpse into the lives of the ponies there and envies them.

Chapters (1)